| | |articles||thèses/hdr||conférences invitées||communications avec actes||communications sans actes| |
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| | articles |
| 1. | Fabien DEPOILLY, Séverine MILLET, Hamda BEN HADID, Simon DAGOIS-BOHY, François ROUSSET (2024). |
| | Unifying the roll waves |
| | PLoS ONE 19, e0310805 (24 pages). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0310805
| 2. | Djibrilla MOUNKAILA NOMA, Simon DAGOIS-BOHY, Séverine MILLET, Hamda BEN HADID, Valéry BOTTON, Daniel HENRY (2023). |
| | Nonlinear evolution of viscoplastic film flows down an inclined plane |
| | Eur. Phys. J. E 46, 68 (8 pages). doi:10.1140/epje/s10189-023-00316-4
| 3. | Daniel HENRY, Bjarne VINCENT, Sophie MIRALLES, Valéry BOTTON, Hamda BEN HADID (2022). |
| | Steady and oscillatory flows generated by Eckart streaming in the two-dimensional Rayleigh–Bénard configuration |
| | J. Fluid Mech. 952, A28 (34 pages). doi:10.1017/jfm.2022.907
| 4. | Daniel HENRY, Séverine MILLET, Simon DAGOIS-BOHY, Valéry BOTTON, Hamda BEN HADID (2022). |
| | Rayleigh-Bénard flow for a Carreau fluid in a parallelepiped cavity |
| | J. Fluid Mech. 936, A24 (36 pages). doi:10.1017/jfm.2022.68
| 5. | Djibrilla MOUNKAILA NOMA, Simon DAGOIS-BOHY, Séverine MILLET, Valéry BOTTON, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2021). |
| | Primary instability of a visco-plastic film down an inclined plane: experimental study |
| | J. Fluid Mech. 922, R2 (12 pages). doi:10.1017/jfm.2021.528
| 6. | Nouhayla EL GHANI, Sophie MIRALLES, Valéry BOTTON, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID, Benoît TER-OVENASSIAN, Sabrina MARCELIN (2021). |
| | Acoustic streaming enhanced mass transfer at a wall |
| | Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 172, 121090 (11 pages). doi:10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2021.121090
| 7. | Tristan CAMBONIE, Brahim MOUDJED, Valéry BOTTON, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2017). |
| | From flying wheel to square flow: Dynamics of a flow driven by acoustic forcing |
| | Phys. Rev. Fluids 2, 123901 (21 pages). doi:10.1103/PhysRevFluids.2.123901
| 8. | Mohamed Hatem ALLOUCHE, Valéry BOTTON, Séverine MILLET, Daniel HENRY, Simon DAGOIS-BOHY, Bülent GÜZEL, Hamda BEN HADID (2017). |
| | Primary instability of a shear-thinning film flow down an incline: experimental study |
| | J. Fluid Mech. 821, R1 (11 pages). doi:10.1017/jfm.2017.276
| 9. | Mokhtar BEN SASSI, Slim KADDECHE, Marcello LAPPA, Séverine MILLET, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2017). |
| | On the effect of thermodiffusion on solute segregation during the growth of semiconductor materials by the vertical Bridgman method |
| | J. Cryst. Growth 458, 154–165. doi:10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2016.09.043
| 10. | Jun HU, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID, Xie-Yuan YIN (2016). |
| | Transient growth in Poiseuille-Rayleigh-Bénard flows of binary fluids with Soret effect |
| | Appl. Math. Mech. 37, 1203–1218. doi:10.1007/s10483-016-2121-6
| 11. | Redouane BOUSSAA, Lakhdar HACHANI, Olga BUDENKOVA, Valéry BOTTON, Daniel HENRY, Kader ZAIDAT, Hamda BEN HADID, Yves FAUTRELLE (2016). |
| | Macrosegregations in Sn-3wt%Pb alloy solidification: experimental and 3D numerical simulation investigations |
| | Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 100, 680–690. doi:10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2016.04.120
| 12. | Brahim MOUDJED, Valéry BOTTON, Daniel HENRY, Séverine MILLET, Hamda BEN HADID (2016). |
| | Y-shaped jets driven by an ultrasonic beam reflecting on a wall |
| | Ultrasonics 68, 33–42. doi:10.1016/j.ultras.2016.02.003
| 13. | Mokhtar BEN SASSI, Slim KADDECHE, Ali ABDENNADHER, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID, Abdelkader MOJTABI (2016). |
| | Influence of a magnetic field on the stability of a binary fluid with Soret effect |
| | C. R. Méc. 344, 1–11. doi:10.1016/j.crme.2015.09.006
| 14. | Brahim MOUDJED, Valéry BOTTON, Daniel HENRY, Séverine MILLET, Jean Paul GARANDET, Hamda BEN HADID (2015). |
| | Near-field acoustic streaming jet |
| | Phys. Rev. E 91, 033011 (10 pages). doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.91.033011
| 15. | Mohamed Hatem ALLOUCHE, Séverine MILLET, Valéry BOTTON, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID, François ROUSSET (2015). |
| | Stability of a flow down an incline with respect to two-dimensional and three-dimensional disturbances for Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids |
| | Phys. Rev. E 92, 063010 (9 pages). doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.92.063010
| 16. | Slim KADDECHE, Jean Paul GARANDET, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID, Abdelkader MOJTABI (2015). |
| | On the effect of natural convection on solute segregation in the horizontal Bridgman configuration: Convergence of a theoretical model with numerical and experimental data |
| | J. Cryst. Growth 409, 89–94. doi:10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2014.10.009
| 17. | Mohamed Hatem ALLOUCHE, Valéry BOTTON, Daniel HENRY, Séverine MILLET, Ranganathan USHA, Hamda BEN HADID (2015). |
| | Experimental determination of the viscosity at very low shear rate for shear thinning fluids by electrocapillarity |
| | J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 215, 60–69. doi:10.1016/j.jnnfm.2014.11.003
| 18. | Pierre VALIORGUE, Nicolas SOUZY, Mahmoud EL HAJEM, Hamda BEN HADID, Serge SIMOËNS (2014). |
| | Erratum to: Concentration measurement in the wake of a free rising bubble using planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF) with a calibration taking into account fluorescence extinction variations |
| | Exp. Fluids 55 (2 pages). doi:10.1007/s00348-014-1700-1
| 19. | Brahim MOUDJED, Valéry BOTTON, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID, Jean Paul GARANDET (2014). |
| | Scaling and dimensional analysis of acoustic streaming jets |
| | Phys. Fluids 26, 093602 (22 pages). doi:10.1063/1.4895518
| 20. | Brahim MOUDJED, Valéry BOTTON, Daniel HENRY, Séverine MILLET, Jean Paul GARANDET, Hamda BEN HADID (2014). |
| | Oscillating acoustic streaming jet |
| | Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 184102 (4 pages). doi:10.1063/1.4901319
| 21. | Pierre VALIORGUE, Hamda BEN HADID, Mahmoud EL HAJEM, L. RIMBAUD, Arnaud MULLER-FEUGA, Jean-Yves CHAMPAGNE (2014). |
| | CO2 mass transfer and conversion to biomass in a horizontal gas-liquid photobioreactor |
| | Chem. Eng. Res. Des. 92, 1891–1897. doi:10.1016/j.cherd.2014.02.021
| 22. | Séverine MILLET, Valéry BOTTON, Hamda BEN HADID, Daniel HENRY, François ROUSSET (2013). |
| | Stability of two-layer shear-thinning film flows |
| | Phys. Rev. E 88, 043004 (14 pages). doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.88.043004
| 23. | Valéry BOTTON, Redouane BOUSSAA, R. DEBACQUE, Lakhdar HACHANI, Kader ZAIDAT, Hamda BEN HADID, Yves FAUTRELLE, Daniel HENRY (2013). |
| | A 2D 1/2 model for low Prandtl number convection in an enclosure |
| | Int. J. Therm. Sci. 71 (8 pages). doi:10.1016/j.ijthermalsci.2013.04.017
| 24. | Mohamed Hatem ALLOUCHE, Valéry BOTTON, Bülent GÜZEL, Hamda BEN HADID, Séverine MILLET, Daniel HENRY (2013). |
| | Dispositif expérimental pour l'étude d'ondes à la surface de films non-Newtoniens s'écoulant sur un plan incliné |
| | Revue de Mécanique Appliquée et Théorique 2, 617–627.
| 25. | Pierre VALIORGUE, Nicolas SOUZY, Mahmoud EL HAJEM, Hamda BEN HADID, Serge SIMOËNS (2013). |
| | Concentration measurement in the wake of a free rising bubble using planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF) with a calibration taking into account fluorescence extinction variations |
| | Exp. Fluids 54, 1501 (10 pages). doi:10.1007/s00348-014-1700-1
| 26. | Juan Felipe TORRES, Daniel HENRY, Atsuki KOMIYA, Shigenao MARUYAMA, Hamda BEN HADID (2013). |
| | Three-dimensional continuation study of convection in a tilted rectangular enclosure. |
| | Phys. Rev. E 88, 043015 (17 pages). doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.88.043015
| 27. | Jun HU, Daniel HENRY, Xie-Yuan YIN, Hamda BEN HADID (2012). |
| | Linear biglobal analysis of Rayleigh?Bénard instabilities in binary fluids with and without throughflow |
| | J. Fluid Mech. 713, 216–242. doi:10.1017/jfm.2012.455
| 28. | Daniel HENRY, Ridha TOUIHRI, Rachida BOUHLILA, Hamda BEN HADID (2012). |
| | Multiple flow solutions in buoyancy induced convection in a porous square box |
| | Water Resour. Res. 48, W10538 (15 pages). doi:10.1029/2012WR011995
| 29. | Hamda BEN HADID, Walid DRIDI, Valéry BOTTON, Brahim MOUDJED, Daniel HENRY (2012). |
| | Instabilities in the Rayleigh-Benard-Eckart problem |
| | Phys. Rev. E 86, 016312 (11 pages). doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.86.016312
| 30. | Ridha TOUIHRI, Anas EL GALLAF, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2011). |
| | Instabilities in a cylindrical cavity heated from below with a free surface. II. Effect of a horizontal magnetic field. |
| | Phys. Rev. E 84, 056303 (13 pages). doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.84.056303
| 31. | Ridha TOUIHRI, Anas EL GALLAF, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2011). |
| | Instabilities in a cylindrical cavity heated from below with a free surface. I. Effect of Biot and Marangoni numbers. |
| | Phys. Rev. E 84, 056302 (19 pages). doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.84.056302
| 32. | Hong LEI, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2011). |
| | Acoustic force model for the fluid flow under standing waves. |
| | Appl. Acoust. 72, 754–759. doi:10.1016/j.apacoust.2011.04.007
| 33. | Ranganathan USHA, Séverine MILLET, Hamda BEN HADID, François ROUSSET (2011). |
| | Shear-thinning film on a porous substrate: Stability analysis of a one-sided model |
| | Chem. Eng. Sci. 66, 5614–5627. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2011.07.041
| 34. | R. EL OTMANI, M. ZINET, M. BOUTAOUS, Hamda BEN HADID (2011). |
| | Numerical simulation and thermal analysis of the filling stage in the injection molding process: role of the mold-polymer interface |
| | J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 121, 1579–1592. doi:10.1002/app.33699
| 35. | Pierre VALIORGUE, Mahmoud EL HAJEM, Assen VASSILEV, Valéry BOTTON, Hamda BEN HADID (2011). |
| | Elongated gas bubble dissolution under a turbulent liquid flow |
| | Chem. Eng. Process. 50, 854–858. doi:10.1016/j.cep.2011.05.005
| 36. | Walid FAKHFAKH, Slim KADDECHE, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2010). |
| | Selective control of Poiseuille?Rayleigh?Bénard instabilities by a spanwise magnetic field |
| | Phys. Fluids 22, 034103 (10 pages). doi:10.1063/1.3327287
| | Rotating magnetic field effect on convection and its stability in a horizontal cylinder subjected to a longitudinal temperature gradient |
| | J. Fluid Mech. 664, 108–137. doi:10.1017/S0022112010003678
| 38. | Walid DRIDI, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2010). |
| | Stability of buoyant convection in a layer submitted to acoustic streaming |
| | Phys. Rev. E 81, 056309 (22 pages). doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.81.056309
| 39. | Séverine MILLET, François ROUSSET, Valéry BOTTON, Hamda BEN HADID (2009). |
| | Stability analysis of stratified coating flow of shear-thinning fluids |
| | Eur. Phys. J. - Spec. Top. 166, 143–146. doi:10.1140/epjst/e2009-00895-9
| 40. | Jun HU, Xie-Yuan YIN, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2009). |
| | Spatiotemporal evolution of Poiseuille-Rayleigh-Bénard flows in binary fluids with Soret effect under initial pulselike disturbances |
| | Phys. Rev. E 80, 026312 (14 pages). doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.80.026312
| 41. | Chaker BENZID, Slim KADDECHE, Ali ABDENNADHER, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2009). |
| | Rayleigh Bénard instabilities under high frequency vibration and magnetic field |
| | C. R. Méc. 337, 291–296. doi:10.1016/j.crme.2009.05.005
| 42. | Walid DRIDI, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2009). |
| | Influence of acoustic streaming on the instabilities appearing in a laterally heated fluid layer. |
| | C. R. Méc. 337, 238–244. doi:10.1016/j.crme.2009.04.006
| 43. | D.V. LYUBIMOV, T.P. LYUBIMOVA, A.B. PERMINOV, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2009). |
| | Stability of convection in a horizontal channel subjected to a longitudinal temperature gradient. Part 2. Effect of a magnetic field |
| | J. Fluid Mech. 635, 297–319. doi:10.1017/S0022112009007575
| | Stability of convection in a horizontal channel subjected to a longitudinal temperature gradient. Part 1. Effect of aspect ratio and Prandtl number |
| | J. Fluid Mech. 635, 275–295. doi:10.1017/S0022112009007587
| 45. | Anas EL GALLAF, Ridha TOUIHRI, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2009). |
| | Instabilities and bifurcations due to buoyancy in a cylindrical container heated from below with and without a free surface |
| | C. R. Méc. 337, 716–721. doi:10.1016/j.crme.2009.10.001
| 46. | Walid DRIDI, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2008). |
| | Influence of acoustic streaming on the stability of melt flows in horizontal Bridgman configurations |
| | J. Cryst. Growth 310, 1546–1551. doi:10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2007.11.014
| 47. | Daniel HENRY, Anne JUEL, Hamda BEN HADID, Slim KADDECHE (2008). |
| | Directional effect of a magnetic field on oscillatory low-Prandtl-number convection |
| | Phys. Fluids 20, 034104 (12 pages). doi:10.1063/1.2856125
| 48. | Walid DRIDI, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2008). |
| | Influence of acoustic streaming on the stability of a laterally heated 3D cavity |
| | Phys. Rev. E 77, 046311 (6 pages). doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.77.046311
| 49. | Jun HU, Hamda BEN HADID, Daniel HENRY, Abdelkader MOJTABI (2008). |
| | Linear temporal and spatio-temporal stability analysis of binary liquid films flowing down an inclined uniformly heated plate |
| | J. Fluid Mech. 599, 269–298. doi:10.1017/S0022112007000110
| 50. | Jun HU, Xie-Yuan YIN, Hamda BEN HADID, Daniel HENRY (2008). |
| | Linear temporal and spatio-temporal stability analysis of two-layer falling films with density stratification |
| | Phys. Rev. E 77, 026302 (14 pages). doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.77.026302
| 51. | Séverine MILLET, François ROUSSET, Valéry BOTTON, Hamda BEN HADID (2008). |
| | Stabilité de l'écoulement à deux couches de films non-newtoniens sur un plan incliné |
| | C. R. Méc. 336, 313–319. doi:10.1016/j.crme.2007.10.021
| 52. | Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID, Slim KADDECHE, Walid DRIDI (2008). |
| | Magnetic stabilization of melt flows in horizontal Bridgman configurations |
| | J. Cryst. Growth 310, 1533–1539. doi:10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2007.11.160
| 53. | Séverine MILLET, Valéry BOTTON, François ROUSSET, Hamda BEN HADID (2008). |
| | Wave celerity on a shear-thinning fluid film flowing down an incline |
| | Phys. Fluids 20, 031701. doi:10.1063/1.2889140
| 54. | Assen VASSILEV, Hamda BEN HADID, Mahmoud EL HAJEM, Valéry BOTTON (2007). |
| | Experimental and numerical investigation of an air pocket immersed in a horizontal water duct flow |
| | Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow 28, 673–682. doi:10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2007.02.005
| 55. | Cheng-Jun JING, X.L. LIU, S. LIN, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2007). |
| | An application of proper orthogonal decomposition to the stability analysis of Czochralski melt flows |
| | J. Cryst. Growth 306, 166–176. doi:10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2007.03.042
| 56. | Aouatef RACHDI, Slim KADDECHE, Adel GHARBI, Taïeb LILI, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2007). |
| | Effect of a weak polar misalignment of the magnetic field on the stabilization of the Hadley flow |
| | J. Cryst. Growth 306, 473–479. doi:10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2007.05.036
| 57. | Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2007). |
| | Multiple modes of instability in a box heated from the side in low-Prandtl-number fluids |
| | Phys. Fluids 19, 081702 (4 pages). doi:10.1063/1.2770514
| 58. | Walid DRIDI, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2007). |
| | Influence of acoustic streaming on the stability of an isothermal or laterally heated fluid layer |
| | C. R. Méc. 335, 175–180. doi:10.1016/j.crme.2007.02.002
| 59. | Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2007). |
| | Multiple flow transitions in a box heated from the side in low-Prandtl-number fluids |
| | Phys. Rev. E 76, 016314 (9 pages). doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.76.016314
| 60. | Jun HU, Hamda BEN HADID, Daniel HENRY (2007). |
| | Linear stability analysis of Poiseuille-Rayleigh-Bénard flows in binary fluids with Soret effect |
| | Phys. Fluids 19, 034101 (17 pages). doi:10.1063/1.2709931
| 61. | François ROUSSET, Séverine MILLET, Valéry BOTTON, Hamda BEN HADID (2007). |
| | Temporal stability of Carreau fluid flow down an incline |
| | J. Fluids Eng. 129, 913–920. doi:10.1115/1.2742737
| 62. | Walid FAKHFAKH, Slim KADDECHE, Ali ABDENNADHER, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2006). |
| | Stability of the Hartmann flow heated from below |
| | C. R. Méc. 334, 332–339. doi:10.1016/j.crme.2006.03.010
| 63. | Samuel VAUX, Hamda BEN HADID, Daniel HENRY (2006). |
| | Study of the hydrodynamic instabilities in a differentially heated horizontal circular cylinder corresponding to a Bridgman growth configuration |
| | J. Cryst. Growth 290, 674–682. doi:10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2006.02.013
| 64. | Hong LEI, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2006). |
| | Numerical study of the influence of a longitudinal sound field on natural convection in a cavity |
| | Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 49, 3601–3616. doi:10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2006.02.045
| 65. | Jun HU, Séverine MILLET, Valéry BOTTON, Hamda BEN HADID, Daniel HENRY (2006). |
| | Inertialess temporal and spatio-temporal stability analysis of the two-layer film flow with density stratification |
| | Phys. Fluids 18, 104101 (14 pages). doi:10.1063/1.2357026
| 66. | Daniel HENRY, Slim KADDECHE, Hamda BEN HADID (2005). |
| | Stabilization of thermogravitational flows by magnetic field and surface tension |
| | Phys. Fluids 17, 054106 (9 pages). doi:10.1063/1.1901724
| 67. | M. K. ACHOUR, Slim KADDECHE, Adel GHARBI, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2005). |
| | On the stability of the Hadley flow under the action of an acoustic wave |
| | Fluid Dyn. Material Proc. 1, 277–283.
| 68. | Maher JEDIDI, Slim KADDECHE, Ali ABDENNADHER, Adel GHARBI, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2005). |
| | Effet d'un champ magnétique transversal sur la stabilité de l'écoulement de Hartmann : les modes tridimensionnels |
| | C. R. Méc. 333, 447–451. doi:10.1016/j.crme.2005.02.007
| 69. | Dong Jun MA, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2005). |
| | Three-dimensional numerical study of natural convection in vertical cylinders partially heated from the side. |
| | Phys. Fluids 17, 124101 (12 pages). doi:10.1063/1.2141430
| 70. | Bjorn HOF, Anne JUEL, Liangju ZHAO, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID, Tom MULLIN (2004). |
| | On the onset of oscillatory convection in molten gallium |
| | J. Fluid Mech. 515, 391–413. doi:10.1017/S0022112004000527
| 71. | Slim KADDECHE, Adel GHARBI, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID, Taïeb LILI (2003). |
| | Effet de l'orientation d'un champ magnétique horizontal sur la stabilité de l'écoulement de Hadley |
| | C. R. Méc. 331, 431–436. doi:10.1016/S1631-0721(03)00094-9
| 72. | Slim KADDECHE, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2003). |
| | Magnetic stabilization of the buoyant convection between infinite horizontal walls with a horizontal temperature gradient |
| | J. Fluid Mech. 480, 185–216. doi:10.1017/S0022112002003622
| 73. | Cheng-Jun JING, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID, Nobuyoki IMAISHI (2003). |
| | Low-order dynamical model for low-Prandtl number fluid flow in a laterally heated cavity |
| | Phys. Fluids 15, 2152–2162. doi:10.1063/1.1577119
| 74. | Slim KADDECHE, Daniel HENRY, Thibault PUTELAT, Hamda BEN HADID (2002). |
| | Instabilities in liquid metals controlled by constant magnetic field. Part I : Vertical magnetic field. |
| | J. Cryst. Growth 242, 491–500. doi:10.1016/S0022-0248(02)01427-6
| 75. | John S. WALKER, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2002). |
| | Magnetic stabilization of the buoyant convection in the liquid-encapsulated Czochralski process. |
| | J. Cryst. Growth 243, 108–116. doi:10.1016/S0022-0248(02)01487-2
| 76. | Slim KADDECHE, Hamda BEN HADID, Thibault PUTELAT, Daniel HENRY (2002). |
| | Instabilities in liquid metals controlled by constant magnetic field. Part II : Horizontal magnetic field. |
| | J. Cryst. Growth 242, 501–510. doi:10.1016/S0022-0248(02)01428-8
| 77. | Hamda BEN HADID, Samuel VAUX, Slim KADDECHE (2001). |
| | Three-dimensional flow transitions under a rotating magnetic field. |
| | J. Cryst. Growth 230, 57–62.
| 78. | Fatima Zohra HADDAD, Jean Paul GARANDET, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2001). |
| | Solidification in Bridgman configuration with solutally induced flow. |
| | J. Cryst. Growth 230, 188–194. doi:10.1016/S0022-0248(01)01355-0
| 79. | Anne JUEL, Tom MULLIN, Hamda BEN HADID, Daniel HENRY (2001). |
| | Three-dimensional free convection in molten gallium |
| | J. Fluid Mech. 436, 267–281. doi:10.1017/S0022112001003937
| 80. | Ridha TOUIHRI, Hamda BEN HADID, Daniel HENRY (2000). |
| | Bifurcation analysis of convective instabilities in a cylindrical cavity heated from below and submitted to a constant magnetic field |
| | Notes Num. Fluid Mech. 74, 227–239.
| 81. | Fatima Zohra HADDAD, Jean Paul GARANDET, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2000). |
| | Analysis of the unsteady segregation in crystal growth from a melt. II - Fluctuating convection velocity. |
| | J. Cryst. Growth 220, 166–175. doi:10.1016/S0022-0248(00)00587-X
| 82. | Thibault PUTELAT, Slim KADDECHE, Hamda BEN HADID, Daniel HENRY (1999). |
| | Circulation de Hadley dans une cavité rectangulaire sous champ magnétique vertical. |
| | Journal de Chimie Physique 96, 1091–1097.
| 83. | Ridha TOUIHRI, Hamda BEN HADID, Daniel HENRY (1999). |
| | Stabilisation par champ magnétique de la convection en cavité cylindrique chauffée par le bas. |
| | Journal de Chimie Physique 96, 1098–1104.
| 84. | Anne JUEL, Tom MULLIN, Hamda BEN HADID, Daniel HENRY (1999). |
| | Magnetohydrodynamic convection in molten gallium. |
| | J. Fluid Mech. 378, 97–118.
| 85. | Ridha TOUIHRI, Hamda BEN HADID, Daniel HENRY (1999). |
| | On the onset of convective instabilities in cylindrical cavities heated from below. II. Effect of a magnetic field |
| | Phys. Fluids 11, 2089–2100. doi:10.1063/1.870071
| 86. | Ridha TOUIHRI, Hamda BEN HADID, Daniel HENRY (1999). |
| | On the onset of convective instabilities in cylindrical cavities heated from below. I. Pure thermal case |
| | Phys. Fluids 11, 2078–2088. doi:10.1063/1.870070
| 87. | Fatima Zohra HADDAD, Jean Paul GARANDET, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (1999). |
| | Analysis of the unsteady segregation in crystal growth from a melt. I : Fluctuating interface velocity. |
| | J. Cryst. Growth 204, 213–223. doi:10.1016/S0022-0248(99)00093-7
| 88. | Hamda BEN HADID, Slim KADDECHE, Daniel HENRY (1998). |
| | Oscillatory convection in a cylindrical cavity and stability of magnetohydrodynamic Hadley flows |
| | Progress Astronautics Aeronautics 182, 801–816.
| 89. | Ridha TOUIHRI, Hamda BEN HADID, Daniel HENRY (1998). |
| | Effect of a constant and uniform magnetic field on Rayleigh-Bénard instabilities in cylindrical cavities |
| | Advances in Fluid Mechanics 21, 161–170.
| 90. | Alain BERGEON, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID, Laurette S. TUCKERMAN (1998). |
| | Marangoni convection in binary mixtures with Soret effect. |
| | J. Fluid Mech. 375, 143–177.
| 91. | Alain BERGEON, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (1998). |
| | 2D and 3D Marangoni pattern selection in shallow cavities. |
| | Advances Space Research 22, 1223–1226. doi:10.1016/S0273-1177(98)00151-3
| 92. | Hamda BEN HADID, Ridha TOUIHRI, Daniel HENRY (1998). |
| | MHD damped convection under non uniform magnetic fields. |
| | Advances Space Research 22, 1213–1216. doi:10.1016/S0273-1177(98)00149-5
| 93. | Hamda BEN HADID, Daniel HENRY, Slim KADDECHE (1997). |
| | Numerical study of convection in the horizontal Bridgman configuration under the action of a constant magnetic field. Part I : Two - dimensional flow. |
| | J. Fluid Mech. 333, 23–56.
| 94. | Hamda BEN HADID, Daniel HENRY, Ridha TOUIHRI (1997). |
| | Unsteady three-dimensional buoyancy-driven convection in a circular cylindrical cavity and its damping by magnetic field. |
| | J. Cryst. Growth 180, 433–441. doi:10.1016/S0022-0248(97)00291-1
| 95. | Hamda BEN HADID, Daniel HENRY (1997). |
| | Numerical study of convection in the horizontal Bridgman configuration under the action of a constant magnetic field. Part II : Three dimensional flow. |
| | J. Fluid Mech. 333, 57–83.
| 96. | Hamda BEN HADID, Daniel HENRY (1996). |
| | Numerical simulation of convective three dimensional flows in a horizontal cylinder under the action of a constant magnetic field. |
| | J. Cryst. Growth 166, 436–445. doi:10.1016/0022-0248(96)00044-9
| 97. | Slim KADDECHE, Jean Paul GARANDET, Catherine BARAT, Hamda BEN HADID, Daniel HENRY (1996). |
| | Interface curvature and convection related macrosegregation in the vertical Bridgman configuration. |
| | J. Cryst. Growth 158, 144–152. doi:10.1016/0022-0248(95)00316-9
| 98. | Alain BERGEON, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (1995). |
| | Analytical linear stability analysis of the Marangoni instability in binary mixtures with the Soret effect. |
| | Microgravity Quarterly 5, 123–129.
| 99. | Slim KADDECHE, Hamda BEN HADID, Daniel HENRY (1994). |
| | Macrosegregation and convection in the horizontal Bridgman configuration, Part II : Concentrated alloys. |
| | J. Cryst. Growth 141, 279–290. doi:10.1016/0022-0248(94)90121-X
| 100. | Slim KADDECHE, Hamda BEN HADID, Daniel HENRY (1994). |
| | Macrosegregation and convection in the horizontal Bridgman configuration, Part I : Dilute alloys |
| | J. Cryst. Growth 135, 341–353. doi:10.1016/0022-0248(94)90761-7
| 101. | Alain BERGEON, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (1994). |
| | Marangoni-Bénard instability in microgravity conditions with Soret effect. |
| | Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 37, 1545–1562. doi:10.1016/0017-9310(94)90171-6
| 102. | Alain BERGEON, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID, Laurette S. TUCKERMAN (1994). |
| | Stability analysis of Marangoni convection in binary mixtures subjected to the Soret effect |
| | ASME / Heat Transfer Division 290, 63–69.
| 103. | Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID, Stéphane VAN VAERENBERGH, Jean Claude LEGROS, Bernard ROUX (1992). |
| | Marangoni Bénard instabilities in liquid mixtures with Soret effect |
| | ESA Publications 333, 717–722.
| 104. | Hamda BEN HADID, Bernard ROUX (1992). |
| | Buoyancy and thermocapillary driven flows in differentially heated cavities for low Prandtl number fluids. |
| | J. Fluid Mech. 235, 1–36.
| 105. | D. THEVENARD, Hamda BEN HADID (1991). |
| | Low-Prandtl number convection in a rectangular cavity with longitudinal thermal gradient and transverse g-jitters. |
| | Eur. J. Mech. B-Fluids 34, 2167–2173.
| 106. | Hamda BEN HADID, Bernard ROUX, Patrice LAURE (1990). |
| | Thermocapillary effects on the stability of buoyancy-drivers flows in shallow cavities. |
| | ERCOFTAC Bulletin 11, 625–644.
| 107. | Hamda BEN HADID, Bernard ROUX (1990). |
| | Thermocapillary convection in long horizontal layers of low Prandtl number melts subject to a horizontal temperature gradient. |
| | J. Fluid Mech. 221, 77–103.
| 108. | Patrice LAURE, Bernard ROUX, Hamda BEN HADID (1990). |
| | Non-linear study of the flow in a long rectangular cavity subjected to thermocapillary effect. |
| | Journal de Physique (supplément) A2, 516–524.
| | |
| | thèses/hdr |
| 1. | Djibrilla NOMA (dir.: Simon DAGOIS-BOHY, Séverine MILLET, Hamda BEN HADID) (2021). |
| | Stabilité d’un film viscoplastique sur un plan incliné |
| | Thèse Université Claude-Bernard Lyon 1 |
| 2. | Redouane BOUSSAA (dir.: Hamda BEN HADID, Valéry BOTTON, Daniel HENRY) (2014). |
| | Etude de l'influence de la convection naturelle lors de la solidification des métaux purs et des alliages métalliques binaires : expériences et simulations |
| | Thèse Université Claude-Bernard Lyon 1 |
| 3. | Mohamed Hatem ALLOUCHE (dir.: Valéry BOTTON, Hamda BEN HADID, Daniel HENRY) (2014). |
| | Etude théorique et expérimentale de la stabilité de l'écoulement de films de fluide non-Newtonien sur plan incliné |
| | Thèse Université Claude-Bernard Lyon 1 |
| 4. | Brahim MOUDJED (dir.: Hamda BEN HADID, Valéry BOTTON, Jean Paul GARANDET, Daniel HENRY) (2013). |
| | Caractérisation expérimentale et théorique des écoulements entraînés par ultrasons. Perspectives d'utilisation dans les procédés de solidification du silicium photovoltaïque |
| | Thèse Institut national des sciences appliquées de Lyon |
| 5. | Pierre VALIORGUE (dir.: Hamda BEN HADID, Mahmoud EL HAJEM) (2012). |
| | Mass transfer in intermittent horizontal gas-liquid flow and application to photobioreactors |
| | Thèse Université Claude-Bernard Lyon 1 |
| | http://www.theses.fr/2012LYO10266/document |
| 6. | Saher MCHEIK (dir.: Hamda BEN HADID, Xavier ESCRIVA) (2011). |
| | Etude des instabilités et des transferts dans les pont liquides avec surface libre |
| | Thèse Université Claude-Bernard Lyon 1 |
| 7. | Anas EL GALLAF (dir.: Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID) (2009). |
| | Etude de la dynamique non-linéaire des écoulements chauffés et soumis à des champs magnétiques |
| | Thèse École centrale de Lyon |
| | http://bibli.ec-lyon.fr/exl-doc/TH_T2186_aelgallaf.pdf |
| 8. | Walid DRIDI (dir.: Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID) (2008). |
| | Influence de l'acoustic streaming sur les instabilités des écoulements chauffés latéralement |
| | Thèse Université Claude-Bernard Lyon 1 |
| 9. | Séverine MILLET (dir.: Hamda BEN HADID, Valéry BOTTON) (2007). |
| | Stabilité de l'écoulement multicouche de films non newtoniens sur un plan incliné |
| | Thèse Institut national des sciences appliquées de Lyon |
| | http://theses.insa-lyon.fr/publication/2007ISAL0115/these.pdf |
| 10. | Assen VASSILEV (dir.: Hamda BEN HADID) (2006). |
| | Etude expérimentale et numérique des phénomènes à l'interface d'une poche de gaz immobilisée au sein d'un écoulement permanent de liquide. |
| | Thèse Institut national des sciences appliquées de Lyon |
| 11. | Samuel VAUX (dir.: Hamda BEN HADID, Daniel HENRY) (2004). |
| | Etude numérique des instabilités hydrodynamiques dans un cylindre soumis à un gradient horizontal de température |
| | Thèse Université Claude-Bernard Lyon 1 |
| 12. | Fatima Zohra HADDAD (dir.: Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID) (2000). |
| | Caractérisation de la ségrégation sous sollicitation instationnaire et convection solutale en solidification Bridgman horizontale |
| | Thèse École centrale de Lyon |
| 13. | Ridha TOUIHRI (dir.: Hamda BEN HADID, Daniel HENRY) (1998). |
| | Stabilité des écoulements dans une cavité cylindrique chauffée par le bas en présence d'un champ magnétique |
| | Thèse École centrale de Lyon |
| 14. | Alain BERGEON (dir.: Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID) (1995). |
| | Instabilités de Marangoni-Bénard en présence d'effet Soret. |
| | Thèse École centrale de Lyon |
| 15. | Slim KADDECHE (dir.: Hamda BEN HADID, Daniel HENRY) (1995). |
| | Magnétohydrodynamique et ségrégation en configuration de Bridgman |
| | Thèse École centrale de Lyon |
| | |
| | conférences invitées |
| 1. | Valéry BOTTON, Brahim MOUDJED, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID, Jean Paul GARANDET (2014). |
| | Acoustic streaming: a new tool for crystal growth? |
| | E-MRS, 2014 Spring Meeting, Lille, France. |
| 2. | T. DUFFAR, Kader ZAIDAT, Lakhdar HACHANI, Redouane BOUSSAA, B. SAADI, G. CHICHIGNOUD, Valéry BOTTON, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID, Yves FAUTRELLE (2013). |
| | Solidification of metallic alloys under travelling magnetic field |
| | 8th International Conference on Processing and Manufacturing of Advanced Materials (THERMEC' 2013), Las Vegas, United States. |
| 3. | Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID, Juan Felipe TORRES (2013). |
| | Newton-Krylov based continuation method to study convection in a tilted parallelepiped cavity. |
| | Workshop on Efficient solution of large systems of non-linear PDEs in science, Lyon, France. |
| 4. | Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID, Valéry BOTTON, Séverine MILLET, Walid DRIDI, Anas EL GALLAF, Brahim MOUDJED, Mohamed Hatem ALLOUCHE, Juan Felipe TORRES (2011). |
| | Transport phenomena, instabilities and bifurcations in material processing. |
| | ELyT School 2011 organized by the LIA ELyT between Lyon (France) and Tohoku (Japan), Lyon, France. |
| | |
| | communications avec actes |
| 1. | Idir HAMZAOUI, Redouane BOUSSAA, Valéry BOTTON, Daniel HENRY, Séverine MILLET, Ahmed BENZAOUI, Ahcéne BOUABDALLAH, Hamda BEN HADID (2017). |
| | Convection naturelle dans une cavité confinée : une modélisation 2D 1/2 |
| | 23 ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Lille, France. |
| | In: Actes du 23 ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Association Française de Mécanique, Courbevoie, 135211 (6 pages).
| 2. | Simon DAGOIS-BOHY, Mohamed Hatem ALLOUCHE, Séverine MILLET, Valéry BOTTON, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID, François ROUSSET (2016). |
| | Stability of a non-Newtonian flow down an incline |
| | 24th International Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM 2016), Montréal, Canada. |
| | In: Contributions to the Foundations of Multidisciplinary Research in Mechanics, IUTAM, .
| 3. | Valéry BOTTON, Brahim MOUDJED, Daniel HENRY, Séverine MILLET, Hamda BEN HADID, Jean Paul GARANDET (2015). |
| | Acoustic streaming jets: A scaling and dimensional analysis |
| | 20th International Symposium on Nonlinear Acoustics (ISNA), Lyon, France. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4934385 |
| | In: Philippe BLANC-BENON (Ed.), Victor W. SPARROW (Ed.), Didier DRAGNA (Ed.), Recent Developments in Nonlinear Acoustics, AIP, New York, USA, 030002. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4934385
| 4. | Mohamed Hatem ALLOUCHE, Valéry BOTTON, Daniel HENRY, Séverine MILLET, Hamda BEN HADID, Ranganathan USHA (2015). |
| | Etude expérimentale de la stabilité de l'écoulement de films de fluide non Newtonien sur plan incliné |
| | CFM 2015 : Congrès Français de Mécanique, Lyon, France. |
| | In: Alain COMBESCURE (Ed.), Michel LANCE (Ed.), Actes du 22ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Association Française de Mécanique, Courbevoie.
| | |
| 5. | Brahim MOUDJED, Valéry BOTTON, Daniel HENRY, Séverine MILLET, Hamda BEN HADID (2015). |
| | Ecoulement généré par un faisceau d'ultrasons se réfléchissant sur une paroi |
| | CFM 2015 : Congrès Français de Mécanique, Lyon, France. |
| | In: Alain COMBESCURE (Ed.), Michel LANCE (Ed.), Actes du 22ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Association Française de Mécanique, Courbevoie.
| 6. | Valéry BOTTON, Brahim MOUDJED, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID, Jean Paul GARANDET, Alban POTHÉRAT (2014). |
| | Acoustic streaming jets in liquids |
| | ASME 2014 4th Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting (FEDSM 2014), Chicago, United States. |
| | In: Proceedings of FEDSM 2014, ASME, New York, USA, FEDSM2014-22042.
| 7. | Valéry BOTTON, Séverine MILLET, François ROUSSET, Bülent GÜZEL, Hamda BEN HADID (2011). |
| | Etude expérimentale et théorique de stabilité de film rhéofluidifiant coulant sur un plan incliné |
| | 20ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Besançon, France. |
| | In: Actes du CFM 2011, Association Française de Mécanique, Courbevoie.
| 8. | Valéry BOTTON, Brahim MOUDJED, Walid DRIDI, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID, Emmanuel JONDEAU, Nathalie GROSJEAN (2011). |
| | Etude expérimentale et théorique d'un écoulement entraîné par des ultrasons (acoustic streaming) |
| | 20ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Besançon, France. |
| | In: Actes du CFM 2011, Association Française de Mécanique, Courbevoie.
| | full text |
| 9. | Séverine MILLET, Valéry BOTTON, Bülent GÜZEL, Hamda BEN HADID, François ROUSSET (2010). |
| | Shear-thinning film flows over a permeable or porous inclined plane : phenomenology of long wave instabilities |
| | ASME 2010 3rd Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting (FEDSM2010), Montreal, Quebec, Canada. doi:10.1115/FEDSM-ICNMM2010-30463 |
| | In: Proceedings of the ASME 2010 Joint U.S.-European Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting, ASME, New York, USA. doi:10.1115/FEDSM-ICNMM2010-30463
| 10. | R. EL OTMANI, M. BOUTAOUS, Hamda BEN HADID (2010). |
| | Simulation of two-phase flow using conservative level-set method without re-initialization process |
| | ASME 2010 3rd Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting (FEDSM2010), Montreal, Quebec, Canada. doi:10.1115/FEDSM-ICNMM2010-30211 |
| | In: Proceedings of the ASME 2010 Joint U.S.-European Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting, ASME, New York, USA, 30211. doi:10.1115/FEDSM-ICNMM2010-30211
| 11. | Ranganathan USHA, Séverine MILLET, Hamda BEN HADID, François ROUSSET (2010). |
| | Stability of a shear-thinning film on a porous substrate |
| | ASME 2010 3rd Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting (FEDSM2010), Montreal, Quebec, Canada. doi:10.1115/FEDSM-ICNMM2010-30464 |
| | In: Proceedings of the ASME 2010 Joint U.S.-European Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting, ASME, New York, USA, 30464. doi:10.1115/FEDSM-ICNMM2010-30464
| 12. | Anas EL GALLAF, Ridha TOUIHRI, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2009). |
| | Structures convectives dans les écoulements à surface libre. |
| | 19ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Marseille, France. |
| | In: Actes du 19ème Congrès français de mécanique, Association Française de Mécanique, Courbevoie.
| 13. | Walid DRIDI, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2007). |
| | Action des ondes acoustiques sur la stabilité des écoulements en cavité 3D chauffée latéralement |
| | 18ème Congrès français de mécanique, Grenoble, France. |
| | In: Jacqueline ETAY (Ed.), E.J. HOPFINGER (Ed.), Philippe MARTY (Ed.), Actes du 18ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Association Française de Mécanique, Courbevoie.
| 14. | Séverine MILLET, François ROUSSET, Valéry BOTTON, Hamda BEN HADID (2007). |
| | Stability analysis of stratified coating flow of shear-thinning fluids |
| | 7th European Coating Symposium, Paris, France. |
| | In: Proceedings of the 7th European Coating Symposium, , .
| 15. | Séverine MILLET, François ROUSSET, Valéry BOTTON, Hamda BEN HADID (2007). |
| | Etude de stabilité linéaire de l?écoulement à deux couches de films non-newtoniens sur un plan incliné |
| | 18ème Congrès français de mécanique, Grenoble, France. |
| | In: Jacqueline ETAY (Ed.), E.J. HOPFINGER (Ed.), Philippe MARTY (Ed.), Actes du 18ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Association Française de Mécanique, Courbevoie.
| 16. | Ridha TOUIHRI, Hamda BEN HADID, Daniel HENRY (1997). |
| | Onset of convective instabilities in a cylinder heated from below: stabilization by a vertical or horizontal magnetic field |
| | Third international conference on "Transfer phenomena in magneto-hydrodynamic and electro-conducting flows", Aussois, France. |
| | In: Transfer phenomena in magneto-hydrodynamic and electro-conducting flows, MHD Pamir publications, Grenoble, Vol. 2 (363-369 pages).
| 17. | Hamda BEN HADID, Daniel HENRY (1994). |
| | Numerical simulation of convective three-dimensional flows in a horizontal Bridgman configuration under the action of a constant magnetic field |
| | Second international conference on "Energy transfer in magnetohydrodynamic flows", Aussois, France. |
| | In: Energy transfer in magnetohydrodynamic flows, MHD Pamir publications, Grenoble, Vol. 1 (47-56 pages).
| | |
| | communications sans actes |
| 1. | Bjarne VINCENT, Sophie MIRALLES, Valéry BOTTON, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID, A. KUMAR, Alban POTHÉRAT (2022). |
| | Experimental study of a helix-shaped flow driven by ultrasounds |
| | EFMC 14, Athènes, Greece. |
| 2. | Bjarne VINCENT, Sophie MIRALLES, Valéry BOTTON, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID, A. KUMAR, Alban POTHÉRAT (2022). |
| | Un écoulement hélicoïdal généré par ultrasons et observé par PTV3D. |
| | Congrès Français de Mécanique 2022, Nantes, France. |
| 3. | Daniel HENRY, Séverine MILLET, Simon DAGOIS-BOHY, Valéry BOTTON, Hamda BEN HADID (2022). |
| | Rayleigh-Bénard flow for a shear-thinning fluid in a 3D cavity |
| | 15ème Congrès Marocain de Mécanique, Casablanca, Morocco. |
| 4. | Valéry BOTTON, Sophie MIRALLES, Nouhayla EL GHANI, Sabrina MARCELIN, Benoît TER-OVENASSIAN, Hamda BEN HADID, Daniel HENRY (2022). |
| | Amélioration du transfert de masse à une interface liquide/solide à l'aide d'écoulements générés par des ultrasons |
| | 15ème Congrès Marocain de Mécanique, Casablanca, Morocco. |
| 5. | Simon DAGOIS-BOHY, Djibrilla NOMA, Séverine MILLET, Valéry BOTTON, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2021). |
| | Experimental study of roll waves in mud |
| | 25th international congress of theoretical and applied mechanics (ICTAM 2020+1), Milan (virtual), Italy. |
| 6. | Gaby LAUNAY, Tristan CAMBONIE, Daniel HENRY, Alban POTHÉRAT, Valéry BOTTON, Sophie MIRALLES, Hamda BEN HADID (2019). |
| | On the dynamics of an acoustically-driven cavity flow |
| | 8-th International Symposium on Bifurcations and Instabilities in Fluid Dynamics , Limerick, Ireland. |
| 7. | Valéry BOTTON, Tristan CAMBONIE, Daniel HENRY, Sophie MIRALLES, Brahim MOUDJED, Hamda BEN HADID (2019). |
| | Generation of a square flow by acoustic streaming |
| | 14ème Congrès de Mécanique, Rabat, Morocco. |
| 8. | Djibrilla NOMA, Simon DAGOIS-BOHY, Séverine MILLET, Hamda BEN HADID, Valéry BOTTON, Daniel HENRY (2019). |
| | Stability of viscoplastic fluids down an incline plane |
| | 8-th International Symposium on Bifurcations and Instabilities in Fluid Dynamics , Limerick, Ireland. |
| 9. | Tristan CAMBONIE, Daniel HENRY, Valéry BOTTON, Brahim MOUDJED, Hamda BEN HADID (2017). |
| | Generation of a square flow by acoustic streaming |
| | 13ème Congrès de Mécanique, Meknès, Morocco. |
| 10. | Valéry BOTTON, Tristan CAMBONIE, Brahim MOUDJED, Sophie MIRALLES, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2017). |
| | How to drive a square flow in a liquid: acoustic stirring |
| | VII International Conference on Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering (12−14 June 2017)., Rhodes Island, Greece. |
| 11. | Valéry BOTTON, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID, Brahim MOUDJED (2016). |
| | How to drive a square flow in a liquid? |
| | 11th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, Sevilla, Spain. |
| 12. | Mohamed Hatem ALLOUCHE, Séverine MILLET, Valéry BOTTON, Simon DAGOIS-BOHY, François ROUSSET, Hamda BEN HADID, Daniel HENRY (2016). |
| | Stability of a generalized newtonian fluid film falling down an inclined plane with respect to 2D and 3D disturbances |
| | 11th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, Sevilla, Spain. |
| 13. | Mohamed Hatem ALLOUCHE, Valéry BOTTON, Daniel HENRY, Séverine MILLET, Hamda BEN HADID, Ranganathan USHA (2015). |
| | Etude expérimentale de la stabilité de l'écoulement de films de fluide non-Newtonien sur plan incliné |
| | 12ème Congrès de Mécanique, Casablanca, Morocco. |
| 14. | Valéry BOTTON, Brahim MOUDJED, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID, Jean Paul GARANDET, Alban POTHÉRAT (2015). |
| | Acoustic streaming in liquids: scaling and dimensional analysis |
| | Third international workshop on measuring techniques for liquid metal flows (MTLM2015), Dresden, Germany. |
| 15. | Brahim MOUDJED, Valéry BOTTON, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID, Alban POTHÉRAT (2014). |
| | Investigation of acoustic streaming jets in liquid |
| | 9th PAMIR International Conference, Riga, Latvia. |
| 16. | Brahim MOUDJED, Valéry BOTTON, Daniel HENRY, Séverine MILLET, Hamda BEN HADID, Jean Paul GARANDET (2014). |
| | Caractérisation de l'acoustic streaming en vue de son utilisation pour piloter des écoulements |
| | GDR 2799 CNES/CNRS "Microgravité Fondamentale et Appliquée", Carqueiranne, France. |
| 17. | Mohamed Hatem ALLOUCHE, Daniel HENRY, Séverine MILLET, Valéry BOTTON, Hamda BEN HADID (2014). |
| | Qu'apporte la démarche de Squire en écoulement sur plan incliné ? |
| | Journées du GdR "Ruissellements et films cisaillés", Lyon, France. |
| 18. | Valéry BOTTON, Brahim MOUDJED, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID, Alban POTHÉRAT (2014). |
| | Free jets driven by a plane ultrasound transducer in liquids: experimental and theoretical investigation of acoustic streaming |
| | 9th International Symposium on Ultrasonic Doppler Methods for Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Engineering (ISUD9), Strasbourg, France. |
| 19. | Redouane BOUSSAA, Valéry BOTTON, Kader ZAIDAT, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID, Yves FAUTRELLE (2014). |
| | A 2D1/2 model of binary alloy solidification experiment in the AFRODITE setup. |
| | E-MRS, 2014 Spring Meeting, Lille, France. |
| 20. | Brahim MOUDJED, Valéry BOTTON, Daniel HENRY, Séverine MILLET, Jean Paul GARANDET, Hamda BEN HADID (2014). |
| | Acoustic streaming jets in water |
| | 10th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark. |
| 21. | Virgile TAVERNIER, Séverine MILLET, Valéry BOTTON, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID, Jean Paul GARANDET (2014). |
| | Simulation et analyse de données issues de la solidification dirigée d'un alliage Sn-Bi en microgravité (expérience Méphisto) |
| | GDR 2799 CNES/CNRS "Microgravité Fondamentale et Appliquée", Carqueiranne, France. |
| 22. | Mohamed Hatem ALLOUCHE, Valéry BOTTON, Hamda BEN HADID, Bülent GÜZEL, Séverine MILLET, Daniel HENRY (2013). |
| | Dispositif expérimental pour l'étude des ondes à la surface de films non-newtoniens s'écoulant sur un plan incliné |
| | 11ème Congrès de Mécanique, Agadir, Morocco. |
| 23. | Lakhdar HACHANI, Redouane BOUSSAA, B. SAADI, X.D. WANG, Kader ZAIDAT, A. BELGACEM BOUZIDA, Daniel HENRY, Valéry BOTTON, Hamda BEN HADID, Yves FAUTRELLE (2012). |
| | Experimental and analytic investigation of the influence of natural and forced convection on solidification of Sn-3wt.%Pb alloy using a quasi two-dimensional benchmark experiment |
| | 7th International Conference on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials (EPM2012), Beijing, China. |
| 24. | Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID, Valéry BOTTON, Brahim MOUDJED, Walid DRIDI (2012). |
| | Rayleigh-Bénard convection with acoustic streaming |
| | 9th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, Rome, Italy. |
| 25. | Valéry BOTTON, Séverine MILLET, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID, François ROUSSET (2012). |
| | Question ouverte sur les relations de Squire pour un film purement visqueux. |
| | Journées du GdR "Ruissellements et films cisaillés", Paris, France. |
| 26. | Jun HU, Daniel HENRY, Xie-Yuan YIN, Hamda BEN HADID (2012). |
| | Linear biglobal stability analysis of Poiseuille-Rayleigh-Bénard duct flows in binary fluids with Soret effect |
| | 2012 International Conference on Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics Technologies (FDTT 2012), Singapore, Singapore. |
| 27. | Brahim MOUDJED, Valéry BOTTON, Daniel HENRY, Séverine MILLET, Hamda BEN HADID, Jean Paul GARANDET (2012). |
| | Experimental and numerical investigation of acoustic streaming. |
| | 9th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, Rome, Italy. |
| 28. | Daniel HENRY, Ridha TOUIHRI, Anas EL GALLAF, Hamda BEN HADID (2011). |
| | Action d?un champ magnétique sur les instabilités dans un cylindre chauffé avec surface libre. |
| | 10ème Congrès de Mécanique, Oujda, Morocco. |
| 29. | Valéry BOTTON, Mohamed Hatem ALLOUCHE, Séverine MILLET, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID, François ROUSSET, Bülent GÜZEL (2011). |
| | Etude expérimentale et théorique de stabilité de film rhéofluidifiant coulant sur un plan incliné |
| | GdR Films et Ruissellements, Aussois, France. |
| 30. | Daniel HENRY, Ridha TOUIHRI, Rachida BOUHLILA, Hamda BEN HADID (2011). |
| | Bifurcation analysis of salt induced convection in a porous square cavity. |
| | 4th International Symposium on Bifurcations and Instabilities in Fluid Dynamics, Barcelona, Spain. |
| 31. | Brahim MOUDJED, Valéry BOTTON, Walid DRIDI, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID, Séverine MILLET, Abdelkader MOJTABI (2011). |
| | Intérêt de l'acoustic streaming pour les phénomènes thermo-convectifs : application à l'instabilité de Rayleigh-Bénard. |
| | GDR 2799 CNES/CNRS "Microgravité Fondamentale et Appliquée", Fréjus, France. |
| 32. | Valéry BOTTON, Hamda BEN HADID, Daniel HENRY, Walid DRIDI, Brahim MOUDJED (2011). |
| | Experimental and numerical investigation of a far field acoustic streaming flow. |
| | 10ème Congrès de Mécanique, Oujda, Morocco. |
| 33. | Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID, Valéry BOTTON, Séverine MILLET (2010). |
| | Effet d'un champ magnétique tournant sur la convection et les instabilités dans un cylindre horizontal différentiellement chauffé. |
| | GDR Micropesanteur Fondamentale et Appliquée, La Colle sur Loup, France. |
| | Rotating magnetic field effect on convection and its stability in a differentially heated horizontal cylinder |
| | 8th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, Bad Reichenhall, Germany. |
| 35. | Anas EL GALLAF, Ridha TOUIHRI, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2009). |
| | Stabilization of thermally induced melt flows by rotating or constant magnetic fields |
| | 6th International Conference on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials (EPM2009), Dresden, Germany. |
| 36. | Ridha TOUIHRI, Anas EL GALLAF, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2009). |
| | Numerical simulation of nonlinear dynamics of Marangoni-Rayleigh-Bénard convection |
| | Tam-Tam09 4ème Colloque sur les Tendances dans les Applications Mathématiques en Tunisie, Algérie et Maroc, Kénitra, Morocco. |
| 37. | Ridha TOUIHRI, Anas EL GALLAF, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2009). |
| | Nonlinear analysis of convective instabilities in heated cylindrical cavities |
| | JITH 2009 - 14èmes Journées Internationales de Thermique, Djerba, Tunisia. |
| 38. | Daniel HENRY, Ridha TOUIHRI, Anas EL GALLAF, Hamda BEN HADID (2009). |
| | Etude de la dynamique des écoulements de convection en cavitées chauffées |
| | 9ème Congrès de Mécanique, Marrakech, Morocco. |
| 39. | Valéry BOTTON, Walid DRIDI, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2009). |
| | Ecoulements entraînés par des ultrasons : un outil pour l'ingénieur ? |
| | GDR Micropesanteur Fondamentale et Appliquée, Balaruc les Bains, France. |
| 40. | Anas EL GALLAF, Ridha TOUIHRI, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2009). |
| | Instabilities and bifurcations in a circular container heated from below and with a free surface |
| | 3rd International Symposium on Bifurcations and Instabilities in Fluid Dynamics, Nottingham, United Kingdom. |
| 41. | Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID, Anne JUEL, Slim KADDECHE (2008). |
| | Flow transitions in side-heated cavities and their control by magnetic field |
| | Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference 7, Manchester, United Kingdom. |
| 42. | Ridha TOUIHRI, Hamda BEN HADID, Daniel HENRY (2008). |
| | Numerical analysis of nonlinear convective instabilities in MHD for cylindrical geometry |
| | ICAMEM 2008 - Fourth International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics, Sousse, Tunisia. |
| 43. | Ridha TOUIHRI, Hamda BEN HADID, Daniel HENRY (2008). |
| | Nonlinear analysis of convective instabilities in cylincrical cavity heated from below and submitted to magnetic field |
| | JTET'08 - Journées Tunisiennes sur les Ecoulements et les Transferts, Bizerte, Tunisia. |
| 44. | Valéry BOTTON, Walid DRIDI, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2008). |
| | Ecoulements entraînés par des ultrasons |
| | GDR Micropesanteur Fondamentale et Appliquée, Aussois, France. |
| 45. | Anas EL GALLAF, Ridha TOUIHRI, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2008). |
| | Instabilités dans une cavité cylindrique chauffée par le bas avec surface libre |
| | GDR Micropesanteur Fondamentale et Appliquée, Aussois, France. |
| 46. | Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID, Slim KADDECHE, Ridha TOUIHRI, T.P. LYUBIMOVA, Anne JUEL (2007). |
| | Magnetic stabilization of melt flows in horizontal Bridgman configurations |
| | Ampere meeting: creation of a european structure on magneto-sciences, Paris, France. |
| 47. | Walid DRIDI, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2007). |
| | Intérêt de l'acoustic streaming pour le contrôle des écoulements et de leur stabilité |
| | GDR Micropesanteur Fondamentale et Appliquée, Fréjus, France. |
| 48. | Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID, Slim KADDECHE, Walid DRIDI (2007). |
| | Magnetic stabilization of melt flows in horizontal Bridgman configurations |
| | International Congress on Crystal Growth-15, Salt Lake City, United States. |
| 49. | Walid DRIDI, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2007). |
| | Influence of acoustic streaming on the stability of melt flows in horizontal Bridgman configurations |
| | International Congress on Crystal Growth-15, Salt Lake City, United States. |
| 50. | Walid DRIDI, Valéry BOTTON, Hamda BEN HADID, Daniel HENRY, Slim KADDECHE (2006). |
| | Acoustic streaming control of natural convection instabilities |
| | Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference 6, Stockholm, Sweden. |
| 51. | Jun HU, Valéry BOTTON, Séverine MILLET, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2006). |
| | Two-layer film flow: a temporal and spatio-temporal stability analysis including viscosity and density stratification effects |
| | Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference 6, Stockholm, Sweden. |
| 52. | A.B. PERMINOV, D.V. LYUBIMOV, T.P. LYUBIMOVA, Hamda BEN HADID, Daniel HENRY, Valéry BOTTON, Walid DRIDI (2006). |
| | Magnetic stabilization of buoyant convection in a horizontal channel of rectangular cross-section with a longitudinal temperature gradient |
| | Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference 6, Stockholm, Sweden. |
| 53. | Valéry BOTTON, Hamda BEN HADID, Daniel HENRY, Slim KADDECHE (2005). |
| | Stabilité des écoulements couplés Rayleigh-Bénard/Acoustic streaming |
| | GDR Micropesanteur Fondamentale et Appliquée, Carry le Rouet, France. |
| 54. | Hamda BEN HADID, Samuel VAUX, Daniel HENRY (2004). |
| | Three-dimensional natural convection flows in rectangular horizontal cavities: Effects of Prandtl number and aspect ratio on the flow structure and instability |
| | International Congress on Crystal Growth-14, Grenoble, France. |
| 55. | Samuel VAUX, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2004). |
| | Studies of the hydrodynamic instabilities in a horizontally heated cylinder corresponding to Bridgman growth configuration |
| | International Congress on Crystal Growth-14, Grenoble, France. |
| 56. | Samuel VAUX, Hamda BEN HADID, Daniel HENRY (2004). |
| | 3D natural convection in circular horizontal cylinder: effect of the Prandtl number |
| | 35th Congress on Space Research, Paris, France. |
| 57. | Hamda BEN HADID, Daniel HENRY, Slim KADDECHE, Hong LEI (2004). |
| | Stability of combined buoyancy-acoustic streaming-driven convection in a horizontal heated cavity |
| | 35th Congress on Space Research, Paris, France. |
| 58. | Anne JUEL, Bjorn HOF, Liangju ZHAO, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID, Tom MULLIN (2003). |
| | Onset of oscillatory MHD convection |
| | Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference 5, Toulouse, France. |
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