| | |conférences invitées||communications sans actes| |
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| | conférences invitées |
| 1. | Valéry BOTTON , Marc CHATELAIN , Mickael ALBARIC, David PELLETIER, Daniel HENRY , Séverine MILLET , Jean Paul GARANDET (2018). |
| | Towards wall functions for the prediction of solute segregation in plane front directional solidification |
| | Thermec'2018, Paris, France. |
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| | communications sans actes |
| 1. | Virgile TAVERNIER, Séverine MILLET , Valéry BOTTON , Daniel HENRY , Mickael ALBARIC (2018). |
| | An original moving mesh method for the simulation of crystallization and purification processes of photovoltaic silicon |
| | Thermec'2018, Paris, France. |
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