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1.Nicolas POUJOL, Martin BUISSON, Pierre DUQUESNEorcid_16x16.png, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC (2022).
Unsteady analysis of a pulsating alternate flow pattern in a radial vaned diffuser
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 7, 23 (22 pages). doi:10.3390/ijtpp7030023 doi.ico openalex-16x16.png
2.Nicolas POUJOL, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC, Pierre DUQUESNEorcid_16x16.png (2021).
Effects of inlet guide vanes on the performance and stability of an aeronautical centrifugal compressor
J. Turbomach. 143, 101010 (9 pages). doi:10.1115/1.4050944 doi.ico hal.ico openalex-16x16.png
3.Victor MOËNNE-LOCCOZ, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC, Nicolas POUJOL, Pierre DUQUESNEorcid_16x16.png (2020).
Detection and analysis of an alternate flow pattern in a radial vaned diffuser
Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 5, 2 (12 pages). doi:10.3390/ijtpp5010002 doi.ico hal.ico openalex-16x16.png
4.Ghislaine NGO BOUM, Rodolpho BONTEMPO, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC (2019).
Three-dimensional/one-dimensional combined simulation of deep surge loop in a turbocharger compressor with vaned diffuser
J. Eng. Gas Turbine Power 141, 071017 (13 pages). doi:10.1115/1.4042833 doi.ico hal.ico openalex-16x16.png
5.Victor MOËNNE-LOCCOZ, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC, Nicolas POUJOL, Pierre DUQUESNEorcid_16x16.png (2019).
Low frequency stall modes of a radial vaned diffuser flow
Mécanique et Industries 20, 805 (6 pages). doi:10.1051/meca/2020026 doi.ico hal.ico openalex-16x16.png
6.Victor MOËNNE-LOCCOZ, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC, Emmanuel BENICHOU, Sébastien GOGUEY, Benoît PAOLETTI, Pierre LAUCHER (2017).
An experimental description of the flow in a centrifugal compressor from alternate atall to surge
J. Therm. Sci. 26, 289–296. doi:10.1007/s11630-017-0941-8 doi.ico hal.ico openalex-16x16.png
7.Aurélien MARSAN, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC, Antoine MOREAU, Sylvain COSTE (2017).
Active flow control in a radial vaned diffuser for surge margin improvement: a multislot suction strategy
Int. J. Rot. Machin. 2017, 4120862 (12 pages). doi:10.1155/2017/4120862 doi.ico hal.ico openalex-16x16.png
8.Emmanuel BENICHOU, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC (2016).
Comparison of steady and unsteady flows in a transonic radial vaned diffuser
J. Turbomach. 138, 121002 (10 pages). doi:10.1115/1.4033481 doi.ico hal.ico openalex-16x16.png
9.Yannick BOUSQUET, Nicolas BINDER, Guillaume DUFOUR, Xavier CARBONNEAUorcid_16x16.png, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC, Mathieu ROUMEAS (2016).
Numerical investigation of Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in a centrifugal compressor operating near stall
J. Turbomach. 138, 071007 (9 pages). doi:10.1115/1.4032457 doi.ico hal.ico openalex-16x16.png
10.Yannick BOUSQUET, Nicolas BINDER, Guillaume DUFOUR, Xavier CARBONNEAUorcid_16x16.png, Mathieu ROUMEAS, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC (2016).
Numerical simulation of stall inception mechanisms in centrifugal compressor with vaned diffuser
J. Turbomach. 138, 071007 (9 pages). doi:10.1115/1.4032457 doi.ico hal.ico openalex-16x16.png
11.Emmanuel BENICHOU, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC (2015).
Application of an analytical method to locate a mixing plane in a supersonic compressor
J. Power Energy Eng. 9, 91–101. doi:10.17265/1934-8975/2015.01.011 doi.ico hal.ico openalex-16x16.png
12.Isabelle TRÉBINJAC, Nicolas BUFFAZ, Emmanuel BENICHOU (2015).
Full-Annulus Simulation of the Surge Inception in a Transonic Centrifugal Compressor
J. Therm. Sci. 24, 442–451. doi:10.1007/s11630-015-0807-x doi.ico hal.ico openalex-16x16.png
13.Aurélien MARSAN, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC, Sylvain COSTE, Gilles LEROY (2015).
Influence of unsteadiness on the control of a hub-corner separation within a radial vaned diffuser
J. Turbomach. 137, 021008 (12 pages). doi:10.1115/1.4028244 doi.ico hal.ico openalex-16x16.png
14.Nicolas BUFFAZ, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC (2014).
Aerodynamic instabilities in transonic centrifugal compressor
Mech. Ind. 15, 191–196. doi:10.1051/meca/2014023 doi.ico hal.ico openalex-16x16.png
15.Yannick BOUSQUET, Xavier CARBONNEAUorcid_16x16.png, Guillaume DUFOUR, Nicolas BINDER, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC (2014).
Analysis of the unsteady flow field in a centrifugal compressor from peak efficiency to near stall with full-annulus simulations
Int. J. Rot. Machin. 2014, 729629 (11 pages). doi:10.1155/2014/729629 doi.ico hal.ico openalex-16x16.png
16.Aurélien MARSAN, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC, Sylvain COSTE, Gilles LEROY (2013).
Temporal behaviour of a corner separation in a radial vaned diffuser of a centrifugal compressor operating near surge
J. Therm. Sci. 22, 555–564. doi:10.1007/s11630-013-0662-6 doi.ico hal.ico openalex-16x16.png
17.Aurélien MARSAN, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC, Sylvain COSTE, Gilles LEROY (2012).
Study and control of a radial vaned diffuser stall
Int. J. Rot. Machin. 2012, 549048 (12 pages). doi:10.1155/2012/549048 doi.ico openalex-16x16.png
18.Guillaume LEGRAS, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC, Nicolas GOURDAINorcid_16x16.png, Xavier OTTAVYorcid_16x16.png, Lionel CASTILLON (2012).
A Novel approach to evaluate the benefits of casing treatment in axial compressors
Int. J. Rot. Machin. 2012, 975407 (19 pages). doi:10.1155/2012/975407 doi.ico openalex-16x16.png
19.Nicolas BUFFAZ, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC (2012).
Detailed analysis of the flow in the inducer of a transonic centrifugal compressor
J. Therm. Sci. 21, 1–12. doi:10.1007/s11630-012-0513-x doi.ico openalex-16x16.png
20.Isabelle TRÉBINJAC, Nicolas BULOT, Nicolas BUFFAZ (2011).
Analysis of the flow in a transonic centrifugal compressor stage from choke to surge
Proc. IMechE Part A, J. Power Energy 225, 919–929. doi:10.1177/0957650911411537 doi.ico openalex-16x16.png
21.Guillaume LEGRAS, Nicolas GOURDAINorcid_16x16.png, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC (2010).
Numerical analysis of the tip leakage flow field in a transonic axial compressor with circumferential casing treatment
J. Therm. Sci. 19, 198–205. doi:10.1007/s11630-010-0198-y doi.ico openalex-16x16.png
22.Nicolas BULOT, Xavier OTTAVYorcid_16x16.png, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC (2010).
Unsteady pressure measurements in a high-speed centrifugal compressor
J. Therm. Sci. 19, 1–8. doi:10.1007/s11630-010-0000-0 doi.ico openalex-16x16.png
23.Isabelle TRÉBINJAC, Pascale KULISAorcid_16x16.png, Nicolas BULOT, Nicolas ROCHUON (2009).
Effect of unsteadiness on the performance of a transonic centrifugal compressor stage
J. Turbomach. 131, 041011 (9 pages). doi:10.1115/1.3070575 doi.ico openalex-16x16.png
24.Xavier OTTAVYorcid_16x16.png, Sébastien GOGUEY, Juliane BERTHIAU, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC (2009).
Doppler global velocimeter - development and validation with measurements in a round free jet
J. Therm. Sci. 1, 74–84. doi:10.1007/s11630-009-0074-9 doi.ico hal.ico openalex-16x16.png
25.Nicolas BULOT, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC (2009).
Effect of the unsteadiness on the diffuser flow in a transonic centrifugal compressor stage
Int. J. Rot. Machin. 2009, 932593 (11 pages). doi:10.1155/2009/932593 doi.ico openalex-16x16.png
26.Nicolas BULOT, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC, Xavier OTTAVYorcid_16x16.png, Pascale KULISAorcid_16x16.png, G. HALTER, Benoît PAOLETTI, Patrick KRIKORIAN (2009).
Experimental and numerical investigation of the flow field in a high-pressure centrifugal compressor impeller near surge
Proc. IMechE Part A, J. Power Energy 223, 657–666. doi:10.1243/09576509JPE817 doi.ico openalex-16x16.png
27.Nicolas ROCHUON, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC, Pascale KULISAorcid_16x16.png, G. BILLONNET (2008).
Assessment of jet-wake flow structures induced by three-dimensional hub wall contouring
IREME 2, 113–121.
28.Nicolas BULOT, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC (2007).
Impeller-diffuser interaction: analysis of the unsteady flow structures based on their direction of propagation
J. Therm. Sci. 16, 193–202. doi:10.1007/s11630-007-0193-0 doi.ico openalex-16x16.png
29.Isabelle TRÉBINJAC, Nicolas ROCHUON, G. BILLONNET (2006).
An extraction of the dominant rotor-stator interaction modes by the use of Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD)
J. Therm. Sci. 15, 109–114. doi:10.1007/s11630-006-0109-4 doi.ico openalex-16x16.png
30.Isabelle TRÉBINJAC, D. CHARBONNIER, Francis LEBOEUF (2005).
Unsteady rotor-stator interaction in high speed compressor and turbine stages
J. Therm. Sci. 14, 289–297. doi:10.1007/s11630-005-0047-6 doi.ico openalex-16x16.png
31.Xavier OTTAVYorcid_16x16.png, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC, André VOUILLARMET, D. ARNAUD (2003).
Laser measurements in high speed compressors for rotor-stator interaction analysis.
Meas. Sci. Technol. 12, 310–317. doi:10.1007/s11630-003-0036-6 doi.ico openalex-16x16.png
32.Isabelle TRÉBINJAC, C. VIXEGE (2002).
Experimental analysis of the rotor stator interaction within a high pressure centrifugal compressor
J. Therm. Sci. , 1–9. doi:10.1007/s11630-002-0014-4 doi.ico openalex-16x16.png
33.Xavier OTTAVYorcid_16x16.png, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC, André VOUILLARMET (2001).
Analysis of the inter-row flow field within a transonic axial compressor : Part 2 - Unsteady flow analysis.
J. Turbomach. 123, 57–63. doi:10.1115/1.1328086 doi.ico hal.ico openalex-16x16.png
34.Xavier OTTAVYorcid_16x16.png, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC, André VOUILLARMET (2001).
Analysis of the inter-row flow field within a transonic axial compressor : Part 1 - Experimental investigation.
J. Turbomach. 123, 49–56. doi:10.1115/1.1328085 doi.ico hal.ico openalex-16x16.png
35.Xavier OTTAVYorcid_16x16.png, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC, André VOUILLARMET (1999).
L2F anemometry measurements of the inter-row flow field within a transonic axial compressor proovided with curved windows.
J. Therm. Sci. 8, 166–175. doi:10.1007/s11630-999-0003-y doi.ico hal.ico openalex-16x16.png
36.Xavier OTTAVYorcid_16x16.png, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC, André VOUILLARMET (1998).
Treatment of L2F anemometer measurement volume distorsions created by curved windows for turbomachinery applications
Meas. Sci. Technol. 9, 1511–1521. doi:10.1088/0957-0233/9/9/021 doi.ico hal.ico openalex-16x16.png
37.Isabelle TRÉBINJAC, I. CLAUDIN (1997).
Results and analysis of a L2F flow field investigation within a high-speed high- pressure centrifugal compressor.
J. Therm. Sci. .
38.G. BOIS, Francis LEBOEUF, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC, André VOUILLARMET (1996).
Ecoulements tridimensionnels dans les turbomachines transsoniques et supersoniques.
Int. J. Numer. Methods Heat Fluid Flow , 117–130.
39.G. BOIS, Francis LEBOEUF, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC, André VOUILLARMET (1995).
Ecoulements tridimensionnels dans les turbomachines transsoniques et supersoniques.
Revue Française de Mécanique 1996-2, 117–130.
1.Ludovic ROJDA (dir.: Isabelle TRÉBINJAC, Ghislaine NGO BOUM, Xavier CARBONNEAU) (2020).
Modélisation du fonctionnement des compresseurs pendant le déclenchement du pompage
Thèse École centrale de Lyon hal.ico
2.Victor MOËNNE-LOCCOZ (dir.: Isabelle TRÉBINJAC) (2019).
Analyse expérimentale des instabilités aérodynamiques dans un compresseur centrifuge de nouvelle génération.
Thèse École centrale de Lyon
3.Etienne TANG (dir.: Isabelle TRÉBINJAC) (2016).
Modélisation et analyse de l’interaction turbine HP-anneau de roue
Thèse École centrale de Lyon
4.Gilles-Alexis RENAUT (dir.: Isabelle TRÉBINJAC) (2015).
Schémas d'ordre élevé pour la méthode SPH-ALE
Thèse École centrale de Lyon
5.Emmanuel BENICHOU (dir.: Isabelle TRÉBINJAC) (2015).
Analyse numérique des instabilités aérodynamiques dans un compresseur centrifuge de nouvelle génération
Thèse École centrale de Lyon
6.Magdalena NEUHAUSER (dir.: Isabelle TRÉBINJAC, Stéphane AUBERT, Jean-Christophe MARONGIU) (2014).
Development of a coupled SPH-ALE/Finite Volume method for the simulation of transient flows in hydraulic machines
Thèse École centrale de Lyon
7.Jayson BABAJEE (dir.: Isabelle TRÉBINJAC, Tony ARTS, Francis LEBOEUF) (2013).
Detailed numerical characterization of the separation-induced transition, including bursting, in a low-pressure turbine environment
Thèse École centrale de Lyon
8.Aurélien MARSAN (dir.: Isabelle TRÉBINJAC) (2013).
Analyse et contrôle des écoulements en compresseur centrifuge avec diffuseur aspiré
Thèse École centrale de Lyon
9.Guillaume DESPRÉS (dir.: Isabelle TRÉBINJAC, Ghislaine NGO BOUM, Francis LEBOEUF) (2013).
Etude du déclenchement des instabilités dans un turbocompresseur de suralimentation automobile : entrée en pompage du compresseur par une approche système
Thèse École centrale de Lyon
10.Nicolas COURTIADE (dir.: Isabelle TRÉBINJAC, Xavier OTTAVY) (2012).
Etude de l'instationnarité et la rentrée en instabilité de l'écoulement dans le compresseur CREATE
Thèse École centrale de Lyon
11.Nicolas BUFFAZ (dir.: Isabelle TRÉBINJAC) (2012).
Analyse expérimentale et numérique de l'effet de jeu augmenté sur les instabilités aérodynamiques en compresseur centrifuge à fort taux de pression
Thèse École centrale de Lyon
12.Guillaume LEGRAS (dir.: Isabelle TRÉBINJAC, Nicolas GOURDAIN) (2011).
Analyse des mécanismes d'action des traitements de carter dans les compresseurs axiaux
Thèse École centrale de Lyon
13.Nicolas BULOT (dir.: Isabelle TRÉBINJAC) (2010).
Analyse expérimentale et modélisation numérique des mécanismes d'interactions instationnaires, à proximité du pompage d'un étage de compresseur centrifuge à fort taux de compression
Thèse École centrale de Lyon
14.Nicolas ROCHUON (dir.: Isabelle TRÉBINJAC, Pascale KULISA) (2007).
Analyse de l'écoulement tridimensionnel instationnaire dans un compresseur centrifuge à fort taux de pression.
Thèse École centrale de Lyon
15.Nicolas BILLIARD (dir.: Isabelle TRÉBINJAC) (2006).
Blade row interference and clocking effect in a one and half stage turbine
Thèse École centrale de Lyon
16.Isabelle TRÉBINJAC (2003).
Méthodologie d'étude des écoulements tridimensionnels et instationnaires dans les turbomachines à haute vitesse.
Habilitation École centrale de Lyon
conférences invitées
1.Jérôme BOUDETorcid_16x16.png, Feng GAO, Florence DE CRÉCY, Adrien CAHUZAC, Ghislaine NGO BOUM, Xavier OTTAVYorcid_16x16.png, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC (2014).
Research frontiers for compressors in aero-engines
11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI), Barcelona, Spain.
communications avec actes
1.Antoine GODARD, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC, Mathieu ROUMEAS (2017).
Experimental Characterization of the Surge Onset in a Turbo-compressor for Fuel Cell Application
12th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid dynamics & Thermodynamics, Stockholm, Sweden. doi:10.29008/ETC2017-040 doi.ico
In: Proceedings of 12th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid dynamics & Thermodynamics, , , ETC2017-040 (14 pages). doi:10.29008/ETC2017-040 doi.ico
2.Emmanuel BENICHOU, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC (2016).
Numerical analysis of an alternate stall in a radial vaned diffuser
ASME Turbo Expo 2016 : Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, Seoul, Korea, Republic of. doi:10.1115/GT2016-56485 doi.ico
In: Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2016, ASME, New York, USA. doi:10.1115/GT2016-56485 doi.ico
3.Etienne TANG, Mickaël PHILIT, Gilles LEROY, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC, Ghislaine NGO BOUM (2016).
Influence of a shroud axisymmetric slot injection on a high pressure turbine flow
ASME Turbo Expo 2016 : Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, Seoul, Korea, Republic of. doi:10.1115/GT2016-6608 doi.ico
In: Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2016, ASME, New York, USA. doi:10.1115/GT2016-6608 doi.ico
4.Etienne TANG, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC, Ghislaine NGO BOUM, Mickaël PHILIT, Gilles LEROY (2015).
Influence d'une injection d'air secondaire par une fente au carter dans l'espace stator-rotor sur l'aérodynamique d'une turbine haute pression
CFM 2015 : Congrès Français de Mécanique, Lyon, France.
In: Alain COMBESCURE (Ed.), Michel LANCE (Ed.), Actes du 22ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Association Française de Mécanique, Courbevoie.
full text
5.Emmanuel BENICHOU, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC (2015).
Analyse numérique d'un décollement alterné dans un diffuseur radial transsonique
CFM 2015 : Congrès Français de Mécanique, Lyon, France.
In: Alain COMBESCURE (Ed.), Michel LANCE (Ed.), Actes du 22ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Association Française de Mécanique, Courbevoie.
full text
6.Aurélien MARSAN, Gilles LEROY, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC, Stéphane MOREAUorcid_16x16.png (2015).
A multi-slots suction strategy for controlling the unsteady hub–corner separation in a radial vaned diffuser
12th International Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows, Lerici, Italy. hal.ico
In: Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows, , . hal.ico
7.Emmanuel BENICHOU, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC (2015).
Steady/unsteady diffuser flow in a transonic centrifugal compressor
11th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, Madrid, Spain.
In: Proceedings of ETC 2015, Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode-St-Genèse - Belgium.
8.Yannick BOUSQUET, Xavier CARBONNEAUorcid_16x16.png, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC, Nicolas BINDER, Guillaume DUFOUR (2015).
Numerical investigation of kelvin-helmholtz instability in a centrifugal compressor operating near stall
ASME Turbo Expo 2015, Montreal, Canada. doi:10.1115/GT2015-42495 doi.ico
In: Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2015: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition, ASME, New York, USA, 113665. doi:10.1115/GT2015-42495 doi.ico
9.Yannick BOUSQUET, Xavier CARBONNEAUorcid_16x16.png, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC, Guillaume DUFOUR, Mathieu ROUMEAS (2014).
Description of the unsteady flow pattern from peak efficiency to near surge in a subsonic centrifugal compressor stage
10th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, Lappeenranta, Finland.
In: Proceedings of ETC 10, Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode-St-Genèse - Belgium, 917–927.
10.Aurélien MARSAN, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC, Sylvain COSTE, Gilles LEROY (2014).
Temporal behavior of a boundary layer separation within a radial vaned diffuser
10th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, Lappeenranta, Finland.
In: Proceedings of ETC 10, Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode-St-Genèse - Belgium, 983–995.
11.Emmanuel BENICHOU, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC (2014).
Application of an analytical method to locate a mixing plane in a supersonic compressor
ASME Turbo Expo 2014, Düsseldorf, Germany. doi:10.1115/GT2014-25103 doi.ico
In: Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2014: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition, ASME, New York, USA, V02BT39A002 (10 pages). doi:10.1115/GT2014-25103 doi.ico
12.Aurélien MARSAN, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC, Sylvain COSTE, Gilles LEROY (2014).
Influence of unsteadiness on the control of a hub-corner separation within a radial vaned diffuser
ASME Turbo Expo 2014, Düsseldorf, Germany. doi:10.1115/GT2014-26985 doi.ico
In: Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2014: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition, ASME, New York, USA, GT2014-26985. doi:10.1115/GT2014-26985 doi.ico
13.Guillaume LEGRAS, Nicolas GOURDAINorcid_16x16.png, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC, Xavier OTTAVYorcid_16x16.png (2011).
Analysis of unsteadiness on casing treatment mechanisms in an axial compressor
ASME Turbo Expo 2011, Vancouver, Canada.
In: Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2011 - GT2011, ASME, New York, USA.
14.Guillaume LEGRAS, Lionel CASTILLON, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC, Nicolas GOURDAINorcid_16x16.png (2011).
Flow mechanisms induced by non-axisymetric casing treatment in a transonic axial compressor
10th International Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows, Brussels, Belgium.
In: Proceedings of the 10th ISAIF, Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode-St-Genèse - Belgium, ISAIF10-158.
15.Nicolas BUFFAZ, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC (2011).
Detailed analysis of the flow in the inducer of a transonic centrifugal compressor
10th International Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows, Brussels, Belgium.
In: Proceedings of the 10th ISAIF, Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode-St-Genèse - Belgium.
16.Guillaume LEGRAS, Nicolas GOURDAINorcid_16x16.png, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC (2011).
Extended methodology for analysing the flow mechanisms induced by casing treatment in compressor
9th European Conference on Turbomachinery, Istanbul, Turkey.
In: Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Turbomachinery, Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode-St-Genèse - Belgium.
17.Isabelle TRÉBINJAC, Nicolas BULOT, Nicolas BUFFAZ (2011).
Analysis of the flow in a transonic centrifugal compressor stage from choke to surge
9th European Conference on Turbomachinery, Istanbul, Turkey.
In: Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Turbomachinery, Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode-St-Genèse - Belgium.
18.Isabelle TRÉBINJAC, Nicolas BULOT, Xavier OTTAVYorcid_16x16.png, Nicolas BUFFAZ (2011).
Surge inception in a transonic centrifugal compressor stage
ASME Turbo Expo 2011, Vancouver, Canada.
In: Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2011 - GT2011, ASME, New York, USA.
19.Francis LEBOEUF, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC, Xavier OTTAVYorcid_16x16.png, Nicolas GOURDAINorcid_16x16.png (2010).
Aerodynamic studies in high-speed compressors dedicated to aeronautical applications
27th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, Nice, France.
In: ICAS 2010 Proceedings, , .
20.Nicolas BUFFAZ, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC (2010).
Tip clearance effect on the flow field within a high-pressure centrifugal compressor
13th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States.
In: Proceedings of ISROMAC-13, Curran Associates, NY, USA, 1–9.
21.Isabelle TRÉBINJAC, Xavier OTTAVYorcid_16x16.png, Nicolas ROCHUON, Nicolas BULOT (2009).
On the validity of steady calculations with shock-blade row interaction in compressors
9th International Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows, Gyeongju, Korea, Republic of.
In: Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows, , , ISAIF9-062.
22.Nicolas BULOT, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC, Xavier OTTAVYorcid_16x16.png, Pascale KULISAorcid_16x16.png, G. HALTER, Benoît PAOLETTI, Patrick KRIKORIAN (2009).
Experimental and numerical investigation of the flow field in a high-pressure centrifugal compressor impeller near surge
8th European Turbomachinery Conference, Graz, Austria.
In: Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Turbomachinery, , , 447–458.
23.Nicolas BULOT, Xavier OTTAVYorcid_16x16.png, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC (2009).
Unsteady pressure measurements in a high-speed centrifugal compressor
9th International Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows, Gyeongju, Korea, Republic of.
In: Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows, , , ISAIF9-066.
24.Isabelle TRÉBINJAC, Pascale KULISAorcid_16x16.png, Nicolas BULOT, Nicolas ROCHUON (2008).
Effect of the unsteadiness on the performance of a transonic centrifugal compressor stage
ASME Turbo Expo 2008: Power for Land, Sea and Air (TE08), Berlin, Germany.
In: Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2008 : Power for Land, Sea, and Air, ASME, New York, USA, GT 2008-50260 (10 pages).
25.Jérôme BOUDETorcid_16x16.png, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC, André VOUILLARMET, Dominique ECHAMPARD (2008).
Une Nouvelle Pédagogie pour des Travaux Pratiques en Mécanique des Fluides
Journées AUM / AFM 2008, Mulhouse, France. hal.ico
In: Recueil des journées AUM / AFM 2008, , , 87–94. hal.ico
26.Nicolas BULOT, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC (2008).
Effect of the unsteadiness on the diffuser flow in a transonic centrifugal compressor stage
12th ISROMAC, Honolulu, United States.
In: Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery, , .
27.Nicolas ROCHUON, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC, Pascale KULISAorcid_16x16.png, G. BILLONNET (2007).
Using a 3D hub to avoid the jet-wake flow structure
7th European Conference on Turbomachinery, Athens, Greece.
In: Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Turbomachinery, , .
28.Nicolas BULOT, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC (2007).
Impeller-diffuser interaction: analysis of the unsteady flow structures based on their direction of propagation
8th International Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows, Lyon, France.
In: Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows, , , ISAIF8-00136 (10 pages).
29.Nicolas ROCHUON, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC (2005).
Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) - Application to rotorstator interaction analysis
6th European Conference on Turbomachinery, Lille, France.
In: Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Turbomachinery, Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d\'Arts et Métiers, , Paper 033_01/63.
30.Nicolas ROCHUON, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC, G. BILLONNET (2005).
An extraction of the dominant rotor-stator interaction modes by the use of Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD)
7th ISAIF, Tokyo, Japan.
In: Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flow, , .
communications sans actes
1.D. ARNAUD, Xavier OTTAVYorcid_16x16.png, Isabelle TRÉBINJAC (2000).
Mesures par anémométrie laser L2F-2D et 3D en turbomachines : Traitement des distorsions optiques créées par des hublots courbes
7ème Congrès Francophone de Vélocimétrie Laser, Marseille, France.
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