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1.Sébastien PROUSTorcid_16x16.png, Nicolas RIVIÈREorcid_16x16.png, D. BOUSMAR, André PAQUIERorcid_16x16.png, Y. ZECH, Robert MOREL (2006).
Flow in compound channel with abrupt floodplain contraction
J. Hydraul. Eng. 132, 958–970. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9429(2006)132:9(958) doi.ico hal.ico openalex-16x16.png
2.D. BOUSMAR, Nicolas RIVIÈREorcid_16x16.png, Sébastien PROUSTorcid_16x16.png, André PAQUIERorcid_16x16.png, Robert MOREL, Y. ZECH (2005).
Upstream discharge distribution in short compound channel flumes
J. Hydraul. Eng. 131, 408–412.
3.Abdul Rahman AKHRAS, Mahmoud EL HAJEMorcid_16x16.png, Jean-Yves CHAMPAGNE, Robert MOREL (2004).
The flow rate influence on the interaction of a radial pump impeller and the diffuser.
Int. J. Rot. Machin. 10, 309–317.
4.S. HAIDER, André PAQUIERorcid_16x16.png, Robert MOREL, Jean-Yves CHAMPAGNE (2003).
Urban flood modelling using computational fluid dynamics
Proc. Inst. Civ. Eng., Water Marit. Eng. 156, 129–135. doi:10.1680/wama. doi.ico openalex-16x16.png
5.Mahmoud EL HAJEMorcid_16x16.png, Abdul Rahman AKHRAS, Robert MOREL, Jean-Yves CHAMPAGNE (2001).
Analyse de l'écoulement instationnaire dans l'entrefer roue-diffuseur d'une pompe centrifuge.
Houille Blanche-Rev. Int. , 65–69.
6.Mahmoud EL HAJEMorcid_16x16.png, Robert MOREL, Jean-Yves CHAMPAGNE, R. VILAGINES, P. PAGNIER (2001).
Exploration par anémométrie laser Doppler de l'écoulement dans une pompe hélico-axiale.
Houille Blanche-Rev. Int. 3/4-2001, 34–39.
7.Abdul Rahman AKHRAS, Mahmoud EL HAJEMorcid_16x16.png, Robert MOREL, Jean-Yves CHAMPAGNE (2001).
Internal flow investigation of a centrifugal pump at the design point.
Microgravity Quarterly 4, 91–98.
8.Mahmoud EL HAJEMorcid_16x16.png, Abdul Rahman AKHRAS, Robert MOREL, Jean-Yves CHAMPAGNE (2001).
Rotor-stator interaction in a centrifugal pump equiped with a vaned diffuser.
Proc. IMechE Part A, J. Power Energy 125, 809–819.
9.P. SAGNES, Jean-Yves CHAMPAGNE, Robert MOREL (2000).
Shifts in drag and swimming potential during grayling ontogenesis : relations with habitat use.
J. Fish Biol. 56.
Crayfish as geomorphic agents and ecosystem engineers : biological behavior affects sand and gravel erosion in experimental stream.
Limnol. Oceanogr. 45.
11.P. PAGNIER, Robert MOREL, Jean-Yves CHAMPAGNE, Claude HENRY, G. BOIS, E.M. EL GHAZZANI (1999).
Prédiction de l'apparition de la cavitation dans un inducteur placé en amont d'une roue centrifuge.
Houille Blanche-Rev. Int. 54, 13–22.
12.Mahmoud EL HAJEMorcid_16x16.png, Robert MOREL, F. SPETTEL, G. BOIS (1998).
Etude de l'Ecoulement moyen en sortie de roue d'une pompe centrifuge (Roue SHF).
Houille Blanche-Rev. Int. , 24–31.
13.B. BAHRAR, E. RIEUTORD, Robert MOREL (1998).
Influence de la viscoélasticité de la paroi sur les phénomènes classiques de coup de bélier.
Houille Blanche-Rev. Int. , 26–32.
14.Faouzi LAADHARIorcid_16x16.png, L. SKANDAJI, Robert MOREL (1994).
Turbulence reduction in a boundary layer by a local spanwise oscillating surface
Phys. Fluids 6, 3218–3220. doi:10.1063/1.868052 doi.ico hal.ico openalex-16x16.png
15.Faouzi LAADHARIorcid_16x16.png, Robert MOREL, Emilio ALCARAZ (1994).
Combined flow visualisation velocity an wall pressure measurements in transitional boundary layer.
Eur. J. Mech. B-Fluids 13, 473–489.
16.P. FREY, Jean-Yves CHAMPAGNE, Robert MOREL, Bernard GAY (1993).
Hydrodynamics fields and solid particles transport in a settling tank..
Waves Random Complex Media 31, 763–776.
17.Robert MOREL, Emilio ALCARAZ, A. LAASSIBI, R. ZEGADI, G. BRUN, Denis JEANDEL (1992).
Validation of a k-e model based on experimental results in a thermally stable stratified turbulent boundary layer.
Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 35, 2717–2724.
18.Robert MOREL, Emilio ALCARAZ, Michel AYRAULT, R. ZEGADI, Patrick MÉJEAN (1991).
Effects of thermal stable stratification on turbulent boundary layer characteristics.
Chem. Senses 25A, 1263–1270.
19.Michel AYRAULT, Jean-Louis BALINT, Robert MOREL (1991).
An experimental study on the evolution and dispersion of a cloud of gas heavier than air.
Atmos. Environ. 26, 1-26.
1.Abdul Rahman AKHRAS (dir.: Robert MOREL) (2002).
Etude de l'interaction roue-diffuseur dans une pompe centrifuge
Thèse Institut national des sciences appliquées de Lyon
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