| | |articles||conférences invitées||communications avec actes||communications sans actes| |
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| | articles |
| 1. | Mathieu CREYSSELS , Simon L. PRIGENT , Yixian ZHOU, Xin JIANJIN, Christian NICOT, Philippe CARRIÈRE (2015). |
| | Laminar heat transfer in the MLLM static mixer |
| | Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 81, 774–783. doi:10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2014.10.064
| 2. | Gabriel ARÉVALO, Rodrigo H. HERNÁNDEZ, Christian NICOT, Frédéric PLAZA (2010). |
| | Particle image velocimetry measurements of vortex rings head-on collision with a heated vertical plate |
| | Phys. Fluids 22, 053604 (8 pages). doi:10.1063/1.3410800
| 3. | Gabriel ARÉVALO, Rodrigo H. HERNÁNDEZ, Christian NICOT, Frédéric PLAZA (2007). |
| | Vortex ring head-on collision with a heated vertical plate |
| | Phys. Fluids 19, 083603 (9 pages). doi:10.1063/1.2759880
| 4. | Elena SANZ GARCÍA, Christian NICOT, Rémy POINT, Frédéric PLAZA (2007). |
| | Study of transition to turbulence of a boundary layer on a tilted flat plate using heat transfer measurement |
| | J. Therm. Sci. 16, 186–191. doi:10.1007/s11630-007-0186-z
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| | conférences invitées |
| 1. | Frédéric PLAZA, Elena SANZ GARCÍA, Rémy POINT, Christian NICOT (2007). |
| | Influence of surface micromorphology on the turbulent boundary layer |
| | 7th International Symposium on Advanced Fluid Information : AFI/TFI 2007, Sendai, Japan. |
| | In: Proceedings of AFI/TFI 2007, , .
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| | communications avec actes |
| 1. | Mathieu CREYSSELS , M. ORLOV, C. WANG, Christian NICOT, Xavier ESCRIVA (2017). |
| | Étude du transfert thermique dans un réacteur-échangeur à écoulement laminaire |
| | 23 ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Lille, France. |
| | In: Actes du 23 ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Association Française de Mécanique, Courbevoie, 133716 (8 pages).
| 2. | Mathieu CREYSSELS , Simon L. PRIGENT , Yixian ZHOU, Jianjin XIN, Christian NICOT, Philippe CARRIÈRE (2013). |
| | Propriétés thermiques d'un mélangeur chaotique statique |
| | Congrès Français de Thermique 2013 : Thermique et contexte incertain, Gerardmer, France. |
| | In: Actes du Congrès Français de Thermique, Société Française de Thermique, Paris, France, 6173 (8 pages).
| | pdf |
| 3. | Antoine MOS, Julien LE CLANCHE, Pietro SALIZZONI , Mathieu CREYSSELS , Christian NICOT (2013). |
| | Impact of fire source characteristics and wall heat losses on smoke behaviour in a longitudinally ventilated reduced scale model tunnel : experiments and numerical simulations |
| | 15th International Symposium on Aerodynamics, Ventilation & Fire in Tunnels, Barcelona, Spain. |
| | In: Proccedings of the 15th International Symposium on Aerodynamics, Ventilation and Fire in Tunnels, BHR Group, Bedfordshire, UK, 189–202.
| 4. | Mathieu CREYSSELS , Simon L. PRIGENT , Yixian ZHOU, Jianjin XIN, Christian NICOT, Philippe CARRIÈRE (2013). |
| | Etude de l'efficacité thermique d'un échangeur chaotique |
| | SFGP 2013, Lyon, France. |
| | In: Récents Progrès en Génie des Procédés, Lavoisier, Cachan, France, sfgp2013120656 (8 pages).
| 5. | Mukund VASUDEVAN, M. Ehtisham SIDDIQUI, Benoît PIER , Julian F. SCOTT , Alexandre AZOUZI, Roger MICHELET, Christian NICOT (2011). |
| | Response to rotating forcing of the von-Kármán disk boundary layer |
| | 13th European Turbulence Conference (ETC13), Warsaw, Poland. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/318/3/032023  |
| | In: Journal of Physics : Conference Series Volume 318, IOP, London, 032023. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/318/3/032023
| 6. | Elena SANZ GARCÍA, Christian NICOT, Rémy POINT, Frédéric PLAZA (2007). |
| | Transition to turbulence of a boundary layer on a tilted flat plate using heat transfer measurements |
| | 8th International Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows, Lyon, France. |
| | In: Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows, , .
| 7. | Elena SANZ GARCÍA, Christian NICOT, Rémy POINT, Frédéric PLAZA (2006). |
| | Dynamics of convective heat transfer in a boundary layer submitted to freestream turbulence |
| | 13th International Heat Transfer Conference, IHTC-13, Sydney, Australia. doi:10.1615/IHTC13.p1  |
| | In: Annals of the Assembly for International Heat Transfer Conference 13, , . doi:10.1615/IHTC13.p1
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| | communications sans actes |
| 1. | Mathieu CREYSSELS , Simon L. PRIGENT , Y. ZHOU, Xin JIANJIN, Christian NICOT, Philippe CARRIÈRE (2014). |
| | Experimental and numerical investigations of heat transfer in a static and chaotic mixer |
| | 10th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark. |
| 2. | Benoît PIER , Mukund VASUDEVAN, M. Ehtisham SIDDIQUI, Julian F. SCOTT , Alexandre AZOUZI, Roger MICHELET, Christian NICOT (2012). |
| | Response to localized forcing in a three-dimensional boundary layer |
| | 9th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, Rome, Italy. |
| 3. | M. Ehtisham SIDDIQUI, Mukund VASUDEVAN, Benoît PIER , Julian F. SCOTT , Alexandre AZOUZI, Roger MICHELET, Christian NICOT (2011). |
| | Experimental characterisation of turbulent flow régime in the three-dimensional rotating-disk boundary layer |
| | EUROMECH colloquium 525 - Instabilities and transition in three-dimensional flows with rotation, Écully, France.  |
| 4. | Mukund VASUDEVAN, M. Ehtisham SIDDIQUI, Benoît PIER , Julian F. SCOTT , Alexandre AZOUZI, Roger MICHELET, Christian NICOT (2011). |
| | Response to localized forcing of the boundary layer on a rotating disk |
| | EUROMECH colloquium 525 - Instabilities and transition in three-dimensional flows with rotation, Écully, France.  |
| 5. | M. Ehtisham SIDDIQUI, Benoît PIER , Mukund VASUDEVAN, Julian F. SCOTT , Carlo COSSU, Alexandre AZOUZI, Christian NICOT, Roger MICHELET (2010). |
| | Transition and control in rotating-disk boundary layer |
| | 8th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, Bad Reichenhall, Germany. |
| 6. | Elena SANZ GARCÍA, Christian NICOT, Frédéric PLAZA (2006). |
| | Mesure de flux thermique convectif sur des surfaces rugueuses |
| | Congrès Français de Thermique, Ile de Ré, France. |
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