| | |articles||communications avec actes| |
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| | articles |
| 1. | J.-C. TISSERAND, Mathieu CREYSSELS , Y. GASTEUIL, H. PABIOU, M. GIBERT, Bernard CASTAING, Francesca CHILLÀ (2011). |
| | Comparison between rough and smooth plates within the same Rayleigh-Bénard cell |
| | Phys. Fluids 23, 015105 (9 pages). doi:10.1063/1.3540665
| | |
| | communications avec actes |
| 1. | J.-C. TISSERAND, Mathieu CREYSSELS , Y. GASTEUIL, H. PABIOU, M. GIBERT, Bernard CASTAING, Francesca CHILLÀ (2011). |
| | Rough horizontal plates : Heat transfer and hysteresis |
| | 13th European Turbulence Conference (ETC13), Warsaw, Poland. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/318/5/052039  |
| | In: Journal of Physics : Conference Series Volume 318, IOP, London, 052039. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/318/5/052039
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