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1.Abdessamed MEDELFEForcid_16x16.png, Daniel HENRYorcid_16x16.png, Slim KADDECHEorcid_16x16.png, Faiza MOKHTARI, Samia BOUARABorcid_16x16.png, Valéry BOTTONorcid_16x16.png, Ahcéne BOUABDALLAH (2023).
Linear stability of natural convection in a differentially heated shallow cavity submitted to high-frequency horizontal vibrations
Phys. Fluids 35, 084107 (20 pages). doi:10.1063/5.0159867 doi.ico hal.ico openalex-16x16.png
2.Faiza MOKHTARI, Slim KADDECHEorcid_16x16.png, Daniel HENRYorcid_16x16.png, Samia BOUARABorcid_16x16.png, Abdessamed MEDELFEForcid_16x16.png, Valéry BOTTONorcid_16x16.png (2020).
Three-dimensional effect of high frequency vibration on convection in silicon melt
Phys. Rev. Fluids 5, 123501 (23 pages). doi:10.1103/PhysRevFluids.5.123501 doi.ico hal.ico openalex-16x16.png
3.Samia BOUARABorcid_16x16.png, Faiza MOKHTARI, Slim KADDECHEorcid_16x16.png, Daniel HENRYorcid_16x16.png, Valéry BOTTONorcid_16x16.png, Abdessamed MEDELFEForcid_16x16.png (2020).
Effect of high frequency vibrations on PV silicon purification
J. Cryst. Growth 529, 125298 (12 pages). doi:10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2019.125298 doi.ico hal.ico openalex-16x16.png
4.Abdessamed MEDELFEForcid_16x16.png, Daniel HENRYorcid_16x16.png, Ahcéne BOUABDALLAH, Slim KADDECHEorcid_16x16.png (2019).
Bifurcations from steady to quasi-periodic flows in a laterally heated cavity filled with low Prandtl number fluids
J. Fluid Mech. 861, 223–252. doi:10.1017/jfm.2018.912 doi.ico hal.ico openalex-16x16.png
5.Samia BOUARABorcid_16x16.png, Faiza MOKHTARI, Slim KADDECHEorcid_16x16.png, Daniel HENRYorcid_16x16.png, Valéry BOTTONorcid_16x16.png, Abdessamed MEDELFEForcid_16x16.png (2019).
Theoretical and numerical study on high frequency vibrational convection: influence of the vibration direction on the flow structure
Phys. Fluids 31, 043605 (10 pages). doi:10.1063/1.5090264 doi.ico hal.ico openalex-16x16.png
6.Abdessamed MEDELFEForcid_16x16.png, Daniel HENRYorcid_16x16.png, Ahcéne BOUABDALLAH, Slim KADDECHEorcid_16x16.png, Redouane BOUSSAA (2017).
Effect of rotation on the stability of side-heated buoyant convection between infinite horizontal walls
Phys. Rev. Fluids 2, 093902 (29 pages). doi:10.1103/PhysRevFluids.2.093902 doi.ico hal.ico openalex-16x16.png
1.Abdessamed MEDELFEForcid_16x16.png (dir.: Daniel HENRY, Ahcéne BOUABDALLAH) (2019).
Transition d’écoulements en cavité chauffée latéralement : Application à la croissance cristalline.
Thèse École centrale de Lyon hal.ico
communications avec actes
1.Abdessamed MEDELFEForcid_16x16.png, Daniel HENRYorcid_16x16.png, Ahcéne BOUABDALLAH, Redouane BOUSSAA, Slim KADDECHEorcid_16x16.png, Valéry BOTTONorcid_16x16.png (2017).
A three dimensional numerical study of rotating buoyant convection in a side heated cavity
23 ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Lille, France.
In: Actes du 23 ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Association Française de Mécanique, Courbevoie, 134810 (9 pages).
communications sans actes
1.Abdessamed MEDELFEForcid_16x16.png, Slim KADDECHEorcid_16x16.png, Daniel HENRYorcid_16x16.png, Faiza MOKHTARI, Valéry BOTTONorcid_16x16.png, Samia BOUARABorcid_16x16.png (2022).
Effect of high-frequency vibrations on the stability of differentially heated natural convection flow
Congrès Français de Mécanique 2022, Nantes, France.
2.Abdessamed MEDELFEForcid_16x16.png, Daniel HENRYorcid_16x16.png, Ahcéne BOUABDALLAH, Slim KADDECHEorcid_16x16.png (2018).
Bifurcation analysis of laterally heated buoyant convection in low-Prandtl number fluids
12th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, Vienna, Austria.
3.Abdessamed MEDELFEForcid_16x16.png, Daniel HENRYorcid_16x16.png, Ahcéne BOUABDALLAH, Slim KADDECHEorcid_16x16.png, Redouane BOUSSAA (2017).
Stabilité de la convection naturelle due à un gradient de température horizontal dans un fluide en rotation uniforme
13ème Congrès de Mécanique, Meknès, Morocco.
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