| | |articles||thèses/hdr||conférences invitées||communications avec actes||communications sans actes||livres et ouvrages| |
| | |
| | articles |
| 1. | Igor KUREK, Pierre LECOMTE, Thomas CASTELAIN, Emmanuel JONDEAU, Christophe BAILLY (2024). |
| | Interferometric Rayleigh scattering for flow temperature and velocity analysis |
| | AIAA J. 62, 4543–4554. doi:10.2514/1.J064333
| 2. | Stefan SCHODER, Étienne SPIESER, Hugo VINCENT, Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY (2024). |
| | Correction: Acoustic modeling using the aeroacoustic wave equation based on Pierce’s operator |
| | AIAA J. (1 pages). doi:10.2514/1.J062558.c1
| 3. | Martin BUSZYK, Cyril POLACSEK, Thomas LE GARREC, Raphaël BARRIER, Vincent CLAIR, Édouard SALZE, Christophe BAILLY (2024). |
| | Aeroacoustic assessment of a rectilinear cascade with leading edge serrations: predictions and measurements |
| | Comput. Fluids 271, 106179 (15 pages). doi:10.1016/j.compfluid.2024.106179
| 4. | Stefan SCHODER, Étienne SPIESER, Hugo VINCENT, Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY (2023). |
| | Acoustic modeling using the aeroacoustic wave equation based on Pierce’s operator |
| | AIAA J. 61, 4008–4017. doi:10.2514/1.J062558
| 5. | Courtney FORD, Antonio PEREIRA, Christophe BAILLY (2023). |
| | Radiation of higher order modes from circular ducts with flow |
| | Acta Acustica 7, 19 (13 pages). doi:10.1051/aacus/2023011
| 6. | Étienne SPIESER, Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY (2023). |
| | Noise predictions of a Mach 0.9 round jet using tailored adjoint Green's functions |
| | J. Sound Vib. 548, 117532 (24 pages). doi:10.1016/j.jsv.2022.117532
| 7. | Massimo MARRO, Jacques LECKERT, Ethan ROLLIER, Pietro SALIZZONI, Christophe BAILLY (2023). |
| | Wind tunnel evaluation of novel drafting formations for an elite marathon runner |
| | Proc. R. Soc. A-Math. Phys. Eng. Sci. 479, 20220836. doi:10.1098/rspa.2022.0836
| 8. | Simon L. PRIGENT, Christophe BAILLY (2022). |
| | From shear stress to wall pressure spectra: a semi-analytical approach to account for mean pressure gradients in turbulent boundary layers |
| | Acta Acustica 6, 43 (12 pages). doi:10.1051/aacus/2022034
| 9. | Martin BUSZYK, Cyril POLACSEK, Thomas LE GARREC, Raphaël BARRIER, Christophe BAILLY (2022). |
| | Numerical assessment of turbulence-cascade noise reduction and aerodynamic penalties from serrations |
| | AIAA J. 60, 3603–3619. doi:10.2514/1.J061301
| 10. | Simon L. PRIGENT, Édouard SALZE, Christophe BAILLY (2022). |
| | Wall pressure spectra and convection: two-dimensional analysis under mean pressure gradients |
| | AIAA J. (17 pages). doi:10.2514/1.J060980
| 11. | Romain BIOLCHINI, Guillaume DAVILLER, Christophe BAILLY, Guillaume BODARD (2020). |
| | Temperature effects on the noise source mechanisms in a realistic subsonic dual-stream jet |
| | Comput. Fluids 213, 104720 (16 pages). doi:10.1016/j.compfluid.2020.104720
| 12. | Simon L. PRIGENT, Édouard SALZE, Emmanuel JONDEAU, Christophe BAILLY (2020). |
| | Spatial structure and wavenumber filtering of wall pressure fluctuations on a full-scale cockpit model |
| | Exp. Fluids 61, 201 (14 pages). doi:10.1007/s00348-020-03017-2
| 13. | Étienne SPIESER, Christophe BAILLY (2020). |
| | Sound propagation using an adjoint-based method |
| | J. Fluid Mech. 900, A5 (25 pages). doi:10.1017/jfm.2020.469
| 14. | Simon L. PRIGENT, Édouard SALZE, Christophe BAILLY (2020). |
| | Deconvolution of wave-number-frequency spectra of wall pressure fluctuations |
| | AIAA J. 58, 164–173. doi:10.2514/1.J058203
| 15. | Bertrand MERCIER, Thomas CASTELAIN, Christophe BAILLY (2019). |
| | Experimental study of the coherent vorticity in slightly under-expanded supersonic screeching jets |
| | Int. J. Aeroacoustics 18, 207–230. doi:10.1177/1475472X19834530
| 16. | Adrien LANGENAIS, François VUILLOT, Julien TROYES, Christophe BAILLY (2019). |
| | Accurate simulation of the noise generated by a hot supersonic jet including turbulence tripping and nonlinear acoustic propagation |
| | Phys. Fluids 31, 016105 (31 pages). doi:10.1063/1.5050905
| 17. | Yuta OZAWA, Taku NONOMURA, Bertrand MERCIER, Thomas CASTELAIN, Christophe BAILLY, Keisuke ASAI (2019). |
| | Cross-spectral analysis of PSP images for estimation of surface pressure spectra corrupted by the shot noise |
| | Exp. Fluids 60, 135 (11 pages). doi:10.1007/s00348-019-2776-4
| 18. | Roberto SABATINI, Olivier MARSDEN, Christophe BAILLY, Olaf GAINVILLE (2019). |
| | Three-dimensional direct numerical simulation of infrasound propagation in the Earth's atmosphere |
| | J. Fluid Mech. 859, 754–789. doi:10.1017/jfm.2018.816
| 19. | Bertrand MERCIER, Emmanuel JONDEAU, Thomas CASTELAIN, Yuta OZAWA, Christophe BAILLY, Geneviève COMTE-BELLOT (2019). |
| | High frequency temperature fluctuation measurements by Rayleigh scattering and constant-voltage cold-wire techniques |
| | Exp. Fluids 60, 110 (14 pages). doi:10.1007/s00348-019-2753-y
| 20. | Adrien LANGENAIS, François VUILLOT, Christophe PEYRET, Gilles CHAINERAY, Christophe BAILLY (2018). |
| | Assessment of a two-way coupling methodology between a flow and a high-order nonlinear acoustic unstructured solvers |
| | Flow Turbul. Combust. 101, 681–703. doi:10.1007/s10494-018-9928-0
| 21. | Bertrand MERCIER, Thomas CASTELAIN, Christophe BAILLY (2018). |
| | Experimental investigation of the turbulent density - Far-field sound correlations in compressible jets |
| | Int. J. Aeroacoustics 17, 521–540. doi:10.1177/1475472X18778274
| 22. | Bertrand MERCIER, Thomas CASTELAIN, Emmanuel JONDEAU, Christophe BAILLY (2018). |
| | Density fluctuations measurement by Rayleigh scattering using a single photomultiplier |
| | AIAA J. 56, 1310–1316. doi:10.2514/1.J056507
| 23. | Pierre YSER, Christophe BAILLY (2018). |
| | A high-order variational multiscale model in finite elements applied to the LEISA-2 configuration |
| | AIAA J. 56, 5000–5012. doi:10.2514/1.J057090
| 24. | Renata TROIAN, Didier DRAGNA, Christophe BAILLY, Marie-Annick GALLAND (2017). |
| | Broadband liner impedance eduction for multimodal acoustic propagation in the presence of a mean flow |
| | J. Sound Vib. 392, 200–216. doi:10.1016/j.jsv.2016.10.014
| 25. | Bertrand MERCIER, Thomas CASTELAIN, Christophe BAILLY (2017). |
| | Experimental characterisation of the screech feedback loop in underexpanded round jets |
| | J. Fluid Mech. 824, 202–229. doi:10.1017/jfm.2017.336
| 26. | Quentin LECLÈRE, Antonio PEREIRA, Christophe BAILLY, Jérôme ANTONI, Christophe PICARD (2017). |
| | A unified formalism for acoustic imaging based on microphone array measurements |
| | Int. J. Aeroacoustics 16, 431–456. doi:10.1177/1475472X17718883
| 27. | Benoit ANDRÉ, Thomas CASTELAIN, Christophe BAILLY (2017). |
| | Experimental Study of Flight Effects on Slightly Underexpanded Supersonic Jets |
| | AIAA J. 55, 57–67. doi:10.2514/1.J054797
| 28. | Roberto SABATINI, Christophe BAILLY, Olivier MARSDEN, Olaf GAINVILLE (2016). |
| | Characterization of absorption and non-linear effects in infrasound propagation using an augmented Burgers' equation |
| | Geophys. J. Int. 207, 1432–1445. doi:10.1093/gji/ggw350
| 29. | Roberto SABATINI, Olivier MARSDEN, Christophe BAILLY, Christophe BOGEY (2016). |
| | A numerical study of nonlinear infrasound propagation in a windy atmosphere |
| | J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 140, 641. doi:10.1121/1.4958998
| 30. | Christophe BAILLY, Kozo FUJII (2016). |
| | High-speed jet noise |
| | Mech. Eng. Rev. 3, 15-00496 (13 pages). doi:10.1299/mer.15-00496
| 31. | Roberto SABATINI, Christophe BAILLY (2015). |
| | Numerical algorithm for computing acoustic and vortical spatial instability waves |
| | AIAA J. 53, 692–702. doi:10.2514/1.J053215
| 32. | Christophe BAILLY, Benoit ANDRÉ, Thomas CASTELAIN, Cyprien HENRY, Guillaume BODARD, Mauro PORTA (2014). |
| | An analysis of shock noise components |
| | Aerospace Lab Journal 7, 1–8. doi:10.12762/2014.AL07-06
| 33. | Anthony LAFITTE, Thomas LE GARREC, Christophe BAILLY, Estelle LAURENDEAU (2014). |
| | Turbulence generation from a sweeping-based stochastic model |
| | AIAA J. 52, 281–292. doi:10.2514/1.J052368
| 34. | Olivier MARSDEN, Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY (2014). |
| | A study of infrasound propagation based on high-order finite difference solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations |
| | J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 135, 1083–1095. doi:10.1121/1.4864793
| 35. | François KREMER, Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY (2014). |
| | Semi-Implicit Runge-Kutta schemes: Development and application to compressible channel flow |
| | AIAA J. 52, 516–527. doi:10.2514/1.J052236
| 36. | Jean-Baptiste DARGAUD, Julien TROYES, Jean-Michel LAMET, Lionel TESSÉ, François VUILLOT, Christophe BAILLY (2014). |
| | A numerical study of solid rocket motor ignition overpressure wave including infrared radiation |
| | J. Propul. Power 30, 164–174. doi:10.2514/1.B34824
| 37. | Benoit ANDRÉ, Thomas CASTELAIN, Christophe BAILLY (2014). |
| | Experimental exploration of underexpanded supersonic jets |
| | Shock Waves 24, 21–32. doi:10.1007/s00193-013-0457-4
| 38. | Benoit ANDRÉ, Thomas CASTELAIN, Christophe BAILLY (2014). |
| | Investigation of the mixing layer of underexpanded supersonic jets by particle image velocimetry |
| | Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow 50, 188–200. doi:10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2014.08.004
| 39. | Benoit ANDRÉ, Thomas CASTELAIN, Christophe BAILLY (2013). |
| | Effect of a tab on the aerodynamical development and noise of an underexpanded supersonic jet |
| | C. R. Méc. 341, 659–666. doi:10.1016/j.crme.2013.08.001
| 40. | Benoit ANDRÉ, Thomas CASTELAIN, Christophe BAILLY (2013). |
| | Broadband shock-associated noise in screeching and non-screeching underexpanded supersonic jets |
| | AIAA J. 51, 665–673. doi:10.2514/1.J052058
| 41. | Christophe BOGEY, Olivier MARSDEN, Christophe BAILLY (2012). |
| | Influence of initial turbulence level on the flow and sound fields of a subsonic jet at a diameter-based Reynolds number of 10(5) |
| | J. Fluid Mech. 701, 352–385. doi:10.1017/jfm.2012.162
| 42. | Olivier MARSDEN, Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY (2012). |
| | Investigation of flow features around shallow round cavities subject to subsonic grazing flow |
| | Phys. Fluids 24, 125107 (24 pages). doi:10.1063/1.4772194
| 43. | Gilles SERRE, Philippe LAFON, Xavier GLOERFELT, Christophe BAILLY (2012). |
| | Reliable reduced-order models for time-dependent linearized Euler equations |
| | J. Comput. Phys. 15, 5176–5194. doi:10.1016/j.jcp.2012.04.019
| 44. | Olivier MARSDEN, Christophe BAILLY, Christophe BOGEY, Emmanuel JONDEAU (2012). |
| | Investigation of flow features and acoustic radiation of a round cavity |
| | J. Sound Vib. 331, 3521–3543. doi:10.1016/j.jsv.2012.03.017
| 45. | Benoit ANDRÉ, Thomas CASTELAIN, Christophe BAILLY (2012). |
| | Broadband shock-associated noise in screeching and non-screeching underexpanded supersonic jets |
| | ERCOFTAC Bulletin 90, 10–14.
| 46. | Frédéric DAUDE, Julien BERLAND, Thomas EMMERT, Philippe LAFON, Fabien CROUZET, Christophe BAILLY (2012). |
| | A high-order finite-difference algorithm for direct computation of aerodynamic sound |
| | Comput. Fluids 61, 46–63. doi:10.1016/j.compfluid.2011.08.017
| 47. | Christophe BOGEY, Olivier MARSDEN, Christophe BAILLY (2012). |
| | Effects of moderate Reynolds numbers on subsonic round jets with highly disturbed nozzle-exit boundary layers |
| | Phys. Fluids 24, 105107 (24 pages). doi:10.1063/1.4757667
| 48. | Benoit ANDRÉ, Thomas CASTELAIN, Christophe BAILLY (2012). |
| | Shock oscillations in a supersonic jet exhibiting antisymmetrical screech |
| | AIAA J. 50, 2017–2020. doi:10.2514/1.J051802
| 49. | Benoit ANDRÉ, Thomas CASTELAIN, Christophe BAILLY (2011). |
| | Shock-tracking procedure for studying screech-induced oscillations |
| | AIAA J. 49, 1563–1566. doi:10.2514/1.J051057
| 50. | Nicolas DE CACQUERAY, Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY (2011). |
| | Investigation of a high-mach-number overexpanded jet using Large-Eddy Simulation |
| | AIAA J. 49, 2171–2182. doi:10.2514/1.J050952
| 51. | Benoit ANDRÉ, Thomas CASTELAIN, Christophe BAILLY (2011). |
| | Experimental study of flight effects on screech in underexpanded jets |
| | Phys. Fluids 23, 126102 (14 pages). doi:10.1063/1.3671735
| 52. | Christophe BOGEY, Olivier MARSDEN, Christophe BAILLY (2011). |
| | On the spectra of nozzle-exit velocity disturbances in initially nominally turbulent, transitional jets |
| | Phys. Fluids 23, 091702 (4 pages). doi:10.1063/1.3642642
| 53. | Christophe BOGEY, Olivier MARSDEN, Christophe BAILLY (2011). |
| | Large-eddy simulation of the flow and acoustic fields of a Reynolds number 105 subsonic jet with tripped exit boundary layers |
| | Phys. Fluids 23, 035104 (20 p. pages). doi:10.1063/1.3555634
| 54. | Julien BERLAND, Philippe LAFON, Frédéric DAUDE, Fabien CROUZET, Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY (2011). |
| | Filter shape dependence and effective scale separation in large-eddy simulations based on relaxation filtering |
| | Comput. Fluids 47, 65–74. doi:10.1016/j.compfluid.2011.02.016
| 55. | Christophe BOGEY, Nicolas DE CACQUERAY, Christophe BAILLY (2011). |
| | Finite differences for coarse azimuthal discretization and for reduction of effective resolution near origin of cylindrical flow equations |
| | J. Comput. Phys. 230, 1134–1146. doi:10.1016/j.jcp.2010.10.031
| 56. | Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY (2010). |
| | Influence of nozzle-exit boundary-layer conditions on the flow and acoustic fields of initially laminar jets |
| | J. Fluid Mech. 663, 507–538. doi:10.1017/S0022112010003605
| 57. | Blandine ARGUILLAT, Denis RICOT, Christophe BAILLY, Gilles ROBERT (2010). |
| | Measured wavenumber : Frequency spectrum associated with acoustic and aerodynamic wall pressure fluctuations |
| | J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 128, 1655. doi:10.1121/1.3478780
| 58. | Damien DESVIGNE, Olivier MARSDEN, Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY (2010). |
| | Development of noncentered wavenumber-based optimized interpolation schemes with amplification control for overlapping grids |
| | SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 32, 2074–2098. doi:10.1137/090758702
| 59. | Christophe BAILLY, Christophe BOGEY, Sébastien M. CANDEL (2010). |
| | Modelling of sound generation by turbulent reacting flows |
| | Int. J. Aeroacoustics 9, 461–489.
| 60. | Christophe BAILLY, Christophe BOGEY, Olivier MARSDEN (2010). |
| | Progress in direct noise computation |
| | Int. J. Aeroacoustics 9, 123–143.
| 61. | Denis RICOT, Simon MARIÉ, Pierre SAGAUT, Christophe BAILLY (2009). |
| | Lattice Boltzmann method with selective viscosity filter |
| | J. Comput. Phys. 228, 4478–4490. doi:10.1016/j.jcp.2009.03.030
| 62. | J. SCHULZE, J. SESTERHENN, Peter J. SCHMID, Christophe BOGEY, Nicolas DE CACQUERAY, Julien BERLAND, Christophe BAILLY (2009). |
| | Numerical simulation of supersonic jet noise |
| | Notes Num. Fluid Mech. 104, 29–46. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-89956-3_2
| 63. | Christophe BOGEY, Sébastien BARRÉ, Daniel JUVÉ, Christophe BAILLY (2009). |
| | Simulation of a hot coaxial jet: direct noise prediction and flow-acoustics correlations |
| | Phys. Fluids 21, 035105 (14 pages). doi:10.1063/1.3081561
| 64. | Thomas EMMERT, Philippe LAFON, Christophe BAILLY (2009). |
| | Numerical study of self-induced transonic flow oscillations behind a sudden duct enlargement |
| | Phys. Fluids 21, 106105 (15 pages). doi:10.1063/1.3247158
| 65. | Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY (2009). |
| | Turbulence and energy budget in a self-preserving round jet: direct evaluation using large eddy simulation |
| | J. Fluid Mech. 627, 129–160. doi:10.1017/S0022112009005801
| 66. | Christophe BOGEY, Nicolas DE CACQUERAY, Christophe BAILLY (2009). |
| | A shock-capturing methodology based on adaptative spatial filtering for high-order non-linear computations |
| | J. Comput. Phys. 228, 1447–1465. doi:10.1016/j.jcp.2008.10.042
| 67. | Christophe BOGEY, Sébastien BARRÉ, Christophe BAILLY (2008). |
| | Direct computation of the noise generated by subsonic jets originating from a straight pipe nozzle |
| | Int. J. Aeroacoustics 7, 1–22. doi:10.1260/147547208784079917
| 68. | Olivier MARSDEN, Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY (2008). |
| | Direct noise computation of the turbulent flow around a zero-incidence airfoil |
| | AIAA J. 46, 874–883. doi:10.2514/1.29825
| 69. | Vincent FLEURY, Christophe BAILLY, Emmanuel JONDEAU, Marc MICHARD, Daniel JUVÉ (2008). |
| | Space-time correlations in two subsonic jets using dual-PIV measurements |
| | AIAA J. 46, 2498–2509. doi:10.2514/1.35561
| 70. | Sébastien BARRÉ, Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY (2008). |
| | Direct simulation of isolated elliptic vortices and of their radiated noise |
| | Theor. Comput. Fluid Dyn. 22, 65–82. doi:10.1007/s00162-007-0066-x
| 71. | Julien BERLAND, Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY (2008). |
| | Investigation using statistical closure theory of the influence of the filter shape on scale separation in large-eddy simulation |
| | J. Turbul. 9, 1–22. doi:10.1080/14685240802244116
| 72. | Julien BERLAND, Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY (2008). |
| | A study of differentiation errors in large-eddy simulations based on EDQNM theory |
| | J. Comput. Phys. 227, 8314–8340. doi:10.1016/j.jcp.2008.05.026
| 73. | Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY (2007). |
| | An analysis of the correlations between the turbulent flow and the sound pressure fields of subsonic jets |
| | J. Fluid Mech. 583, 71–97. doi:10.1017/S002211200700612X
| 74. | Christophe BOGEY, Sébastien BARRÉ, Vincent FLEURY, Christophe BAILLY, Daniel JUVÉ (2007). |
| | Experimental study of the spectral properties of near-field and far-field jet noise |
| | Int. J. Aeroacoustics 6, 73–92.
| 75. | Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY (2007). |
| | On the application of explicit spatial filtering to the variables or fluxes of linear equations |
| | J. Comput. Phys. 225, 1211–1217. doi:10.1016/j.jcp.2007.04.007
| 76. | Julien BERLAND, Christophe BOGEY, Olivier MARSDEN, Christophe BAILLY (2007). |
| | High-order, low dispersive and low dissipative explicit schemes for multiple-scale and boundary problems |
| | J. Comput. Phys. 224, 637–662. doi:10.1016/j.jcp.2006.10.017
| 77. | Julien BERLAND, Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY (2007). |
| | Numerical study of screech generation in a planar supersonic jet |
| | Phys. Fluids 19, 075105 (14 pages). doi:10.1063/1.2747225
| 78. | E. PIOT, G. CASALIS, F. MULLER, Christophe BAILLY (2006). |
| | Free Content Investigation of the PSE approach for subsonic and supersonic hot jets. Detailed comparisons with LES and Linearized Euler Equations results |
| | Int. J. Aeroacoustics 5, 361–393. doi:10.1260/147547206779379877
| 79. | Julien BERLAND, Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY (2006). |
| | Low-dissipation and low-dispersion fourth-order Runge?Kutta algorithm |
| | Comput. Fluids 35, 1459–1463. doi:10.1016/j.compfluid.2005.04.003
| 80. | Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY (2006). |
| | Large eddy simulations of round jets using explicit filtering with/without dynamic Smagorinsky model |
| | Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow 27, 603–610. doi:10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2006.02.008
| 81. | Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY (2006). |
| | Computation of a high Reynolds number jet and its radiated noise using large eddy simulation based on explicit filtering |
| | Comput. Fluids 35, 1344–1358. doi:10.1016/j.compfluid.2005.04.008
| 82. | Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY (2006). |
| | Investigation of downstream and sideline subsonic jet noise using Large Eddy Simulations |
| | Theor. Comput. Fluid Dyn. 20, 23–40. doi:10.1007/s00162-005-0005-7
| 83. | Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY (2006). |
| | Large Eddy Simulations of transitional round jets : influence of the Reynolds number on flow development and energy dissipation |
| | Phys. Fluids 18, 065101 (14 pages). doi:10.1063/1.2204060
| 84. | Vincent FLEURY, Christophe BAILLY, Daniel JUVÉ (2005). |
| | Shear-layer acoustic radiation in an excited subsonic jet : experimental study. |
| | C. R. Méc. 333, 746–753.
| 85. | Christophe BAILLY, Christophe BOGEY, Xavier GLOERFELT (2005). |
| | Some useful hybrid approaches for predicting aerodynamic noise. |
| | C. R. Méc. 333, 666–675.
| 86. | Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY (2005). |
| | Effects of inflow conditions and forcing on subsonic jet flows and noise. |
| | AIAA J. 43, 1000–1007.
| 87. | Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY (2005). |
| | Decrease of the effective Reynolds number with eddy-viscosity subgrid-scale modeling. |
| | AIAA J. 43, 437–439.
| 88. | Olivier MARSDEN, Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY (2005). |
| | High-order curvilinear simulations of flows around non-cartesian bodies. |
| | J. Comput. Acoust. 13, 731–748.
| 89. | Xavier GLOERFELT, F. PEROT, Christophe BAILLY, Daniel JUVÉ (2005). |
| | Flow-induced cylinder noise formulated as a diffraction problem for low Mach numbers. |
| | J. Sound Vib. 287, 129–151. doi:10.1016/j.jsv.2004.10.047
| 90. | Vincent FLEURY, Christophe BAILLY, Daniel JUVÉ (2005). |
| | Shear-layer acoustic radiation in an excited subsonic jet : models for vortex pairing and superdirective noise. |
| | C. R. Méc. 333, 754–761.
| 91. | Christophe BAILLY, Christophe BOGEY (2004). |
| | Contributions of computational aeroacoustics to jet noise research and prediction. |
| | Combustion 18, 481–491.
| 92. | Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY (2004). |
| | A family of low dispersive and low dissipative explicit schemes for flow and noise computations. |
| | J. Comput. Phys. 194, 194–214.
| 93. | Xavier GLOERFELT, Christophe BAILLY, Daniel JUVÉ (2003). |
| | Direct computation of noise radiated by a subsonic cavity flow and application of integral methods. |
| | J. Sound Vib. 266, 119–146.
| 94. | Christophe BOGEY, Xavier GLOERFELT, Christophe BAILLY (2003). |
| | Illustration of the inclusion of sound-flow interactions in Lighthill's equation |
| | AIAA J. 41, 1604–1606.
| 95. | Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY, Daniel JUVÉ (2003). |
| | Noise investigation of a high subsonic moderate Reynolds number jet using a compressible large eddy simulation. |
| | Theor. Comput. Fluid Dyn. 16, 273–297. doi:10.1007/s00162-002-0079-4
| 96. | Olivier MARSDEN, Xavier GLOERFELT, Christophe BAILLY (2003). |
| | Direct noise computation of adaptive control applied to a cavity flow. |
| | C. R. Méc. 331, 423–429.
| 97. | Xavier GLOERFELT, Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY (2003). |
| | Numerical evidence of mode switching in the flow-induced oscillations by a cavity. |
| | Proc. R. Soc. A-Math. Phys. Eng. Sci. 22, 193–217.
| 98. | Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY (2002). |
| | Rayonnement acoustique aval des jets subsoniques : lien avec l'intrusion de structures tourbillonnaires dans le cone potentiel. |
| | J. Fluids Struct. 330, 527–533.
| 99. | Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY (2002). |
| | Three-dimensional non-reflective boundary conditions for acoustic simulations : far field formulation and validation test cases. |
| | Acta Acustica 88, 463–471.
| 100. | Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY, Daniel JUVÉ (2002). |
| | Computation of flow noise using source terms in linearized Euler's equations. |
| | AIAA J. 40, 235–243.
| 101. | Xavier GLOERFELT, Christophe BAILLY, Daniel JUVÉ (2002). |
| | Application de méthodes intégrales au calcul du bruit de cavité. |
| | C. R. Méc. 330, 13–20.
| 102. | Daniel JUVÉ, Christophe BAILLY (2001). |
| | L'aéroacoustique. |
| | Pour la Science - Dossier Hors-Série , 1–4.
| 103. | Christelle SEROR, Pierre SAGAUT, Christophe BAILLY, Daniel JUVÉ (2001). |
| | On the radiated noise computed by large-eddy simulation |
| | Phys. Fluids 13, 476–487. doi:10.1063/1.1336150
| 104. | Nicolas HERON, Christophe BAILLY, Sébastien M. CANDEL (2001). |
| | Modélisation du rayonnement acoustique de jets coaxiaux supersoniques. |
| | C. r. Acad. sci., Sér. IIb Méc. 329, 497–502.
| 105. | Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY, Daniel JUVÉ (2000). |
| | Numerical simulation of sound generated by vortex pairing in a mixing layer. |
| | AIAA J. 38, 2210–2218.
| 106. | Christelle SEROR, Pierre SAGAUT, Christophe BAILLY, Daniel JUVÉ (2000). |
| | Subgrid-scale contribution to noise production in decaying isotropic turbulence. |
| | AIAA J. 38, 1795–1803. doi:10.2514/2.860
| 107. | Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY (2000). |
| | Génération de bruit par appariement de tourbillons dans les zones cisaillées. |
| | Mécanique et Industries 1, 487–497.
| 108. | Xavier GLOERFELT, Christophe BAILLY, Daniel JUVÉ (2000). |
| | Calcul direct du rayonnement acoustique d'un écoulement affleurant une cavité. |
| | C. r. Acad. sci., Sér. IIb Méc. 328, 625–631.
| 109. | Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY, Daniel JUVÉ (2000). |
| | Calcul du rayonnement acoustique d'une couche de mélange à l'aide des équations d'Euler linéarisées. |
| | C. r. Acad. sci., Sér. IIb Méc. 238, 341–347.
| 110. | Christophe BAILLY, Daniel JUVÉ (2000). |
| | Numerical solution of acoustic propagation problems using linearized Euler's equations. |
| | AIAA J. 38, 22–29. doi:10.2514/2.949
| 111. | Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY, Daniel JUVÉ (1999). |
| | Calcul direct du rayonnement acoustique d'une couche de mélange par macrosimulation. |
| | C. r. Acad. sci., Sér. IIb Méc. 327, 1029–1034.
| 112. | L. GREVERIE, Christophe BAILLY (1998). |
| | Construction d'un opérateur de propagation à partir des équations d'Euler linéarisées. |
| | C. r. Acad. sci., Sér. IIb Méc. 32, 741–746.
| 113. | Christophe BAILLY, Philippe LAFON, Sébastien M. CANDEL (1997). |
| | Subsonic and supersonic jet noise prediction from statistical source models |
| | AIAA J. 35, 1688–1696. doi:10.2514/2.33
| *. | Christophe BAILLY, Sébastien M. CANDEL, Philippe LAFON (1996). |
| | Prediction of supersonic jet noise from a statistical acoustic model and a compressible turbulence closure |
| | J. Sound Vib. 194, 219–242. doi:10.1006/jsvi.1996.0354
| | |
| | thèses/hdr |
| 1. | Yann MARTELET (dir.: Christophe BAILLY) (2020). |
| | Modèle de bruit de jet de mélange basé sur l’acoustique géométrique pour la prédiction des effets d’installation |
| | Thèse Université de Lyon |
| 2. | Étienne SPIESER (dir.: Christophe BAILLY, Guillaume BODARD) (2020). |
| | Modélisation de la propagation du bruit de jet par une méthode adjointe formulée pour l'acoustique potentielle |
| | Thèse École centrale de Lyon |
| 3. | Thomas LECHAT (dir.: Christophe BAILLY, Sébastien OLLIVIER, Didier DRAGNA) (2020). |
| | Étude de la réflexion d'ondes de choc acoustiques sur des parois rugueuses |
| | Thèse Université de Lyon |
| 4. | Adrien LANGENAIS (dir.: Christophe BAILLY) (2019). |
| | Adaptation de méthodes et d'outils aéroacoustiques pour les jets en interaction dans le cadre des lanceurs spatiaux |
| | Thèse École centrale de Lyon |
| 5. | Roberto SABATINI (dir.: Christophe BAILLY) (2017). |
| | Simulation directe 3-D de la propagation non linéaire des ondes acoustiques dans l’atmosphère terrestre |
| | Thèse École centrale de Lyon |
| 6. | Bertrand MERCIER (dir.: Thomas CASTELAIN, Christophe BAILLY) (2017). |
| | Développement d’une méthode de mesure de la masse volumique par diffusion Rayleigh appliquée à l’étude du bruit de jets, et contribution à l’étude du screech dans les jets supersoniques sous détendus |
| | Thèse Université de Lyon |
| 7. | Romain BIOLCHINI (dir.: Christophe BAILLY) (2017). |
| | Étude des effets de température sur le bruit de jet subsonique par simulation des grandes échelles |
| | Thèse École centrale de Lyon |
| 8. | Pierre YSER (dir.: Christophe BAILLY) (2017). |
| | Large eddy simulation of aerodynamic flows with a high order unstructured finite element method |
| | Thèse École centrale de Lyon |
| 9. | Gwendoline BRICHET (dir.: Christophe BAILLY) (2015). |
| | Etude du bruit d'un jet double flux installé sous un profil d'aile |
| | Thèse École centrale de Lyon |
| 10. | Anthony LAFITTE (dir.: Christophe BAILLY) (2012). |
| | Prédiction de l'aéroacoustique de jets subsoniques confinés à l'aide d'une méthode stochastique de génération de la turbulence |
| | Thèse École centrale de Lyon |
| | http://bibli.ec-lyon.fr/exl-doc/TH_T2303_alafitte.pdf |
| 11. | Cyprien HENRY (dir.: Christophe BAILLY) (2012). |
| | Prediction of Broadband Shock-Associated Noise in Static and Flight Conditions |
| | Thèse École centrale de Lyon |
| 12. | François KREMER (dir.: Christophe BAILLY) (2012). |
| | Etude numérique d'écoulements de paroi compressibles: méthodes d'intégration temporelle semi-implicites et application au canal plan turbulent |
| | Thèse École centrale de Lyon |
| | http://bibli.ec-lyon.fr/exl-doc/TH_T2337_fkremer.pdf |
| 13. | Gilles SERRE (dir.: Christophe BAILLY) (2012). |
| | Construction de modèles réduits numériques pour les écoulements compressibles linéarisés |
| | Thèse École centrale de Lyon |
| | pdf |
| 14. | Benoit ANDRÉ (dir.: Christophe BAILLY, Thomas CASTELAIN) (2012). |
| | Etude expérimentale de l?effet du vol sur le bruit de choc de jets supersoniques sous-détendus |
| | Thèse École centrale de Lyon |
| | http://bibli.ec-lyon.fr/exl-doc/TH_T2324_bandre.pdf |
| 15. | Gaël HANIQUE-COCKENPOT (dir.: Christophe BAILLY, Olivier MARSDEN) (2011). |
| | Etude numérique de la propagation non linéaire des infrasons dans l'atmosphère |
| | Thèse École centrale de Lyon |
| | http://bibli.ec-lyon.fr/exl-doc/TH_T2237_ghaniquecockempot.pdf |
| 16. | Nicolas DE CACQUERAY (dir.: Christophe BAILLY, Christophe BOGEY) (2010). |
| | Méthodes numériques pour les écoulements supersoniques avec application au calcul du bruit rayonné par un jet sur-détendu |
| | Thèse École centrale de Lyon |
| | http://bibli.ec-lyon.fr/exl-doc/TH_T2197_ndecacqueray.pdf |
| 17. | Damien DESVIGNE (dir.: Christophe BAILLY, Olivier MARSDEN) (2010). |
| | Bruit rayonné par un écoulement subsonique affleurant une cavité cylindrique : caractérisation expérimentale et simulation numérique directe par une approche multidomaine d'ordre élevé |
| | Thèse École centrale de Lyon |
| | http://bibli.ec-lyon.fr/exl-doc/TH_T2198_ddesvigne.pdf |
| 18. | Mélanie PIELLARD (dir.: Christophe BAILLY) (2008). |
| | Vers une méthode hybride de calcul aéroacoustique appliquée à des écoulements confinés |
| | Thèse École centrale de Lyon |
| | http://bibli.ec-lyon.fr/exl-doc/TH_T2175_mpiellard.pdf |
| 19. | Yann REVALOR (dir.: Christophe BAILLY, Daniel JUVÉ) (2007). |
| | Méthodes de rayons en aéroacoustique. |
| | Thèse École centrale de Lyon |
| 20. | Thomas EMMERT (dir.: Christophe BAILLY) (2007). |
| | Development of a multi-domain high-order algorithm for computational aeroacoustics : application to subsonic and transonic confined flows |
| | Thèse École centrale de Lyon |
| 21. | Sébastien BARRÉ (dir.: Christophe BAILLY, Christophe BOGEY) (2006). |
| | Etude numérique et expérimentale du bruit aérodynamique avec application aux jets ronds subsoniques. |
| | Thèse École centrale de Lyon |
| | http://bibli.ec-lyon.fr/exl-doc/sbarre.pdf |
| 22. | Blandine ARGUILLAT (dir.: Christophe BAILLY) (2006). |
| | Etude expérimentale et numérique de champs de pression pariétale dans l'espace des nombres d'onde, avec application aux vitrages automobiles |
| | Thèse École centrale de Lyon |
| 23. | Guillevic LAMAISON (dir.: Christophe BAILLY, Jean-Pierre BERTOGLIO) (2006). |
| | Génération d'un champ turbulent stochastique à partir d'un modèle spectral avec application à l'aéroacoustique. |
| | Thèse École centrale de Lyon |
| 24. | Vincent FLEURY (dir.: Christophe BAILLY, Daniel JUVÉ) (2006). |
| | Superdirectivité, bruit d'appariement et autres contributions au bruit de jet subsonique. |
| | Thèse École centrale de Lyon |
| 25. | Julien BERLAND (dir.: Christophe BAILLY, Christophe BOGEY) (2006). |
| | Modélisation des erreurs numériques dans une simulation des grandes échelles et étude du screech dans un jet rectangulaire supersonique. |
| | Thèse École centrale de Lyon |
| | http://bibli.ec-lyon.fr/exl-doc/jberland.pdf |
| 26. | Olivier MARSDEN (dir.: Christophe BAILLY) (2005). |
| | Calcul direct du rayonnement acoustique de profils par une approche curviligne d'ordre élevé. |
| | Thèse École centrale de Lyon |
| 27. | F. PEROT (dir.: Daniel JUVÉ, Christophe BAILLY) (2004). |
| | Calcul du rayonnement acoustique d'écoulements turbulents basé sur des analogies acoustiques couplées aux simulations aérodynamiques. |
| | Thèse École centrale de Lyon |
| 28. | Christophe BAILLY (1999). |
| | Simulations numériques en aéroacoustique. |
| | Habilitation École centrale de Lyon |
| | |
| | conférences invitées |
| 1. | Christophe BAILLY, Christophe BOGEY, Olivier MARSDEN (2008). |
| | Advances in computational aeroacoustics: challenges and issues |
| | 7th International ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements, Limassol, Cyprus. |
| | In: Proceedings of the 7th International ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements, , , 612–621.
| 2. | Christophe BAILLY (2007). |
| | Contributions de la simulation numérique à la physique du bruit d'origine aérodynamique |
| | 18ème Congrès français de mécanique, Grenoble, France. |
| | In: Jacqueline ETAY (Ed.), E.J. HOPFINGER (Ed.), Philippe MARTY (Ed.), Actes du 18ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Association Française de Mécanique, Courbevoie.
| 3. | Christophe BAILLY, Christophe BOGEY (2006). |
| | Current understanding of jet-noise mechanisms from compressible large-eddy simulations |
| | 6th ERCOFTAC Workshop on ?Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation? (DLES-6), Poitiers, France. doi:10.1007/978-1-4020-5152-2_4 |
| | In: Direct & large-eddy simulation VI, Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 39–48. doi:10.1007/978-1-4020-5152-2_4
| 4. | Christophe BAILLY, Christophe BOGEY (2006). |
| | Large Eddy Simulation for jet noise prediction |
| | 10th CEAS Aeroacoustics Workshop on Jet Noise Prediction, Dublin, Ireland. |
| | |
| | communications avec actes |
| 1. | Simon L. PRIGENT, Rafael ENGELMAN, Édouard SALZE, Christophe BAILLY (2018). |
| | Deconvolution of the wave number - frequency spectra of wall pressure fluctuations |
| | 24th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Atlanta, United States. doi:10.2514/6.2018-3291 |
| | In: Proceedings of the 2018 AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, AIAA, Reston, Virginia, USA. doi:10.2514/6.2018-3291
| 2. | Pierre YSER, Sébastien BARRÉ, Frédéric CHALOT, Franck DAGRAU, Christophe BAILLY (2016). |
| | High-order variational multiscale model with an explicit filtering in a stabilised finite element method for LES/DES computations |
| | 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Lyon, France. doi:10.2514/6.2016-2722 |
| | In: Proceedings of the 22th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, AIAA, Reston, Virginia, USA, AIAA 2016-2722 (21 pages). doi:10.2514/6.2016-2722
| 3. | Renata TROIAN, Didier DRAGNA, Christophe BAILLY, Marie-Annick GALLAND (2016). |
| | Broadband eduction of liner impedance under multimodal acoustic propagation |
| | 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Lyon, France. doi:10.2514/6.2016-2725 |
| | In: Proceedings of the 22th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, AIAA, Reston, Virginia, USA, 2016-2725 (10 pages). doi:10.2514/6.2016-2725
| 4. | Romain BIOLCHINI, Christophe BAILLY, Jean-François BOUSSUGE, Rasika FERNANDO (2016). |
| | Numerical study on the relation between hydrodynamic fluctuations and noise in hot jets at high Reynolds number |
| | 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Lyon, France. doi:10.2514/6.2016-3048 |
| | In: Proceedings of the 22th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, AIAA, Reston, Virginia, USA, AIAA 2016-3048 (15 pages). doi:10.2514/6.2016-3048
| 5. | Bertrand MERCIER, Thomas CASTELAIN, Christophe BAILLY (2016). |
| | A Schlieren and nearfield acoustic based experimental investigation of screech noise sources |
| | 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Lyon, France. doi:10.2514/6.2016-2799 |
| | In: Proceedings of the 22th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, AIAA, Reston, Virginia, USA, AIAA 2016-2799 (17 pages). doi:10.2514/6.2016-2799
| 6. | Bertrand MERCIER, Thomas CASTELAIN, Christophe BAILLY (2015). |
| | Investigation of under-expanded jet screech associated convective velocity based on high frequency sampled schlieren visualisations |
| | CFM 2015 : Congrès Français de Mécanique, Lyon, France. |
| | In: Alain COMBESCURE (Ed.), Michel LANCE (Ed.), Actes du 22ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Association Française de Mécanique, Courbevoie.
| | full text |
| 7. | Gwendoline BRICHET, Christophe BAILLY (2015). |
| | Rayonnement acoustique d'un jet double-flux installé sous un profil |
| | CFM 2015 : Congrès Français de Mécanique, Lyon, France. |
| | In: Alain COMBESCURE (Ed.), Michel LANCE (Ed.), Actes du 22ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Association Française de Mécanique, Courbevoie.
| | full text |
| 8. | Christophe BAILLY (2015). |
| | Propagation des ondes infrasonores dans l'atmosphère |
| | CFM 2015 : Congrès Français de Mécanique, Lyon, France. |
| | In: Alain COMBESCURE (Ed.), Michel LANCE (Ed.), Actes du 22ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Association Française de Mécanique, Courbevoie.
| | full text |
| 9. | Roberto SABATINI, Olivier MARSDEN, Christophe BAILLY, Olaf GAINVILLE (2015). |
| | Numerical simulation of infrasound propagation in a realistic atmosphere : nonlinear and viscous effects |
| | CFM 2015 : Congrès Français de Mécanique, Lyon, France. |
| | In: Alain COMBESCURE (Ed.), Michel LANCE (Ed.), Actes du 22ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Association Française de Mécanique, Courbevoie.
| | full text |
| 10. | Romain BIOLCHINI, Christophe BAILLY, Maxime KOENIG, Jean-François BOUSSUGE (2015). |
| | Effets de température sur le développement et l'acoustique d'un jet subsonique à nombre de Reynolds élevé par simulation des grandes échelles |
| | CFM 2015 : Congrès Français de Mécanique, Lyon, France. |
| | In: Alain COMBESCURE (Ed.), Michel LANCE (Ed.), Actes du 22ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Association Française de Mécanique, Courbevoie.
| | full text |
| 11. | Renata TROIAN, Didier DRAGNA, Christophe BAILLY, Marie-Annick GALLAND (2015). |
| | A broadband method for liner impedance eduction in the presence of a mean flow |
| | CFM 2015 : Congrès Français de Mécanique, Lyon, France. |
| | In: Alain COMBESCURE (Ed.), Michel LANCE (Ed.), Actes du 22ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Association Française de Mécanique, Courbevoie.
| | full text |
| 12. | Édouard SALZE, Christophe BAILLY, Aurélien MARSAN, Emmanuel JONDEAU, Daniel JUVÉ (2015). |
| | An experimental investigation of wall pressure fluctuations beneath pressure gradients |
| | 21st AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Dallas, United States. doi:10.2514/6.2015-3148 |
| | In: Proceedings of the 21st AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, AIAA, Reston, Virginia, USA, AIAA 2015-3148 (12 pages). doi:10.2514/6.2015-3148
| 13. | Gwendoline BRICHET, Maxime KOENIG, Christophe BAILLY (2015). |
| | Installation noise of a turbofan jet engine under an airfoil |
| | 21st AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Dallas, United States. doi:10.2514/6.2015-2208 |
| | In: Proceedings of the 21st AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, AIAA, Reston, Virginia, USA, AIAA 2015-2208 (14 pages). doi:10.2514/6.2015-2208
| 14. | Roberto SABATINI, Olivier MARSDEN, Christophe BAILLY, Olaf GAINVILLE (2015). |
| | Numerical simulation of infrasound propagation in the Earth's atmosphere: Study of a stratospherical arrival pair |
| | 20th International Symposium on Nonlinear Acoustics (ISNA), Lyon, France. doi:10.1063/1.4934468 |
| | In: Philippe BLANC-BENON (Ed.), Victor W. SPARROW (Ed.), Didier DRAGNA (Ed.), Recent Developments in Nonlinear Acoustics, AIP, New York, USA, 090002 (4 pages). doi:10.1063/1.4934468
| 15. | Édouard SALZE, Christophe BAILLY, Olivier MARSDEN, Emmanuel JONDEAU, Daniel JUVÉ (2014). |
| | An experimental characterisation of wall pressure wavevector-frequency spectra in the presence of pressure gradients |
| | 20th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Atlanta, GA, United States. doi:10.2514/6.2014-2909 |
| | In: Proceedings of the 20th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, AIAA, Reston, Virginia, USA, AIAA-2014-2909. doi:10.2514/6.2014-2909
| 16. | Benoit ANDRÉ, Thomas CASTELAIN, Christophe BAILLY (2013). |
| | Experimental study of flight effects on slightly underexpanded supersonic jets |
| | 19th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Berlin, Germany. |
| | In: Proceeding of the 19th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoutics Conference, AIAA, Reston, Virginia, USA, AIAA-2013-2079 (14 pages).
| 17. | François KREMER, Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY (2013). |
| | Influence of resolution and Reynolds number on large-eddy simulations of channel flow using relaxation filtering |
| | 51st Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Grapevine, Texas, United States. |
| | In: Proceedings of the 51st Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA, Reston, Virginia, USA, AIAA-2013-0517 (15 pages).
| 18. | Benoit ANDRÉ, Thomas CASTELAIN, Christophe BAILLY (2013). |
| | Investigation of the mixing layer in a slightly underexpanded supersonic jet by particle image velocimetry |
| | TSFP 8 : International Symposium onTurbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena Conferences, Poitiers, France. |
| | In: Proceedings of Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena Conferences, , .
| 19. | R. LACOMBE, Philippe LAFON, Frédéric DAUDE, Fabien CROUZET, Christophe BAILLY, Samir ZIADA (2013). |
| | Numerical and experimental analysis of flow-acoustic interactions in an industrial gate valve |
| | 19th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Berlin, Germany. |
| | In: Proceeding of the 19th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoutics Conference, AIAA, Reston, Virginia, USA, AIAA-2013-2158 (11 pages).
| 20. | Benoit ANDRÉ, Thomas CASTELAIN, Christophe BAILLY (2012). |
| | Experimental study of flight effects on underexpanded supersonic jet noise |
| | Acoustics 2012 : 11ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique & 2012 Annual IOA Meeting, Nantes, France. |
| | In: Proceedings of the Acoustics 2012 Nantes Conference, SFA, Paris, 2347–2352.
| 21. | Olivier MARSDEN, Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY (2012). |
| | Depth effects on the flow features and noise signature of shallow cylindrical cavities at a Mach number of 0.25 |
| | 18th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States. |
| | In: Proceedings of the 18th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, AIAA, Reston, Virginia, USA, AIAA-2012-2232 (15 pages).
| 22. | Anthony LAFITTE, Thomas LE GARREC, Christophe BAILLY, Estelle LAURENDEAU (2012). |
| | Prediction of subsonic jet noise relying on a sweeping based turbulence generation process |
| | 18th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States. |
| | In: Proceedings of the 18th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, AIAA, Reston, Virginia, USA, AIAA-2012-2149 (16 pages).
| 23. | François KREMER, Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY (2012). |
| | Development of semi-implicit Runge-Kutta schemes and application to a turbulent channel flow |
| | 18th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States. |
| | In: Proceedings of the 18th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, AIAA, Reston, Virginia, USA, AIAA2012-2066 (19 pages).
| 24. | Christophe BOGEY, Olivier MARSDEN, Christophe BAILLY (2012). |
| | Effects of initial shear-layer thickness on turbulent subsonic jets at moderate Reynolds numbers |
| | 18th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States. |
| | In: Proceedings of the 18th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, AIAA, Reston, Virginia, USA, AIAA-2012-2249 (18 pages).
| 25. | Philippe LAFON, Julien BERLAND, Fabien CROUZET, Frédéric DAUDE, Christophe BAILLY (2012). |
| | Numerical study of the aeroacoustic behavior of a subsonic confined cavity |
| | Acoustics 2012 : 11ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique & 2012 Annual IOA Meeting, Nantes, France. |
| | In: Proceedings of the Acoustics 2012 Nantes Conference, SFA, Paris, 1347–1352.
| 26. | Christophe BOGEY, Olivier MARSDEN, Christophe BAILLY (2012). |
| | Flow and sound fields of initially tripped jets at Reynolds numbers ranging from 25,000 to 200,000 |
| | 50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee, United States. |
| | In: Proceedings of the 50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA, Reston, Virginia, USA, AIAA-2012-1172 (17 pages).
| 27. | Anthony LAFITTE, Estelle LAURENDEAU, Thomas LE GARREC, Christophe BAILLY (2012). |
| | Jet noise prediction using a sweeping based turbulence generation process |
| | Acoustics 2012 : 11ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique & 2012 Annual IOA Meeting, Nantes, France. |
| | In: Proceedings of the Acoustics 2012 Nantes Conference, SFA, Paris, 1323–1328.
| 28. | Benoit ANDRÉ, Thomas CASTELAIN, Christophe BAILLY (2012). |
| | Experimental exploration of an underexpanded supersonic jet |
| | 28th International Symposium on Shock Waves, Manchester, United Kingdom. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-25688-2_95 |
| | In: Kontis KONSTANTINOS (Ed.), 28th International Symposium on Shock Waves, Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 629–634. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-25688-2_95
| 29. | François KREMER, Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY (2012). |
| | Investigation of a turbulent channel flow using large eddy simulation |
| | Acoustics 2012 : 11ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique & 2012 Annual IOA Meeting, Nantes, France. |
| | In: Proceedings of the Acoustics 2012 Nantes Conference, SFA, Paris, 1273–1278.
| 30. | Cyprien HENRY, Christophe BAILLY, Guillaume BODARD (2012). |
| | Stochastic prediction of broadband shock-associated noise including propagation effects |
| | Acoustics 2012 : 11ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique & 2012 Annual IOA Meeting, Nantes, France. |
| | In: Proceedings of the Acoustics 2012 Nantes Conference, SFA, Paris, 2341–2346.
| 31. | Nicolas DE CACQUERAY, Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY (2011). |
| | Investigation of highly supersonic jet noise: non-linear propagation effects and flow-acoustics correlations |
| | 17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Portland, Oregon, United States. |
| | In: Proceedings of the 17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, AIAA, Reston, Virginia, USA, AIAA 2011-2747 (18 pages).
| 32. | Christophe BOGEY, Olivier MARSDEN, Christophe BAILLY (2011). |
| | A further step towards grid-converged solutions for an initially nominally turbulent jet |
| | 17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Portland, Oregon, United States. |
| | In: Proceedings of the 17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, AIAA, Reston, Virginia, USA, AIAA 2011-2836 (11 pages).
| 33. | Christophe BOGEY, Olivier MARSDEN, Christophe BAILLY (2011). |
| | A computational study of the effects of nozzle-exit turbulence level on the flow and acoustic fields of a subsonic jet |
| | 17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Portland, Oregon, United States. |
| | In: Proceedings of the 17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, AIAA, Reston, Virginia, USA, AIAA 2011-2837 (18 pages).
| 34. | Jean-Baptiste DARGAUD, Julien TROYES, Jean-Michel LAMET, Lionel TESSÉ, François VUILLOT, Christophe BAILLY (2011). |
| | A study of solid rocket motor ignition overpressure waves: jet flow development and IR radiation |
| | EUCASS 2011 : 4th European Conference for Aerospace Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation. |
| | In: Proceedings of EUCASS 2011, EDP Sciences, 91940 Les Ulis, France.
| | full text |
| 35. | Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY (2011). |
| | Influence of Reynolds number and grid resolution on large-eddy simulations of self-similar jets based on relaxation filtering |
| | QLES2009, Pise, Italy. doi:10.1007/978-94-007-0231-8_29 |
| | In: Quality and Reliability of Large-Eddy Simulation II, Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 319–328. doi:10.1007/978-94-007-0231-8_29
| 36. | Julien BERLAND, Philippe LAFON, Fabien CROUZET, Frédéric DAUDE, Christophe BAILLY (2011). |
| | A parametric study of the noise radiated by the flow around multiple bodies: direct noise computation of the influence of the separating distance in rod-airfoil flow configurations |
| | 17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Portland, Oregon, United States. |
| | In: Proceedings of the 17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, AIAA, Reston, Virginia, USA, AIAA 2011-2819 (17 pages).
| 37. | François KREMER, Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY (2011). |
| | Etude de schémas de Runge-Kutta semi-implicites pour la simulation des écoulements de paroi |
| | 20ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Besançon, France. |
| | In: Actes du CFM 2011, Association Française de Mécanique, Courbevoie.
| | full text |
| 38. | Benoit ANDRÉ, Thomas CASTELAIN, Christophe BAILLY (2011). |
| | Experimental study of flight effects on screech in underexpanded jets |
| | 17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Portland, Oregon, United States. |
| | In: Proceedings of the 17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, AIAA, Reston, Virginia, USA, AIAA-2011-2794 (18 pages).
| 39. | Gaël HANIQUE-COCKENPOT, Christophe BAILLY, Christophe BOGEY, Olivier MARSDEN (2011). |
| | Etude numérique de la propagation des infrasons en haute atmosphère |
| | 20ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Besançon, France. |
| | In: Actes du CFM 2011, Association Française de Mécanique, Courbevoie.
| | full text |
| 40. | Julien BERLAND, Philippe LAFON, Fabien CROUZET, Frédéric DAUDE, Christophe BAILLY (2010). |
| | Numerical insight into sound sources of a rod-airfoil flow configuration using direct noise calculation |
| | 16th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (31st AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference), Stockholm, Sweden. |
| | In: Proceeding of the 16th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, AIAA, Reston, Virginia, USA, AIAA 2010-3705 (9 pages).
| 41. | Guillaume BODARD, Christophe BAILLY (2010). |
| | Feasibility of large-eddy simulation on angular sector to evaluate chevron effects on jet noise |
| | 16th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (31st AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference), Stockholm, Sweden. |
| | In: Proceeding of the 16th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, AIAA, Reston, Virginia, USA, AIAA 2010-3846 (23 pages).
| 42. | Nicolas DE CACQUERAY, Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY (2010). |
| | Direct noise computation of a shocked and heated jet at a Mach number of 3.30 |
| | 16th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (31st AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference), Stockholm, Sweden. |
| | In: Proceeding of the 16th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, AIAA, Reston, Virginia, USA, AIAA 2010-3732 (23 pages).
| 43. | Olivier MARSDEN, Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY (2010). |
| | Numerical investigation of flow features and acoustic radiation around a round cavity |
| | 16th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (31st AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference), Stockholm, Sweden. |
| | In: Proceeding of the 16th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, AIAA, Reston, Virginia, USA, AIAA 2010-3988 (13 pages).
| 44. | Christophe BOGEY, Olivier MARSDEN, Christophe BAILLY (2010). |
| | Flow and acoustic fields of Reynolds number 105, subsonic jets with tripped exit boundary layers |
| | 16th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (31st AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference), Stockholm, Sweden. |
| | In: Proceeding of the 16th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, AIAA, Reston, Virginia, USA, AIAA 2010-3727 (18 pages).
| 45. | Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY (2010). |
| | On the importance of specifying appropriate nozzle-exit conditions in jet noise prediction |
| | IUTAM Symposium on Computational Aero-Acoustics for Aircraft Noise Prediction, Southampton, United Kingdom. doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2010.09.005 |
| | In: Procedia Engineering, Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 38–43. doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2010.09.005
| 46. | Mélanie PIELLARD, Christophe BAILLY (2010). |
| | Several computational aeroacoustics solutions for the ducted diaphragm at low mach number |
| | 16th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (31st AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference), Stockholm, Sweden. |
| | In: Proceeding of the 16th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, AIAA, Reston, Virginia, USA, AIAA 2010-3996 (14 pages).
| 47. | Julien BERLAND, Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY (2009). |
| | Explicit low dispersive and low dissipative non-centered finite differences and filters |
| | Fourth International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ICCFD4, Ghent, Belgium. |
| | In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 825–830.
| 48. | Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY (2008). |
| | Assessment of dissipation in LES based on explicit filtering from the computation of kinetic energy budget |
| | Workshop on Quality and Reliability in Large-Eddy Simulations, Leuven, Belgium. |
| | In: Quality and Reliability of Large-Eddy Simulations, Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 81–92.
| 49. | Frédéric DAUDE, Thomas EMMERT, Fabien CROUZET, Philippe LAFON, Christophe BAILLY (2008). |
| | A high-order algorithm for compressible LES in CAA applications |
| | 14th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Vancouver, Canada. |
| | In: Proceedings of the 14th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, AIAA, Reston, Virginia, USA, AIAA 2008-3049 (25 pages).
| 50. | Thomas EMMERT, Philippe LAFON, Christophe BAILLY (2008). |
| | Numerical study of aeroacoustic coupling in a subsonic confined cavity |
| | 14th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Vancouver, Canada. |
| | In: Proceedings of the 14th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, AIAA, Reston, Virginia, USA, AIAA 2008-2848 (11 pages).
| 51. | Christophe BOGEY, Nicolas DE CACQUERAY, Christophe BAILLY (2008). |
| | Self-adjusting shock-capturing spatial filtering for high-order non-linear computations |
| | 14th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Vancouver, Canada. |
| | In: Proceedings of the 14th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, AIAA, Reston, Virginia, USA, AIAA 2008-2968 (25 pages).
| 52. | Christophe BOGEY, Nicolas DE CACQUERAY, Christophe BAILLY (2008). |
| | Recent developments in Direct Noise Computation of turbulent flows: numerical methods and applications |
| | 37th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering (Inter-Noise), Shangai, China. |
| | In: Proceedings of Inter- Noise 08, International Institute of Noise Control Engineering, Purdue University West Lafayette, USA.
| 53. | Olivier MARSDEN, Emmanuel JONDEAU, Pascal SOUCHOTTE, Christophe BAILLY (2008). |
| | Experimental investigation of flow features and acoustic radiation of a round cavity under subsonic grazing flow |
| | 7th International ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements, Limassol, Cyprus. |
| | In: Proceedings of the 7th International ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements, , , 559–562.
| 54. | Olivier MARSDEN, Emmanuel JONDEAU, Pascal SOUCHOTTE, Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY, Daniel JUVÉ (2008). |
| | Investigation of flow features and acoustic radiation of a round cavity |
| | 14th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Vancouver, Canada. |
| | In: Proceedings of the 14th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, AIAA, Reston, Virginia, USA, AIAA 2008-2851 (13 pages).
| 55. | Frédéric DAUDE, Thomas EMMERT, Philippe LAFON, Fabien CROUZET, Christophe BAILLY (2008). |
| | On the use of high-order finite difference schemes on overset grids for LES in aeroacoustics |
| | 7th International ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements, Limassol, Cyprus. |
| | In: Proceedings of the 7th International ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements, , , 217–222.
| 56. | Julien BERLAND, Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY (2008). |
| | Analysis of numerical error reduction in explicitly filtered LES using two-point turbulence closure |
| | Workshop on Quality and Reliability in Large-Eddy Simulations, Leuven, Belgium. |
| | In: Quality and Reliability of Large-Eddy Simulations, Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 143–154.
| 57. | Mélanie PIELLARD, Christophe BAILLY (2008). |
| | Validation of a hybrid CAA method. Application to the case of a ducted diaphragm at low Mach number |
| | 14th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Vancouver, Canada. |
| | In: Proceedings of the 14th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, AIAA, Reston, Virginia, USA, AIAA 2008-2873 (28 pages).
| 58. | E. DEYKINA, Christophe BAILLY, Christophe BOGEY, Daniel JUVÉ (2007). |
| | Simulation numérique de la propagation de signaux acoustiques basses fréquences dans l'atmosphère |
| | 18ème Congrès français de mécanique, Grenoble, France. |
| | In: Jacqueline ETAY (Ed.), E.J. HOPFINGER (Ed.), Philippe MARTY (Ed.), Actes du 18ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Association Française de Mécanique, Courbevoie.
| 59. | Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY (2007). |
| | Large Eddy Simulation of a self-preserving turbulent jet using high-order schemes |
| | The Fifth International Conference on Fluid Mechanics, Shangai, China. |
| | In: New Trends in Fluid Mechanics Research : Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Fluid Mechanics, Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 95–98.
| 60. | Mélanie PIELLARD, H. CLESSE, Christophe BAILLY (2007). |
| | Vers une méthode hybride de calcul aéroacoustique appliqué à des écoulements internes : diaphragme en conduit à faible nombre de Mach |
| | 18ème Congrès français de mécanique, Grenoble, France. |
| | In: Jacqueline ETAY (Ed.), E.J. HOPFINGER (Ed.), Philippe MARTY (Ed.), Actes du 18ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Association Française de Mécanique, Courbevoie.
| 61. | Vincent FLEURY, Christophe BAILLY, Marc MICHARD, Daniel JUVÉ, Emmanuel JONDEAU (2007). |
| | Space-time correlations in two subsonic jets using dual-PIV measurements |
| | 13th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Rome, Italy. |
| | In: Proceedings of the 13th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, AIAA, Reston, Virginia, USA, AIAA-2007-3615 (13 pages).
| 62. | Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY (2007). |
| | Turbulence and energy balance in an axisymmetric jet computed by large eddy simulation |
| | Eleventh European Turbulence Conference, Porto, Portugal. |
| | In: José M. L. M. PALMA (Ed.), A. SILVA LOPEZ (Ed.), Advances in Turbulence XI, Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 316–318.
| 63. | Thomas EMMERT, Philippe LAFON, Christophe BAILLY (2007). |
| | Computation of aeroacoustic phenomena in subsonic and transonic ducted flow |
| | 13th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Rome, Italy. |
| | In: Proceedings of the 13th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, AIAA, Reston, Virginia, USA, AIAA-2007-3429 (26 pages).
| 64. | Christophe BOGEY, Sébastien BARRÉ, Christophe BAILLY (2007). |
| | Direct computation of the noise generated by a hot coaxial jet |
| | 13th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Rome, Italy. |
| | In: Proceedings of the 13th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, AIAA, Reston, Virginia, USA, AIAA-2007-3587 (17 pages).
| 65. | Thomas EMMERT, Philippe LAFON, Christophe BAILLY (2007). |
| | Numerical simulation of the flow over a confined shallow cavity |
| | 5th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, Munich, Germany. |
| | In: R. FRIEDRICH (Ed.), N. A. ADAMS (Ed.), J. K. EATON (Ed.), J. A. C. HUMPHREY (Ed.), N. KASAGI (Ed.), M. A. LESCHZINER (Ed.), Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, , .
| 66. | Julien BERLAND, Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY (2006). |
| | Computation of a shock containing planar jet and its screech tones using Large-Eddy Simulation |
| | Conference on Turbulence and Interactions, Porquerolles, France. |
| | In: Proceedings of the Conference on Turbulence and Interactions, , .
| 67. | Olivier MARSDEN, Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY (2006). |
| | Turbulent boundary layers around a NACA 0012 airfoil and their radiated sound |
| | 12th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States. |
| | In: Proceedings of the 12th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, AIAA, Reston, Virginia, USA, AIAA 2006-2503 (11 pages).
| 68. | Vincent FLEURY, Christophe BAILLY, Daniel JUVÉ (2006). |
| | Superdirective and quadrupolar acoustic radiation by vortex pairing in subsonic excited jets |
| | 12th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States. |
| | In: Proceedings of the 12th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, AIAA, Reston, Virginia, USA, AIAA 2006-2950 (16 pages).
| 69. | Thomas EMMERT, Philippe LAFON, Christophe BAILLY (2006). |
| | Numerical study of aeroacoustic oscillations in a transonic flow downstream a sudden duct enlargement |
| | 12th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States. |
| | In: Proceedings of the 12th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, AIAA, Reston, Virginia, USA, AIAA 2006-2590 (16 pages).
| 70. | Julien BERLAND, Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY (2006). |
| | Large Eddy Simulation of screech tone generation in a planar underexpanded jet |
| | 12th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States. |
| | In: Proceedings of the 12th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, AIAA, Reston, Virginia, USA, AIAA 2006-2496 (23 pages).
| 71. | Sébastien BARRÉ, Vincent FLEURY, Christophe BAILLY, Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY, Daniel JUVÉ (2006). |
| | Experimental study of the properties of near-field and far-field jet noise |
| | 12th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States. |
| | In: Proceedings of the 12th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, AIAA, Reston, Virginia, USA, AIAA Paper 2006-2649 (14 pages).
| 72. | Sébastien BARRÉ, Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY (2006). |
| | Computation of the noise radiated by jets with laminar turbulent nozzle-exit conditions |
| | 12th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States. |
| | In: Proceedings of the 12th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, AIAA, Reston, Virginia, USA, AIAA Paper 2006-2443 (15 pages).
| 73. | Christophe BAILLY, Christophe BOGEY (2006). |
| | An overview of numerical methods for acoustic wave propagation |
| | European Conference of Computational Fluid Dynamics, ECCOMAS CFD 2006, Egmond aan Zee, Netherlands. |
| | In: Proceedings ECCOMAS CFD 2006, , .
| 74. | Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY (2004). |
| | Study of the effective Reynolds number of jets computed by LES |
| | Tenth European Turbulence Conference, Trondheim, Norway. |
| | In: H. I. ANDERSSON (Ed.), P.-Å. KROGSTAD (Ed.), Advances in Turbulence X, International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), Barcelona, Spain, 852.
| 75. | Nicolas HERON, Stéphane LEMAIRE, Sébastien M. CANDEL, Christophe BAILLY (2001). |
| | Coaxial-jet-noise predictions from statistical and stochastic source models |
| | 7th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference and Exhibit, Maastricht, Netherlands. doi:10.2514/6.2001-2205 |
| | In: Proceedings of the 7th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference and Exhibit, AIAA, Reston, Virginia, USA, AIAA 2001-2205. doi:10.2514/6.2001-2205
| 76. | Christophe BAILLY, Daniel JUVÉ (1999). |
| | A stochastic approach to compute subsonic noise using linearized Euler's equations |
| | 5th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference and Exhibit, Bellevue, WA, United States. doi:10.2514/6.1999-1872 |
| | In: Proceedings of the 5th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference and Exhibit, AIAA, Reston, Virginia, USA. doi:10.2514/6.1999-1872
| 77. | Christelle SEROR, Pierre SAGAUT, Christophe BAILLY, Daniel JUVÉ (1999). |
| | Subgrid scale contribution to noise production in decaying isotropic turbulence |
| | 5th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference and Exhibit, Bellevue, WA, United States. doi:10.2514/6.1999-1979 |
| | In: Proceedings of the 5th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference and Exhibit, AIAA, Reston, Virginia, USA. doi:10.2514/6.1999-1979
| 78. | Christophe BAILLY (1997). |
| | A statistical description of supersonic jet mixing noise |
| | 3rd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Atlanta, United States. doi:10.2514/6.1997-1575 |
| | In: Proceedings of the 3rd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, AIAA, Reston, Virginia, USA. doi:10.2514/6.1997-1575
| | |
| | communications sans actes |
| 1. | Christophe BOGEY, Olivier MARSDEN, Christophe BAILLY (2011). |
| | Investigation of the effects of initial turbulence level on the flow field properties of a subsonic jet |
| | 7th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, Ottawa, Canada. |
| | full text |
| 2. | D. FAUCONNIER, E. DICK, Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY (2011). |
| | Assessment of large-eddy simulation based on relaxation filtering: application to the Taylor-Green vortex |
| | 7th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, Ottawa, Canada. |
| | full text |
| 3. | Christophe BOGEY, C. COIFFET, Christophe BAILLY, Daniel JUVÉ (2008). |
| | Identification of sound generation from LES data using flow-noise correlations |
| | Ercoftac Symposium on sound source mechanisms in turbulent shear-flow, Poitiers, France. |
| 4. | Denis RICOT, Simon MARIÉ, Pierre SAGAUT, Christophe BAILLY (2007). |
| | Lattice Boltzmann method with selective viscosity filter |
| | 4th International Conference for Mesoscopic Methods in Engineering and Science, Munich, Germany. |
| 5. | Julien BERLAND, Christophe BAILLY (2007). |
| | Finite-differences schemes optimized in Fourier space for acoustics |
| | 7th International Conference On Spectral and High Order Methods, Beijing, China. |
| 6. | Julien BERLAND, Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY (2006). |
| | Investigation of shock-induced noise in a supersonic jet using large-eddy simulation |
| | 10th CEAS Aeroacoustics Workshop on Jet Noise Prediction, Dublin, Ireland. |
| 7. | Olivier MARSDEN, Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY (2006). |
| | Turbulent boundary layer development around a NACA 0012 airfoil |
| | Whither Turbulence Prediction and Control 2006, Seoul, Korea, Republic of. |
| | WTPC-007 |
| 8. | Christophe BOGEY, Christophe BAILLY (2006). |
| | Influence of the Reynolds number on the development of transitional jets computed by Large Eddy Simulation |
| | Whither Turbulence Prediction and Control 2006, Seoul, Korea, Republic of. |
| | WTPC-003 |
| | |
| | livres et ouvrages |
| 1. | Christophe BAILLY, Geneviève COMTE-BELLOT (2015). |
| | Turbulence |
| | Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-16160-0
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