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| 1. | Okba MOSTEFAOUI , Zoé IANNUZZI, Diego LOPEZ , Emmanuel MIGNOT , Gislain LIPEME KOUYI, Rémy BAYARD, Valérie MASSARDIER-NAGEOTTE, Brice MOURIER (2025). |
| | Quantitative study of microplastic degradation in urban hydrosystems: Comparing in situ environmentally aged microplastics vs. artificially aged materials generated via accelerated photo-oxidation |
| | J. Hazard. Mater. 486, 137087 (12 pages). doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2024.137087
| 2. | Michel AYRAULT, Serge SIMOËNS , Patrick MÉJEAN (1998). |
| | Negative buoyancy effects on the dispersion of continuous gas plumes downwind solid obstacles. |
| | J. Hazard. Mater. 57, 79–103.
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