| | |articles||thèses/hdr||communications avec actes||communications sans actes| |
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| | articles |
| 1. | Daniel HENRY, Ridha TOUIHRI, Rachida BOUHLILA, Hamda BEN HADID (2012). |
| | Multiple flow solutions in buoyancy induced convection in a porous square box |
| | Water Resour. Res. 48, W10538 (15 pages). doi:10.1029/2012WR011995
| 2. | Ridha TOUIHRI, Anas EL GALLAF, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2011). |
| | Instabilities in a cylindrical cavity heated from below with a free surface. II. Effect of a horizontal magnetic field. |
| | Phys. Rev. E 84, 056303 (13 pages). doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.84.056303
| 3. | Ridha TOUIHRI, Anas EL GALLAF, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2011). |
| | Instabilities in a cylindrical cavity heated from below with a free surface. I. Effect of Biot and Marangoni numbers. |
| | Phys. Rev. E 84, 056302 (19 pages). doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.84.056302
| 4. | Anas EL GALLAF, Ridha TOUIHRI, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2009). |
| | Instabilities and bifurcations due to buoyancy in a cylindrical container heated from below with and without a free surface |
| | C. R. Méc. 337, 716–721. doi:10.1016/j.crme.2009.10.001
| 5. | Ridha TOUIHRI, Hamda BEN HADID, Daniel HENRY (2000). |
| | Bifurcation analysis of convective instabilities in a cylindrical cavity heated from below and submitted to a constant magnetic field |
| | Notes Num. Fluid Mech. 74, 227–239.
| 6. | Ridha TOUIHRI, Hamda BEN HADID, Daniel HENRY (1999). |
| | On the onset of convective instabilities in cylindrical cavities heated from below. I. Pure thermal case |
| | Phys. Fluids 11, 2078–2088. doi:10.1063/1.870070
| 7. | Ridha TOUIHRI, Hamda BEN HADID, Daniel HENRY (1999). |
| | Stabilisation par champ magnétique de la convection en cavité cylindrique chauffée par le bas. |
| | Journal de Chimie Physique 96, 1098–1104.
| 8. | Ridha TOUIHRI, Hamda BEN HADID, Daniel HENRY (1999). |
| | On the onset of convective instabilities in cylindrical cavities heated from below. II. Effect of a magnetic field |
| | Phys. Fluids 11, 2089–2100. doi:10.1063/1.870071
| 9. | Hamda BEN HADID, Ridha TOUIHRI, Daniel HENRY (1998). |
| | MHD damped convection under non uniform magnetic fields. |
| | Advances Space Research 22, 1213–1216. doi:10.1016/S0273-1177(98)00149-5
| 10. | Ridha TOUIHRI, Hamda BEN HADID, Daniel HENRY (1998). |
| | Effect of a constant and uniform magnetic field on Rayleigh-Bénard instabilities in cylindrical cavities |
| | Advances in Fluid Mechanics 21, 161–170.
| 11. | Hamda BEN HADID, Daniel HENRY, Ridha TOUIHRI (1997). |
| | Unsteady three-dimensional buoyancy-driven convection in a circular cylindrical cavity and its damping by magnetic field. |
| | J. Cryst. Growth 180, 433–441. doi:10.1016/S0022-0248(97)00291-1
| | |
| | thèses/hdr |
| 1. | Ridha TOUIHRI (dir.: Hamda BEN HADID, Daniel HENRY) (1998). |
| | Stabilité des écoulements dans une cavité cylindrique chauffée par le bas en présence d'un champ magnétique |
| | Thèse École centrale de Lyon |
| | |
| | communications avec actes |
| 1. | Anas EL GALLAF, Ridha TOUIHRI, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2009). |
| | Structures convectives dans les écoulements à surface libre. |
| | 19ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Marseille, France. |
| | In: Actes du 19ème Congrès français de mécanique, Association Française de Mécanique, Courbevoie.
| 2. | Ridha TOUIHRI, Hamda BEN HADID, Daniel HENRY (1997). |
| | Onset of convective instabilities in a cylinder heated from below: stabilization by a vertical or horizontal magnetic field |
| | Third international conference on "Transfer phenomena in magneto-hydrodynamic and electro-conducting flows", Aussois, France. |
| | In: Transfer phenomena in magneto-hydrodynamic and electro-conducting flows, MHD Pamir publications, Grenoble, Vol. 2 (363-369 pages).
| | |
| | communications sans actes |
| 1. | Daniel HENRY, Ridha TOUIHRI, Rachida BOUHLILA, Hamda BEN HADID (2011). |
| | Bifurcation analysis of salt induced convection in a porous square cavity. |
| | 4th International Symposium on Bifurcations and Instabilities in Fluid Dynamics, Barcelona, Spain. |
| 2. | Daniel HENRY, Ridha TOUIHRI, Anas EL GALLAF, Hamda BEN HADID (2011). |
| | Action d?un champ magnétique sur les instabilités dans un cylindre chauffé avec surface libre. |
| | 10ème Congrès de Mécanique, Oujda, Morocco. |
| 3. | Anas EL GALLAF, Ridha TOUIHRI, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2009). |
| | Stabilization of thermally induced melt flows by rotating or constant magnetic fields |
| | 6th International Conference on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials (EPM2009), Dresden, Germany. |
| 4. | Ridha TOUIHRI, Anas EL GALLAF, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2009). |
| | Numerical simulation of nonlinear dynamics of Marangoni-Rayleigh-Bénard convection |
| | Tam-Tam09 4ème Colloque sur les Tendances dans les Applications Mathématiques en Tunisie, Algérie et Maroc, Kénitra, Morocco. |
| 5. | Ridha TOUIHRI, Anas EL GALLAF, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2009). |
| | Nonlinear analysis of convective instabilities in heated cylindrical cavities |
| | JITH 2009 - 14èmes Journées Internationales de Thermique, Djerba, Tunisia. |
| 6. | Daniel HENRY, Ridha TOUIHRI, Anas EL GALLAF, Hamda BEN HADID (2009). |
| | Etude de la dynamique des écoulements de convection en cavitées chauffées |
| | 9ème Congrès de Mécanique, Marrakech, Morocco. |
| 7. | Anas EL GALLAF, Ridha TOUIHRI, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2009). |
| | Instabilities and bifurcations in a circular container heated from below and with a free surface |
| | 3rd International Symposium on Bifurcations and Instabilities in Fluid Dynamics, Nottingham, United Kingdom. |
| 8. | Ridha TOUIHRI, Hamda BEN HADID, Daniel HENRY (2008). |
| | Numerical analysis of nonlinear convective instabilities in MHD for cylindrical geometry |
| | ICAMEM 2008 - Fourth International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics, Sousse, Tunisia. |
| 9. | Ridha TOUIHRI, Hamda BEN HADID, Daniel HENRY (2008). |
| | Nonlinear analysis of convective instabilities in cylincrical cavity heated from below and submitted to magnetic field |
| | JTET'08 - Journées Tunisiennes sur les Ecoulements et les Transferts, Bizerte, Tunisia. |
| 10. | Anas EL GALLAF, Ridha TOUIHRI, Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID (2008). |
| | Instabilités dans une cavité cylindrique chauffée par le bas avec surface libre |
| | GDR Micropesanteur Fondamentale et Appliquée, Aussois, France. |
| 11. | Daniel HENRY, Hamda BEN HADID, Slim KADDECHE, Ridha TOUIHRI, T.P. LYUBIMOVA, Anne JUEL (2007). |
| | Magnetic stabilization of melt flows in horizontal Bridgman configurations |
| | Ampere meeting: creation of a european structure on magneto-sciences, Paris, France. |
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