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1.B. GRESCHNER, Julien GRILLIAT, Marc C. JACOBorcid_16x16.png, F. THIELE (2010).
Measurements and wall modeled LES simulation of trailing edge noise caused by a turbulent boundary layer
Int. J. Aeroacoustics 9, 329–355. doi:10.1260/1475-472X.9.3.329 doi.ico hal.ico openalex-16x16.png
2.D. ESCHRICHT, B. GRESCHNER, F. THIELE, Marc C. JACOBorcid_16x16.png (2009).
Numerical simulation of jet mixing noise associated with engine exhausts
Notes Num. Fluid Mech. 104, 121–146. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-89956-3_6 doi.ico hal.ico openalex-16x16.png
3.B. GRESCHNER, F. THIELE, Marc C. JACOBorcid_16x16.png, Damiano CASALINO (2008).
Prediction of sound generated by a rod?airfoil configuration using EASM DES and the generalised Lighthill/FW-H analogy
Comput. Fluids 37, 402–413. doi:10.1016/j.compfluid.2007.02.013 doi.ico hal.ico openalex-16x16.png
4.J. YAN, F. THIELE, Marc BUFFAT (2004).
A turbulence model sensitivity study for CH4/H2 bluff-body stabilized flames
Flow Turbul. Combust. 73, 1–24.
*.B. GRESCHNER (dir.: F. THIELE, Marc C. JACOB) (2015).
Numerische Simulation des Breitbandlärms in Turbomaschinen mittels improved delayed detached Eddy Simulation
Thèse Technische Universität Berlin
ISBN: 978-3-7431-1273-5
communications avec actes
1.B. GRESCHNER, F. THIELE, Julien GRILLIAT, Marc C. JACOBorcid_16x16.png (2009).
Broadband noise prediction of trailing edge noise caused by a turbulent boundary layer using an Improved Delayed Detached Eddy Simulation (IDDES)
16th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2009 (ICSV16), Krakow, Poland.
In: Malcolm J. CROCKER (Ed.), Proceedings of the 16th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2009 (ICSV16), International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration & POD: Curran Associates, Inc. ( Mar 2010 ), Auburn (Alabam) & Red Hook (New York), 2096–2107.
Vol 4;
2.D. ESCHRICHT, L. PANEK, J. YAN, F. THIELE, Marc C. JACOBorcid_16x16.png (2007).
Noise prediction of a serrated nozzle using a hybrid approach
14th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Caims, Australia. hal.ico
In: Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, IIAV, Mechanical Engineering Department 270 Ross Hall Auburn University Auburn, AL 36849, USA. hal.ico
3.B. GRESCHNER, S. PETH, Y.J. MOON, J.H. SEO, Marc C. JACOBorcid_16x16.png, F. THIELE (2007).
Three-dimensional predictions of rod wake-airfoil interaction noise by hybrid methods
14th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Caims, Australia.
In: Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, IIAV, Mechanical Engineering Department 270 Ross Hall Auburn University Auburn, AL 36849, USA.
4.B. GRESCHNER, S. PETH, Y.J. MOON, J.H. SEO, Marc C. JACOBorcid_16x16.png, F. THIELE (2007).
Three-dimensional predictions of the rod wake-airfoil interaction noise by hybrid methods
14th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Caims, Australia. hal.ico
In: Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, IIAV, Mechanical Engineering Department 270 Ross Hall Auburn University Auburn, AL 36849, USA. hal.ico
5.B. GRESCHNER, F. THIELE, A. GURR, Damiano CASALINO, Marc C. JACOBorcid_16x16.png (2006).
Prediction of sound generated by a rod-airfoil configuration using a cubic EASM-DES and the generalised Lighthill/FW-H analogy
12th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States. doi:10.2514/6.2006-2628 doi.ico hal.ico
In: Proceedings of the 12th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, AIAA, Reston, Virginia, USA, AIAA 2006-2628. doi:10.2514/6.2006-2628 doi.ico hal.ico
6.Marc C. JACOBorcid_16x16.png, Amine BEN YAHIA, Damiano CASALINO, D. ESCHRICHT, F. THIELE (2006).
Leapfrogging of two vortex-rings as test case for volume source computations
12th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States. doi:10.2514/6.2006-2483 doi.ico hal.ico
In: Proceedings of the 12th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, AIAA, Reston, Virginia, USA, AIAA 2006-2483 (13 pages). doi:10.2514/6.2006-2483 doi.ico hal.ico
7.S. PETH, Y.J. MOON, F. THIELE, Marc C. JACOBorcid_16x16.png (2006).
Noise source identification for the rod wake-airfoil interactions
European Conference of Computational Fluid Dynamics, ECCOMAS CFD 2006, Egmond aan Zee, Netherlands. hal.ico
In: Proceedings ECCOMAS CFD 2006, , . hal.ico
communications sans actes
1.S. PETH, J.H. SEO, Y.J. MOON, Marc C. JACOBorcid_16x16.png, F. THIELE (2006).
A Parallel CFD-CAA computation of aerodynamic noise for cylinder wake - airfoil interactions
PARCFD 2006, Busan, Korea, Republic of. hal.ico
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