| | |articles| |
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| | articles |
| 1. | Claude CAMBON, Alejandro ALVAREZ-LAGUNA, Ye ZHOU (2022). |
| | CFD for turbulence: From fundamentals to geophysics and astrophysics |
| | C. R. Méc. 350 (20 pages). doi:10.5802/crmeca.135
| 2. | Frédéric ALIZARD (2020). |
| | Oblique and streamwise vortex paths in a plane Couette flow using a RNL system |
| | C. R. Méc. 348, 959–968. doi:10.5802/crmeca.55
| 3. | Yassine SAADLAOUI, Éric FEULVARCH, Alexandre DELACHE, Jean-Baptiste LEBLOND, Jean-Michel BERGHEAU (2018). |
| | A new strategy for the numerical modeling of a weld pool |
| | C. R. Méc. 346, 999–1017. doi:10.1016/j.crme.2018.08.007
| 4. | Claude CAMBON (2017). |
| | Multipoint turbulence structure and modelling: The legacy of Antoine Craya |
| | C. R. Méc. 345, 627–641. doi:10.1016/j.crme.2017.05.004
| 5. | Frédéric ALIZARD (2017). |
| | Invariant solutions in a channel flow using a minimal restricted nonlinear model |
| | C. R. Méc. 345, 117–124. doi:10.1016/j.crme.2016.11.005
| 6. | Mokhtar BEN SASSI, Slim KADDECHE, Ali ABDENNADHER, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID, Abdelkader MOJTABI (2016). |
| | Influence of a magnetic field on the stability of a binary fluid with Soret effect |
| | C. R. Méc. 344, 1–11. doi:10.1016/j.crme.2015.09.006
| 7. | Sébastien CHALIGNÉ, Thomas CASTELAIN, Marc MICHARD, Damien CHACATON, Daniel JUVÉ (2014). |
| | Fluidic control of wake-flow behind a two-dimensional square back bluff body |
| | C. R. Méc. 342, 349–355. doi:10.1016/j.crme.2013.12.008
| 8. | Benoit ANDRÉ, Thomas CASTELAIN, Christophe BAILLY (2013). |
| | Effect of a tab on the aerodynamical development and noise of an underexpanded supersonic jet |
| | C. R. Méc. 341, 659–666. doi:10.1016/j.crme.2013.08.001
| 9. | Sébastien CHALIGNÉ, Thomas CASTELAIN, Marc MICHARD, Daniel JUVÉ (2013). |
| | Active control of the flow behind a two-dimensional bluff body in ground proximity |
| | C. R. Méc. 341, 289–297. doi:10.1016/j.crme.2012.10.043
| 10. | Jean-Michel LENOIR, Jean-Noël GENCE, Serge SIMOËNS (2011). |
| | Two time and two point shifted velocity measurements in decaying homogeneous turbulence |
| | C. R. Méc. 339, 6–11. doi:10.1016/j.crme.2010.11.009
| 11. | R. BILLOT, C. CHALONS, F. DE VUYST, N.-E. EL FAOUZI, Jacques SAU (2010). |
| | A conditionally linearly stable second-order traffic model derived from a Vlasov kinetic description |
| | C. R. Méc. 338, 529–537.
| 12. | Jacques SAU, P.-O. MALATERRE, J.-P. BEAUME (2010). |
| | Sequential Monte Carlo hydraulic state estimation of an irrigation canal |
| | C. R. Méc. 338, 212–219. doi:10.1016/j.crme.2010.03.013
| 13. | Anas EL GALLAF, Ridha TOUIHRI, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2009). |
| | Instabilities and bifurcations due to buoyancy in a cylindrical container heated from below with and without a free surface |
| | C. R. Méc. 337, 716–721. doi:10.1016/j.crme.2009.10.001
| 14. | Chaker BENZID, Slim KADDECHE, Ali ABDENNADHER, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2009). |
| | Rayleigh Bénard instabilities under high frequency vibration and magnetic field |
| | C. R. Méc. 337, 291–296. doi:10.1016/j.crme.2009.05.005
| 15. | Walid DRIDI, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2009). |
| | Influence of acoustic streaming on the instabilities appearing in a laterally heated fluid layer. |
| | C. R. Méc. 337, 238–244. doi:10.1016/j.crme.2009.04.006
| 16. | Arganthaël BERSON, Marc MICHARD, Philippe BLANC-BENON (2009). |
| | Vortex identification and tracking in unsteady flows |
| | C. R. Méc. 337, 61–67. doi:10.1016/j.crme.2009.03.006
| 17. | Séverine MILLET, François ROUSSET, Valéry BOTTON, Hamda BEN HADID (2008). |
| | Stabilité de l'écoulement à deux couches de films non-newtoniens sur un plan incliné |
| | C. R. Méc. 336, 313–319. doi:10.1016/j.crme.2007.10.021
| 18. | Ali EL BACH, Abdelaziz SALHI, Claude CAMBON (2008). |
| | Turbulent transport of a passive contaminant in an initially anisotropic turbulence subjected to rapid rotation: an analytical study using linear theory |
| | C. R. Méc. 336, 384–389. doi:10.1016/j.crme.2008.01.005
| 19. | Cédric BATIFOL, Mohamed ICHCHOU, Marie-Annick GALLAND (2008). |
| | Hybrid modal reduction for poroelastic materials |
| | C. R. Méc. 336, 757–765. doi:10.1016/j.crme.2008.09.005
| 20. | Jean-Noël GENCE (2007). |
| | Couplage statistique entre vorticité et gradient de scalaire passif dans une turbulence statistiquement homogène et isotrope mise en rotation |
| | C. R. Méc. 335, 93–98. doi:10.1016/j.crme.2007.01.003
| 21. | Xavier ESCRIVA, Thouraya BARANGER, Nejla Hariga TLATLI (2007). |
| | Leak identification in porous media by solving the Cauchy problem |
| | C. R. Méc. 335, 401–406. doi:10.1016/j.crme.2007.04.001
| 22. | Walid DRIDI, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2007). |
| | Influence of acoustic streaming on the stability of an isothermal or laterally heated fluid layer |
| | C. R. Méc. 335, 175–180. doi:10.1016/j.crme.2007.02.002
| 23. | Xiao Hang ZHANG, Hong Tao WANG, Zhi Bao DONG, Michel AYRAULT (2006). |
| | Experimental determination of the concentration Probability Density Function for a saltating particle layer |
| | C. R. Méc. 334, 13–18. doi:10.1016/j.crme.2005.10.017
| 24. | Guoxin WEI, Ivana VINKOVIC, Liang SHAO, Serge SIMOËNS (2006). |
| | Corrélations de vitesse Lagrangienne et échelle temporelle en simulation des grandes échelles |
| | C. R. Méc. 334, 298–303. doi:10.1016/j.crme.2006.03.005
| 25. | Jocelyn ÉTIENNE, Marie RASTELLO, E.J. HOPFINGER (2006). |
| | Modelling and simulation of powder-snow avalanches |
| | C. R. Méc. 334, 545–554. doi:10.1016/j.crme.2006.07.010
| 26. | Walid FAKHFAKH, Slim KADDECHE, Ali ABDENNADHER, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2006). |
| | Stability of the Hartmann flow heated from below |
| | C. R. Méc. 334, 332–339. doi:10.1016/j.crme.2006.03.010
| 27. | Thomas CASTELAIN, Jean-Christophe BÉRA, Michel SUNYACH (2006). |
| | Noise reduction of a Mach 0.7-0.9 jet by impinging microjets |
| | C. R. Méc. 334, 98–104. doi:10.1016/j.crme.2006.01.001
| 28. | Vincent FLEURY, Christophe BAILLY, Daniel JUVÉ (2005). |
| | Shear-layer acoustic radiation in an excited subsonic jet : models for vortex pairing and superdirective noise. |
| | C. R. Méc. 333, 754–761.
| 29. | Vincent FLEURY, Christophe BAILLY, Daniel JUVÉ (2005). |
| | Shear-layer acoustic radiation in an excited subsonic jet : experimental study. |
| | C. R. Méc. 333, 746–753.
| 30. | Christophe BAILLY, Christophe BOGEY, Xavier GLOERFELT (2005). |
| | Some useful hybrid approaches for predicting aerodynamic noise. |
| | C. R. Méc. 333, 666–675.
| 31. | Maher JEDIDI, Slim KADDECHE, Ali ABDENNADHER, Adel GHARBI, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2005). |
| | Effet d'un champ magnétique transversal sur la stabilité de l'écoulement de Hartmann : les modes tridimensionnels |
| | C. R. Méc. 333, 447–451. doi:10.1016/j.crme.2005.02.007
| 32. | Ivana VINKOVIC, César AGUIRRE, Serge SIMOËNS, Jean-Noël GENCE (2005). |
| | Couplage d'un modèle stochastique lagrangien sous-maille avec une simulation grandes échelles. |
| | C. R. Méc. 333, 325–330.
| 33. | David MARX, Philippe BLANC-BENON (2004). |
| | Computation of the mean velocity field above a stack plate in a thermoacoustic refrigerator. |
| | C. R. Méc. 332, 867–874. doi:10.1016/j.crme.2004.07.010
| 34. | Slim KADDECHE, Adel GHARBI, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID, Taïeb LILI (2003). |
| | Effet de l'orientation d'un champ magnétique horizontal sur la stabilité de l'écoulement de Hadley |
| | C. R. Méc. 331, 431–436. doi:10.1016/S1631-0721(03)00094-9
| 35. | Philippe BLANC-BENON, Etienne BESNOIN, Omar M. KNIO (2003). |
| | Experimental and computational visualization of the flow field in a thermoacoustic stack. |
| | C. R. Méc. 331, 17–24. doi:10.1016/S1631-0721(02)00002-5
| 36. | Olivier MARSDEN, Xavier GLOERFELT, Christophe BAILLY (2003). |
| | Direct noise computation of adaptive control applied to a cavity flow. |
| | C. R. Méc. 331, 423–429.
| 37. | Mahmoud HAMADICHE (2002). |
| | Instabilités absolue et convective de l'écoulement de Poiseuille en conduite viscoélastique. |
| | C. R. Méc. 330, 769–775. doi:10.1016/S1631-0721(02)01528-0
| 38. | Xavier GLOERFELT, Christophe BAILLY, Daniel JUVÉ (2002). |
| | Application de méthodes intégrales au calcul du bruit de cavité. |
| | C. R. Méc. 330, 13–20.
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