| | |articles||thèses/hdr||conférences invitées||communications avec actes||communications sans actes| |
| | |
| | articles |
| 1. | Nelson POUMAËRE , Benoît PIER , Florence RAYNAL (2024). |
| | Residence time distributions in unstable channel flow |
| | Phys. Rev. Fluids 9, 104501 (25 pages). doi:10.1103/PhysRevFluids.9.104501
| 2. | Frédéric ALIZARD , Benoît PIER , Smail LEBBAL (2024). |
| | Transient energy growth in channel flow with compliant walls |
| | Phys. Rev. Fluids 9, 043905 (26 pages). doi:10.1103/PhysRevFluids.9.043905
| 3. | Nelson POUMAËRE , Benoît PIER , Florence RAYNAL (2022). |
| | Residence time distributions for in-line chaotic mixers |
| | Phys. Rev. E 106, 015107 (13 pages). doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.106.015107
| 4. | Smail LEBBAL , Frédéric ALIZARD , Benoît PIER (2022). |
| | Linear instabilities of pulsatile plane channel flow between compliant walls |
| | J. Fluid Mech. 948, A15 (32 pages). doi:10.1017/jfm.2022.658
| 5. | Smail LEBBAL , Frédéric ALIZARD , Benoît PIER (2022). |
| | Revisiting the linear instabilities of plane channel flow between compliant walls |
| | Phys. Rev. Fluids 7, 023903 (32 pages). doi:10.1103/PhysRevFluids.7.023903
| 6. | Benoît PIER , Peter J. SCHMID (2021). |
| | Optimal energy growth in pulsatile channel and pipe flows |
| | J. Fluid Mech. 926, A11 (34 pages). doi:10.1017/jfm.2021.702
| 7. | Benoît PIER , Rama GOVINDARAJAN (2018). |
| | Nonlinear travelling waves in rotating Hagen–Poiseuille flow |
| | Fluid Dyn. Res. 50, 031402 (14 pages). doi:10.1088/1873-7005/aaaa9f
| 8. | Benoît PIER , Peter J. SCHMID (2017). |
| | Linear and nonlinear dynamics of pulsatile channel flow |
| | J. Fluid Mech. 815, 435–480. doi:10.1017/jfm.2017.58
| 9. | Sharath JOSE, Vishnu KUZHIMPARAMPIL, Benoît PIER , Rama GOVINDARAJAN (2017). |
| | Algebraic disturbances and their consequences in rotating channel flow transition |
| | Phys. Rev. Fluids 2, 083901 (25 pages). doi:10.1103/PhysRevFluids.2.083901
| 10. | Srikanth DEREBAIL MURALIDHAR, Benoît PIER , Julian F. SCOTT (2016). |
| | Instability of flow around a rotating, semi-infinite cylinder |
| | Phys. Rev. Fluids 1, 053602 (15 pages). doi:10.1103/PhysRevFluids.1.053602
| 11. | Srikanth DEREBAIL MURALIDHAR, Benoît PIER , Julian F. SCOTT , Rama GOVINDARAJAN (2016). |
| | Flow around a rotating semi-infinite cylinder in an axial stream |
| | Proc. R. Soc. A-Math. Phys. Eng. Sci. 472, 20150850 (17 pages). doi:10.1098/rspa.2015.0850
| 12. | Matthew P. JUNIPER , Benoît PIER (2015). |
| | The structural sensitivity of open shear flows calculated with a local stability analysis |
| | Eur. J. Mech. B-Fluids 49, 426–437. doi:10.1016/j.euromechflu.2014.05.011
| 13. | Benoît PIER , Nigel PEAKE (2015). |
| | Global modes with multiple saddle points |
| | Eur. J. Mech. B-Fluids 49, 335–344. doi:10.1016/j.euromechflu.2014.03.006
| 14. | Shyam Sunder GOPALAKRISHNAN, Benoît PIER , Arie BIESHEUVEL (2014). |
| | Dynamics of pulsatile flow through model abdominal aortic aneurysms |
| | J. Fluid Mech. 758, 150–179. doi:10.1017/jfm.2014.535
| 15. | Colin LECLERCQ, Benoît PIER , Julian F. SCOTT (2014). |
| | Absolute instabilities in eccentric Taylor-Couette-Poiseuille flow |
| | J. Fluid Mech. 741, 543–566. doi:10.1017/jfm.2013.646
| 16. | Shyam Sunder GOPALAKRISHNAN, Benoît PIER , Arie BIESHEUVEL (2014). |
| | Global stability analysis of flow through a fusiform aneurysm: steady flows |
| | J. Fluid Mech. 752, 90–106. doi:10.1017/jfm.2014.292
| 17. | Benoît PIER (2013). |
| | Periodic and quasiperiodic vortex shedding in the wake of a rotating sphere |
| | J. Fluids Struct. 41, 43–50. doi:10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2012.09.002
| 18. | Benoît PIER (2013). |
| | Transition near the edge of a rotating disk |
| | J. Fluid Mech. 737 (9 pages). doi:10.1017/jfm.2013.578
| 19. | Colin LECLERCQ, Benoît PIER , Julian F. SCOTT (2013). |
| | Temporal stability of eccentric Taylor-Couette-Poiseuille flow |
| | J. Fluid Mech. 733, 68–99. doi:10.1017/jfm.2013.437
| 20. | M. Ehtisham SIDDIQUI, Mukund VASUDEVAN, Julian F. SCOTT , Benoît PIER (2013). |
| | Experimental characterization of transition region in rotating-disk boundary layer |
| | Phys. Fluids 25, 034102 (10 pages). doi:10.1063/1.4798435
| 21. | Benoît PIER (2011). |
| | Signalling problem in absolutely unstable systems |
| | Theor. Comput. Fluid Dyn. 25, 7–17. doi:10.1007/s00162-009-0166-x
| 22. | Benoît PIER (2008). |
| | Local and global instabilities in the wake of a sphere |
| | J. Fluid Mech. 603, 39–61. doi:10.1017/S0022112008000736
| 23. | Benoît PIER (2007). |
| | Primary crossflow vortices, secondary absolute instabilities and their control in the rotating-disk boundary layer |
| | J. Eng. Math. 57, 237–251. doi:10.1007/s10665-006-9095-5
| 24. | Benoît PIER (2003). |
| | Finite amplitude crossflow vortices, secondary instability and transition in the rotating disk boundary layer |
| | J. Fluid Mech. 487, 315–343. doi:10.1017/S0022112003004981
| *. | Benoît PIER (2003). |
| | Open-loop control of absolutely unstable domains |
| | Proc. R. Soc. A-Math. Phys. Eng. Sci. 459, 1105–1115. doi:10.1098/rspa.2002.1086
| *. | Benoît PIER (2002). |
| | On the frequency selection of finite-amplitude vortex shedding in the cylinder wake |
| | J. Fluid Mech. 458, 407–417. doi:10.1017/S0022112002008054
| *. | Benoît PIER , Patrick HUERRE (2001). |
| | Nonlinear synchronization in open flows |
| | J. Fluids Struct. 15, 471–480. doi:10.1006/jfls.2000.0349
| *. | Benoît PIER , Patrick HUERRE (2001). |
| | Nonlinear self-sustained structures and fronts in spatially developing wake flows |
| | J. Fluid Mech. 435, 145–174. doi:10.1017/S0022112001003652
| *. | Benoît PIER , Patrick HUERRE, Jean-Marc CHOMAZ (2001). |
| | Bifurcation to fully nonlinear synchronized structures in slowly varying media |
| | Physica D 148, 49–96. doi:10.1016/S0167-2789(00)00146-9
| *. | Arshad KUDROLLI, Benoît PIER , Jerry P. GOLLUB (1998). |
| | Superlattice patterns in surface waves |
| | Physica D 123, 99–111. doi:10.1016/S0167-2789(98)00115-8
| *. | Benoît PIER , Patrick HUERRE, Jean-Marc CHOMAZ, Arnaud COUAIRON (1998). |
| | Steep nonlinear global modes in spatially developing media |
| | Phys. Fluids 10, 2433–2435. doi:10.1063/1.869784
| *. | Benoît PIER , Patrick HUERRE (1996). |
| | Fully nonlinear global modes in spatially developing media |
| | Physica D 97, 206–222. doi:10.1016/0167-2789(96)00152-2
| | |
| | thèses/hdr |
| 1. | Nelson POUMAËRE (dir.: Florence RAYNAL, Benoît PIER) (2023). |
| | Transport et Temps de résidence dans les écoulements ouverts, chaotiques ou perturbés |
| | Thèse École centrale de Lyon |
| 2. | Smail LEBBAL (dir.: Frédéric ALIZARD, Benoît PIER) (2021). |
| | Dynamique des écoulements pulsés dans des canaux déformables |
| | Thèse École centrale de Lyon  |
| 3. | Srikanth DEREBAIL MURALIDHAR (dir.: Benoît PIER, Julian F. SCOTT) (2016). |
| | Instability of flow around a rotating, semi-infinite cylinder in an axial stream |
| | Thèse École centrale de Lyon  |
| 4. | Benoît PIER (2015). |
| | Dynamique des écoulements ouverts : instabilités et transition, courbure et rotation |
| | Habilitation École centrale de Lyon  |
| 5. | Shyam Sunder GOPALAKRISHNAN (dir.: Arie BIESHEUVEL, Benoît PIER) (2014). |
| | Dynamics and stability of flow through abdominal aortic aneurysms |
| | Thèse Université Claude-Bernard Lyon 1  |
| 6. | Colin LECLERCQ (dir.: Julian F. SCOTT, Benoît PIER) (2013). |
| | Instabilités convectives et absolues dans l'écoulement de Taylor?Couette?Poiseuille excentrique |
| | Thèse École centrale de Lyon  |
| 7. | M. Ehtisham SIDDIQUI (dir.: Julian F. SCOTT, Benoît PIER) (2011). |
| | Experimental study of natural and forced instabilities and transition of a rotating-disk boundary-layer flow |
| | Thèse École centrale de Lyon  |
| | |
| | conférences invitées |
| 1. | Benoît PIER (2018). |
| | Complex dynamics in eccentric Couette-Taylor-Poiseuille flow |
| | 20th International Couette-Taylor Workshop, Marseille, France. |
| 2. | Benoît PIER (2009). |
| | Primary, secondary instabilities and control of the rotating-disk boundary layer |
| | Stability and Transition of Rotating Boundary-Layer Flows, Leicester, United Kingdom. |
| | |
| | communications avec actes |
| 1. | Srikanth DEREBAIL MURALIDHAR, Benoît PIER , Julian F. SCOTT , Rama GOVINDARAJAN (2015). |
| | Linear stability analysis of boundary layer over a long cylinder with rotation |
| | CFM 2015 : Congrès Français de Mécanique, Lyon, France. |
| | In: Alain COMBESCURE (Ed.), Michel LANCE (Ed.), Actes du 22ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Association Française de Mécanique, Courbevoie.
| | full text |
| 2. | Mukund VASUDEVAN, M. Ehtisham SIDDIQUI, Benoît PIER , Julian F. SCOTT , Alexandre AZOUZI, Roger MICHELET, Christian NICOT (2011). |
| | Response to rotating forcing of the von-Kármán disk boundary layer |
| | 13th European Turbulence Conference (ETC13), Warsaw, Poland. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/318/3/032023  |
| | In: Journal of Physics : Conference Series Volume 318, IOP, London, 032023. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/318/3/032023
| 3. | M. Ehtisham SIDDIQUI, Benoît PIER , Julian F. SCOTT , Alexandre AZOUZI, Roger MICHELET (2010). |
| | Experimental characterization and control of transition region in rotating-disk boundary layer |
| | Seventh IUTAM Symposium on Laminar-Turbulent Transition, Stockholm, Sweden.  |
| | In: Philipp SCHLATTER (Ed.), Dan S. HENNINGSON (Ed.), Proceedings of the Seventh IUTAM Symposium on Laminar-Turbulent Transition, Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 573–576.
| 4. | Benoît PIER , Nigel PEAKE (2010). |
| | Global nonlinear dynamics of thin aerofoil wakes |
| | Seventh IUTAM Symposium on Laminar-Turbulent Transition, Stockholm, Sweden.  |
| | In: Philipp SCHLATTER (Ed.), Dan S. HENNINGSON (Ed.), Proceedings of the Seventh IUTAM Symposium on Laminar-Turbulent Transition, Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 319–324.
| 5. | Benoît PIER (2007). |
| | Absolute instabilities in the wake of spherical particles |
| | 6th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, Leipzig, Germany. |
| | In: Martin SOMMERFELD (Ed.), Proceedings of ICMF 2007, , , 339 (10 pages).
| 6. | Benoît PIER (2004). |
| | Open-loop control and delay of transition in the rotating-disk boundary layer |
| | Tenth European Turbulence Conference, Trondheim, Norway. |
| | In: H. I. ANDERSSON (Ed.), P.-Å. KROGSTAD (Ed.), Advances in Turbulence X, International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), Barcelona, Spain, 775–778.
| *. | Benoît PIER (2002). |
| | Fully nonlinear waves and transition in the boundary layer over a rotating disk |
| | Ninth European Turbulence Conference, Southampton, United Kingdom. |
| | In: I. P. CASTRO (Ed.), P. E. HANCOCK (Ed.), T. G. THOMAS (Ed.), Advances in Turbulence IX, International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), Barcelona, Spain, 13–16.
| | |
| | communications sans actes |
| 1. | Nelson POUMAËRE , Benoît PIER , Florence RAYNAL (2023). |
| | Chaotic advection in the saturated pulsatile plane Poiseuille flow |
| | CHAOS 2023, Heraklion, Crete, Greece. |
| 2. | Nelson POUMAËRE , Florence RAYNAL , Benoît PIER (2022). |
| | Temps de résidence en écoulement perturbé |
| | Congrès Français de Mécanique 2022, Nantes, France. |
| 3. | Benoît PIER , Smail LEBBAL , Frédéric ALIZARD (2022). |
| | Absolute instabilities in compliant plane channel flows |
| | EFMC 14, Athènes, Greece. |
| 4. | Nelson POUMAËRE , Benoît PIER , Florence RAYNAL (2021). |
| | Le mélangeur chaotique idéal existe-t-il ? |
| | Congrès des jeunes chercheurs en mécanique - Méca-J, virtuel, France. |
| 5. | Smail LEBBAL , Benoît PIER , Frédéric ALIZARD (2021). |
| | Stability of pulsatile plane channel flow between compliant walls |
| | Congrès des jeunes chercheurs en mécanique - Méca-J, virtuel, France. |
| 6. | Benoît PIER , Peter J. SCHMID (2018). |
| | Optimal energy growth in pulsatile channel and pipe flows |
| | 12th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, Vienna, Austria. |
| 7. | Benoît PIER , Colm-cille CAULFIELD (2017). |
| | Fully Developed Traveling And Modulated Wave Solutions In Eccentric Taylor-Couette-Poiseuille Flow |
| | 16th European Turbulence Conference, Stockholm, Sweden. |
| 8. | Benoît PIER , Peter J. SCHMID (2016). |
| | Linear and nonlinear dynamics of pulsatile channel flows |
| | 11th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, Sevilla, Spain. |
| 9. | Benoît PIER (2014). |
| | Instability of pulsatile channel and pipe flows |
| | 10th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark. |
| 10. | Shyam Sunder GOPALAKRISHNAN, Benoît PIER , Arie BIESHEUVEL (2014). |
| | Structural sensitivity of flow dynamics through aneurysms |
| | 10th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark. |
| 11. | Srikanth DEREBAIL MURALIDHAR, Benoît PIER , Julian F. SCOTT , Rama GOVINDARAJAN (2014). |
| | Exponential growth of disturbances in a boundary layer over a rotating cylinder |
| | 10th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark. |
| 12. | Colin LECLERCQ, Benoît PIER , Julian F. SCOTT (2013). |
| | Absolute instabilities in eccentric Taylor-Couette-Poiseuille flow |
| | Euromech colloquium 547 - Trends in open shear flow instability, Palaiseau, France. |
| 13. | Shyam Sunder GOPALAKRISHNAN, Benoît PIER , Arie BIESHEUVEL (2013). |
| | Stability analyses of flow through an aneurysm: steady and pulsatile flows |
| | 14th European Turbulence Conference (ETC14), Lyon, France. |
| 14. | Shyam Sunder GOPALAKRISHNAN, Benoît PIER , Arie BIESHEUVEL (2013). |
| | Stability analyses of flow through an aneurysm: steady and pulsatile flows |
| | Euromech colloquium 547 - Trends in open shear flow instability, Palaiseau, France. |
| 15. | Colin LECLERCQ, Benoît PIER , Julian F. SCOTT (2013). |
| | Absolute instabilities in eccentric Taylor-Couette-Poiseuille flow |
| | 14th European Turbulence Conference (ETC14), Lyon, France. |
| 16. | Benoît PIER (2013). |
| | Transition near the edge of a rotating disk |
| | 14th European Turbulence Conference (ETC14), Lyon, France. |
| 17. | Shyam Sunder GOPALAKRISHNAN, Benoît PIER , Arie BIESHEUVEL (2012). |
| | Global stability analysis of flow through an aneurysm |
| | 9th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, Rome, Italy. |
| 18. | Colin LECLERCQ, Benoît PIER , Julian F. SCOTT (2012). |
| | Stability of the eccentric Taylor-Couette-Poiseuille flow |
| | 9th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, Rome, Italy. |
| 19. | Benoît PIER , Mukund VASUDEVAN, M. Ehtisham SIDDIQUI, Julian F. SCOTT , Alexandre AZOUZI, Roger MICHELET, Christian NICOT (2012). |
| | Response to localized forcing in a three-dimensional boundary layer |
| | 9th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, Rome, Italy. |
| 20. | Mukund VASUDEVAN, M. Ehtisham SIDDIQUI, Benoît PIER , Julian F. SCOTT , Alexandre AZOUZI, Roger MICHELET, Christian NICOT (2011). |
| | Response to localized forcing of the boundary layer on a rotating disk |
| | EUROMECH colloquium 525 - Instabilities and transition in three-dimensional flows with rotation, Écully, France.  |
| 21. | Colin LECLERCQ, Benoît PIER , Julian F. SCOTT (2011). |
| | Hydrodynamic instabilities in the eccentric Taylor-Couette-Poiseuille flow |
| | EUROMECH colloquium 525 - Instabilities and transition in three-dimensional flows with rotation, Écully, France.  |
| 22. | Shyam Sunder GOPALAKRISHNAN, Benoît PIER , Arie BIESHEUVEL (2011). |
| | Global stability analysis of flow through an aneurysm |
| | EUROMECH colloquium 525 - Instabilities and transition in three-dimensional flows with rotation, Écully, France.  |
| 23. | M. Ehtisham SIDDIQUI, Mukund VASUDEVAN, Benoît PIER , Julian F. SCOTT , Alexandre AZOUZI, Roger MICHELET, Christian NICOT (2011). |
| | Experimental characterisation of turbulent flow régime in the three-dimensional rotating-disk boundary layer |
| | EUROMECH colloquium 525 - Instabilities and transition in three-dimensional flows with rotation, Écully, France.  |
| 24. | Matthew P. JUNIPER , Benoît PIER (2010). |
| | Structural sensitivity calculated with a local stability analysis |
| | 8th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, Bad Reichenhall, Germany. |
| 25. | M. Ehtisham SIDDIQUI, Benoît PIER , Mukund VASUDEVAN, Julian F. SCOTT , Carlo COSSU, Alexandre AZOUZI, Christian NICOT, Roger MICHELET (2010). |
| | Transition and control in rotating-disk boundary layer |
| | 8th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, Bad Reichenhall, Germany. |
| 26. | Benoît PIER (2010). |
| | Periodic and quasiperiodic vortex shedding in the wake of a spinning sphere |
| | 8th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, Bad Reichenhall, Germany. |
| 27. | Benoît PIER , Nigel PEAKE (2008). |
| | Global nonlinear dynamics of thin airfoil wakes |
| | Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference 7, Manchester, United Kingdom. |
| 28. | Benoît PIER , M. Ehtisham SIDDIQUI, Julian F. SCOTT , Lionel LE PENVEN , Alexandre AZOUZI, Patrick DUTHEIL, Roger MICHELET (2008). |
| | Experimental characterization of near transition region in rotating-disk boundary layer |
| | Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference 7, Manchester, United Kingdom. |
| 29. | Benoît PIER (2008). |
| | Caractérisation expérimentale de la région de transition dans la couche limite produite par un disque en rotation |
| | GDR Turbulence, Lyon, France. |
| 30. | Benoît PIER (2006). |
| | Local and global instabilities in the wake of a sphere |
| | Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference 6, Stockholm, Sweden. |
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