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1.Gui Xiang CUI, Haibing B. ZHOU, Zhao Shun ZHANG, Liang SHAOorcid_16x16.png (2004).
A new dynamic subgrid eddy viscosity model with application to turbulent channel flow
Phys. Fluids 16, 2835–2842. doi:10.1063/1.1762911 doi.ico openalex-16x16.png
2.Gui Xiang CUI, Haibing B. ZHOU, Zhao Shun ZHANG, Liang SHAOorcid_16x16.png (2004).
New subgrid model for LES and its application
Chinese Journal of Computational Physics 21, 289–293.
3.Haibing B. ZHOU, Gui Xiang CUI, Zhao Shun ZHANG, Liang SHAOorcid_16x16.png (2002).
Dependence of turbulent scalar flux on molecular Prandtl number
Phys. Fluids 14, 2388–2394. doi:10.1063/1.1485764 doi.ico openalex-16x16.png
4.Haibing B. ZHOU, Gui Xiang CUI, Zhao Shun ZHANG, Liang SHAOorcid_16x16.png (2002).
The effect of transportation of passive scalar in the homogeneous turbulence with different molecular Prandtl numbers.
Acta Mech. Sin. 34.
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