| | |articles||thèses/hdr||communications avec actes| |
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| | articles |
| 1. | Claudio CANUTO, Luca F. PAVARINO, Alexandre PIERI (2014). |
| | BDDC preconditioners for continuous and discontinuous Galerkin methods using spectral/hp elements with variable local polynomial degree |
| | IMA J. Numer. Anal. 34, 879–903. doi:10.1093/imanum/drt037
| 2. | Alexandre PIERI, Fabien S. GODEFERD, Claude CAMBON, Bérengère DUBRULLE, S. THALABARD (2014). |
| | Cross-helicity in rotating homogeneous shear-stratified turbulence |
| | Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 114501 (5 pages). doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.112.114501
| 3. | Alexandre PIERI, Fabien S. GODEFERD, Claude CAMBON, Abdelaziz SALHI (2013). |
| | Non-geostrophic instabilities of an equilibrium baroclinic state |
| | J. Fluid Mech. 734, 535–566. doi:10.1017/jfm.2013.478
| 4. | Alexandre PIERI, Claude CAMBON, Fabien S. GODEFERD, Abdelaziz SALHI (2012). |
| | Linearized potential vorticity mode and its role in transition to baroclinic instability |
| | Phys. Fluids 24, 076603 (19 pages). doi:10.1063/1.4731294
| | |
| | thèses/hdr |
| 1. | Alexandre PIERI (dir.: Fabien S. GODEFERD) (2012). |
| | Turbulence barocline : effets couplés de rotation, stratification et cisaillement |
| | Thèse École centrale de Lyon |
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| | communications avec actes |
| 1. | Alexandre PIERI, Claude CAMBON, Fabien S. GODEFERD (2011). |
| | A study of homogeneous turbulence within a baroclinic context |
| | 13th European Turbulence Conference (ETC13), Warsaw, Poland. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/318/8/082023 |
| | In: Journal of Physics : Conference Series Volume 318, IOP, London, 082023. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/318/8/082023
| 2. | Alexandre PIERI, Abdelaziz SALHI, Claude CAMBON, Fabien S. GODEFERD (2011). |
| | Linearized potential vorticity mode and its role in transition to baroclinic instability |
| | 13th European Turbulence Conference (ETC13), Warsaw, Poland. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/318/8/082024 |
| | In: Journal of Physics : Conference Series Volume 318, IOP, London, 082204. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/318/8/082024
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